torsdag 14 januari 2021

Reseintyg för covidvaccinerade svenskar dröjer - SVT

Reseintyg för covidvaccinerade svenskar dröjer

Danmark lägger sista handen vid ett intyg om genomförd covid-19-vaccination som i första hand är tänkt att underlätta för personer som behöver resa utomlands. Men här i Sverige ser ett liknande intyg ut att dröja.

I Danmark jobbar regeringen med att utveckla ett vaccinpass, ett intyg som kan bekräfta att en person är vaccinerad mot covid-19.

Till DR skriver skriver det danska hälsodepartementet att man till att börja med tänker sig att det ska vara till hjälp för personer som behöver resa till andra länder som kan komma att ställa krav på vaccination före inresan.

Den som fått vaccinet ska själv kunna printa ut intyget och departementet räknar med att den lösningen ska kunna finnas på plats under våren.

Här i Sverige är arbetet med vaccinpass inte alls lika långt gånget. Än så länge har ingen myndighet fått regeringens uppdrag att ta fram en lösning för ett intyg.

- Vi vill absolut se ett vaccinationsintyg men vi tror att ju fler länder som omfattas, om det är EU eller ännu hellre WHO, som sätter ramarna för det här desto bättre och desto större betydelse får ju ett sådant intyg, säger socialminister Lena Hallengren (S) till TT.

Sverige deltar på olika sätt i processer som pågår på EU-nivå för att ta reda på hur ett EU-gemensamt system för vaccinationsintyg skulle kunna se ut.

Ett sådant system bygger på att länderna kan enas om vad som krävs för de intyg som utfärdas.

- Jag tror att det är viktigt att tänka på när man ska använda ett sådant här intyg. Hur ska det å ena sida öppna dörrar men också stänga för människor som kanske inte är vaccinerade än. Det är dels en fråga om hur intyget ska konstrueras. Men jag tänker mig också att det finns, och kommer att behöva finnas, en diskussion om i vilka sammanhang det är relevant att ställa de kraven kontra kanske motsvarande krav på att man visar upp intyg på att man inte har covid, säger Lena Hallengren.

Även om ingen myndighet ännu fått uppdraget att ta fram ett vaccinpass så har E-hälsomyndigheten tilldelats en samordningsroll.

Myndighetens uppgift är att inom ramen för den pågående EU-samverkan från Sveriges sida koordinera, delta i diskussioner och svara på frågor om svenska förutsättningar.

Även Folkhälsomyndigheten är med på en kant.

- Ja, vi har diskussioner både på EU-nivå och på WHO-nivå. Vi är inte direkt inblandade, men vi följer dem. Vi kommer också träffa Estland för att titta på deras förslag till en digital lösning. Det handlar i första hand om ett intyg som kan bli aktuellt vid resor, säger Folkhälsomyndighetens statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell till TT.

Att Sverige inte, likt Danmark, satsat på att snabbt ta fram ett pappersintyg är inte ett förbiseende utan en medveten strategi.

I överenskommelsen mellan staten och Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner (SKR) om genomförande av vaccinering konstateras att intyg om vaccinering kan komma att krävas för till exempel inresa i vissa länder. Men självprintade pappersintyg tros inte vara tillräckligt och inte accepteras internationellt.

Lena Hallengren säger att hon inte har någon uppfattning om när ett vaccinintyg för svenskar kan finnas på plats.

- Nej, jag kan inte ha det för det ligger inte i våra händer. (TT)

SVT · Ylva Larsson 

Norwegian lägger ner långdistansflyg -SVT

Norwegian lägger ner långdistansflyg

Det är den pågående pandemin som orsakat en kraftig minskning av efterfrågan på framförallt långdistansflyg, något som i sin tur har gjort att Norwegians långdistansverksamhet – enligt bolaget självt – inte är hållbar. Bolaget har därför nu valt att avveckla den. Foto: Ørn E. Borgen / TT 

Det är den pågående pandemin som orsakat en kraftig minskning av efterfrågan på framförallt långdistansflyg, något som i sin tur har gjort att Norwegians långdistansverksamhet – enligt bolaget självt – inte är hållbar. Bolaget har därför nu valt att avveckla den.

– Vårt viktigaste fokus nu är att bygga ett starkt och lönsamt Norwegian så att vi kan behålla så många arbetsplatser som möjligt. Det kommer att ta lång tid innan efterfrågan på långdistansresor kommer tillbaka och därför har vi valt att fokusera på ett starkt europeiskt linjenät när vi kommer ut ur reorganiseringsprocessen, säger Norwegians koncernchef Jacob Schram i pressmeddelandet.

Norwegian kommer dock att ha kvar inrikesresor i Norge, resor i Norden samt mellan Norden och andra destinationer i Europa.

Påverkar många

Beslutet att sluta flyga långdistans kommer att drabba många medarbetare, enligt bolaget.

– Det här beslutet kommer dessvärre påverka många av våra medarbetare och är därför ett tungt beslut att fatta. Jag vill rikta ett stort tack till alla berörda kollegor för deras mångåriga insats på Norwegian, säger Jacob Schram.

Kunder med bokningar som berörs av ändringarna kommer att bli kontaktade och framtida resor som ställs in kommer att återbetalas. 

The Chonburi Public Health Department this morning at 8:00 A.M. (January 14th) announced 10 new confirmed cases of the Covid-19 Coronavirus in Chonburi which were discovered in Si Racha, Banglamung, and Sattahip. - Pattaya News

Chonburi announces 10 new cases of Covid – 19, new confirmed cases continue to decline


The Chonburi Public Health Department this morning at 8:00 A.M. (January 14th) announced 10 new confirmed cases of the Covid-19 Coronavirus in Chonburi which were discovered in Si Racha, Banglamung, and Sattahip.

Chonburi now has a total of 630 cases of Covid-19 and one previous death from this recent round of Covid-19 cases and infections. The death was a 47-year-old woman with previous health issues.

Today's cases saw four in Banglamung, four in Si Racha, and two are in Sattahip.

The Banglamung cases involve one person visiting a brewery in Si Racha and three close contacts of prior confirmed cases.

The Si Racha cases include a medical staff member, one person who visited a bar that is a prominent source of recent infections, a close contact of a prior patient, and a foreign national (Japanese) who visited a bar in Si Racha that had prior infections.

The two confirmed cases in Sattahip are from 'Rong Beer Pa Dang', a previous cluster of infections in the Si Racha area.

Today is the lowest number of cases in the Chonburi area in over two weeks, beating yesterday's record low of fourteen cases as the situation appears to be being brought under control by the Chonburi Public Health Department thanks to testing and tracing procedures.

14/1. Inte bra siffror (min kommentar)

Thailand’s first factory quarantine facility up and running - The Nation

Thailand's first factory quarantine facility up and running

Jan 14. 2021


Pattaya Food Group (PFG) has converted its factory in Samut Sakhon into the country's first factory quarantine facility for treating and isolating Covid-19 patients, the government's Covid-19 Information Centre posted on its Facebook page on Wednesday.

"The factory used to manufacture canned foods under the Nautilus brand, but it is now a 600-bed quarantine facility," the centre said.

"The facility is divided into three zones: a green zone in front is the reception area, a yellow zone is where medical professionals are stationed and where they will change their clothes, and a red zone will house infected patients," it said.

The centre also said the red zone features a dining area, toilets, shower rooms, a washing room and an exercise area. Patients will not be allowed to leave this zone until they are cleared of the virus.

The centre thanked PFG for being socially responsible and being a role model for other businesses to convert their facilities for Covid-19 treatment and quarantine.

On Wednesday, Samut Sakhon reported 208 new Covid-19 cases, with the number of accumulated cases in the province being 3,760 patients as of now. Some 320 are undergoing hospital treatment, 564 have been cured and one person has died. The province has 1,032 persons under quarantine, while 1,843 were announced clear of the virus.

Cold and deserted: The story of two of Thailand’s most popular destinations - Thai Visa

Cold and deserted: The story of two of Thailand's most popular destinations




Thai media in both Pattaya and Chiang Mai had similar stories to tell. 


Places were deserted and cold. 


Pictures published by Siam Chon News overnight showed that Soi Dogs were the only ones out in Pattaya since the resort was placed in the highest level of Red Zone Covid-19 restrictions. 


Seats and the sands were empty and the roads were almost bereft of traffic.


A temperature sign at the Met Office read 19.3C.


In the north Chiang admin reported with pictures of a deserted area at the Night Bazaar.



Picture: Chiang Mai108


But they found some comfort in the warmth from an infrequently used heater in their car.


Temperatures were at 15C in Muang district last night. 


Thailand is experiencing a cold snap in its upper areas this week with earlier reports suggesting that the cold weather will continue until early next week. 


Sources: Siam Chon News Chiang Mai108 



Golf quarantine in Thailand now available at six government-approved golf resorts - TAT News

Golf quarantine in Thailand now available at six government-approved golf resorts




Bangkok, 13 January, 2021 – The Ministry of Public Health's Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) for COVID-19 recently announced a list of government-approved golf resorts to allow foreign golfers with advance arrangements for golfing in Thailand an opportunity to undergo a golf quarantine as an alternative local state quarantine option.


Thailand approved golf quarantine for foreign golfers in December 2020, and this list of six approved golf resorts is the result of strict audits, which include inspecting the checklist and certifying the overall standard according to the criteria.


The six government-certified golf resorts for golf quarantine in Thailand include three in Kanchanaburi: Mida Golf Club, Evergreen Hills Golf Club and Blue Star Golf Course, and one each in Nakhon Nayok: Artitaya Golf & Resort; Phetchaburi: Sawang Resort and Golf Club, and Chiang Mai: Artitaya Chiang Mai Golf & Resort.


Mida Golf Club is located west of Kanchanaburi and is a regulation par-72 course laid out over 800 acres with multiple room types available. It has a driving range, practice areas, and swimming pool.


Evergreen Hills Golf Club, also in Kanchanaburi, has a 97-room resort, clubhouse, restaurant, driving range, tennis court, and swimming pool.


Blue Star Golf Course, also in Kanchanaburi, is a par 72, 7,000-yard course with a choice of accommodation and room types, clubhouse, driving range, and practice areas.


Artitaya Golf & Resort in Nakhon Nayok offers a challenging 18-hole layout supported by the resort, golf clubhouse and restaurant.


Sawang Resort and Golf Club in Phetchaburi is an 18-hole international quality course with hotel, restaurant, driving range, swimming pool, clubhouse, and pro shop.


Artitaya Chiang Mai Golf & Resort in Chiang Mai is an 18-hole course measuring 7,329 yards from the back tees. It has a restaurant and clubhouse.


Foreign golfers wishing to visit Thailand during this time will be allowed to spend their two-week quarantine period at any of the six certified golf resorts and move around in the resort environment and also play golf, rather than just having to isolate in their rooms.


However, golfers still need to have all of their advance arrangements in good order for arrival and entry, including a visa, which can include a Single-Entry Tourist Visa (TR) or a Special Tourist Visa (STV); medical and travel insurance; and a Certificate of Entry, to name but a few.


Thailand remains a golfer's paradise even during the COVID-19 pandemic. With fewer players on the links, it is now easier to book tee times, and the pace of play is much faster than ever with less wear and tear over the last year as well. 


Golf courses in Thailand also retain their great value for money, and some now offer special quarantine packages with discounted green fees and special amenities.



Thailand will be able to celebrate Songkran this year, providing the number of coronavirus infections continue to fall, the deputy health minister has said. - Thai Visa

All being well, Thailand will celebrate Songkran this year: Health Ministry



Image: Reuters file photo


Thailand will be able to celebrate Songkran this year, providing the number of coronavirus infections continue to fall, the deputy health minister has said.


The Songkran celebrations in 2020 had to be cancelled due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. But the famous water festival, which marks the beginning of  Thai New Year, is set to return in all its glory. 


According to Sanook News, Deputy Public Health Minister Sathit Pitutecha has said that if people continue to follow the preventative measures put in place to limit the spread of the virus, then the Songkran water festival will go ahead as normal in April.


Mr Sathit added that it is expected Thailand will continue to see over one hundred new cases per day for some time to come. This is because the preventive measures put in place  are not as strict as during the first outbreak of the virus last year. 


However, the government was also concerned about the impact stricter measures would have on the economy.  


Mr Sathit's comments suggested the government was trying to balance controlling the new wave of infections without further damaging the beleaguered economy.


The news comes as Thailand on Wednesday recorded another sharp fall in the number of new infections, with health officials reporting 157 new cases, down from 287 new cases reported on Tuesday.



onsdag 13 januari 2021

Thai students think learning English is a disadvantage - Bangkok Jack

Thai students think learning English is a disadvantage
Thai students (Library image)

Thai students think learning English is a disadvantage. A group of #Thai university students and parents have complained to a leading Thai university that it is unfair to make them study #English to enroll.

They have said that they were required to learn up to 550 words in English. If they didn't pass a test they couldn't enroll at the university.

The group complaining at Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna accepted that English was important but it should not be a requirement to study Thai courses.

They called for justice and appealed to be allowed to register for courses without the requirement of passing the English test.

They are saying that this is damaging their education and spoiling their chances of joining the job market.

The case has rumbled on for years amid claims that the English course is a money-spinner for the university and not part of the established curriculum.

University director Silasiri Sangajit met with the group and promised to look into their grievances. – Daily News

Thai officials clarify face mask rules - Bangkok Jack

Thai officials clarify face mask rules

The Phuket Provincial Government has issued a clarification on the conditions of wearing a face mask while eating or exercising in public areas.

The explanations of what is permissible and what is required follows a provincial order issued  that requires people to wear a face mask at all times while in public areas.

Failure to wear a face mask in public in some parts of Thailand may result in a fine of up to B20,000, or even a jail term, the order yesterday warned.

The clarification came as an "annex" to the order issued yesterday.

The "annex" explained as follows:

Eating in public areas

– Must wear a face mask before and after eating. The only time a mask can be removed is while eating.

– Must clean hands with sanitiser before and after eating.

– Must always use own utensils.

– Avoid talking while eating.

– Do not share utensils with others.

– Must maintain a social distance of at least one metre while eating.

Exercising in public areas

– Avoid exercising in crowded areas.

– Must wear a face mask before and after exercising. Only time mask can be removed is while exercising.

– Must clean hands with sanitiser before and after exercising.

– Must maintain a social distance of at least two metres while exercising.

The annex to the order also noted, "Wearing a mask while exercising is not good for people's health, so walking is preferred."

The provincial order for all people in Phuket to wear face masks at all times while in public follows Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha earlier this week extending the Emergency Decree from Jan 16 to Feb 28.

It also follows Phuket provincial authorities issuing a stern warning that any businesses and other service providers found to be operating while not enforcing the COVID-19 protection measures will be prosecuted. – Phuket News


Chonburi: Jail and 40,000 THB fines for those breaching provincial checkpoints - Thai Visa

Chonburi: Jail and 40,000 THB fines for those breaching provincial checkpoints




Thai media 77kaoded reported that measures to prevent the movement of people in and out of Chonburi were being stepped up as of today (Wednesday). 


People without the necessary documentation could be jailed for two years and /or fined 40,000 baht for crossing in and out of Chonburi.


They published pictures of large tailbacks and road blocks. 


They reported that Bang Lamung district chief Amnat Charoensri was getting tough with checkpoints on Sukhumvit Road into Pattaya and on Route 36 (Chonburi to Rayong) near the highways development office in Moo 10, Pong sub-district. 


Police, soldiers, protection agency officials and others would be checking temperatures and documentation. 


Only those with permission to travel can pass. 


In total there are 17 checkpoints across 11 districts.


The media urged all people to make sure they had the documentation if they intended to travel. 


Source: 77kaoded



Rayong, Chonburi Governors stress for people to be patient in terms of lifting Covid-19 restrictions, hope to resolve Covid-19 situation by end of month - Pattaya News

Rayong, Chonburi Governors stress for people to be patient in terms of lifting Covid-19 restrictions, hope to resolve Covid-19 situation by end of month

Eastern Economic Corridor, Thailand-

The Governors of Rayong and Chonburi have both spoken at press conferences so far this week in their respective provinces, stressing to their residents that although they understand the difficulty for business owners due to travel restrictions that have essentially brought the area to a halt in terms of domestic tourism and shut many businesses temporarily, they still are asking for patience and cooperation.

This comes the same day as the Thai Government revealed some relief measures, including 3,500 baht a month for two months for informal workers, discounts on water and electricity bills, and other measures.

Today, January 12th, 2021, marks two weeks in Banglamung since the Governor ordered the closure of many different business venues, especially in the entertainment sector, due to officials stating they are "high-risk" for the potential spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus. Rayong has been under restrictions for slightly longer. The rest of Chonburi followed Banglamung into restrictions in early January and remain there as of now.

Chonburi province announced 19 confirmed cases of Covid-19 this morning, the majority from a large cluster at a brewery in Si Racha.  Officials, meanwhile, have stated that they feel the situation is under control and that track and trace teams have been working "around the clock" to identify everyone who was a contact of those involved in the recent cluster.

Rayong announced nine cases of Covid-19 today. All, according to the Governor, were associated with gambling-related clusters and illegal gambling in general. The Rayong governor also announced that 67 people have been arrested in relation to illegal gambling and gatherings relating to those. The Si Racha brewery cluster began after a Covid-19 positive person from Rayong visited the brewery on Christmas week, leading to a "super spreader" event which as of this morning as infected over 60 people either directly or indirectly related to the brewery. The Rayong cluster began after a person visited the epicenter of the recent series of infections, a fish market in Samut Sakhon. That individual then went gambling and is believed to have been a "super spreader" as well.

Both Governors have acknowledged the situation appears to be improving with cases dropping overall, however, stressed that it was too early to release restrictions in the provinces.

The Public Health Department has hinted that they would need at least a fourteen-day period without new "mystery" cases and active case finding and testing would need to show no signs of infection in the local community in order to release any restrictions like business closures. However, there have been no "official" announcements or promises on when restrictions would be lifted The Pattaya News notes.

Public Health Officials as well as the governors have stated numerous times that they hope to be able to resolve the situation by the end of January and begin to relax restrictions that have caused severe pain for nearly every business sector in the Eastern provinces. Trat and Chanthaburi, despite significantly fewer cases, are also "highly controlled" provinces due to proximity to Rayong and Chonburi and concerns that some people may have "fled" the shutdowns and measures to attempt to go to a nearby province instead. Entertainment style venues, as well as other restrictions, are in place in these provinces as well.

The Pattaya News will continue to provide updated daily news about the situation in the Eastern provinces overall. 

Ett visst svagt ljus i tunneln även om tunneln verkar lång !!!!

Govt approves Covid handouts - Bangkok Post

Govt approves Covid handouts

Officials in all full protective gear spray disinfectant on the pavement at Bang Yai central market which has reopened for business after 14 days. The market in Nonthaburi was designated as a maximum control zone after being linked with Covid-infections late last year. PATTARAPONG CHATPATTARASILL
Officials in all full protective gear spray disinfectant on the pavement at Bang Yai central market which has reopened for business after 14 days. The market in Nonthaburi was designated as a maximum control zone after being linked with Covid-infections late last year. PATTARAPONG CHATPATTARASILL

The government on Tuesday agreed to two cash handouts to those most in need in the wake of the latest Covid-19 outbreak.

The two monthly payments of 3,500 baht are among a raft of measures designed to ease people's plight, the others being reduced electricity and water bills, and soft loans to businesses.

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Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said the weekly cabinet meeting had approved the new measures to reduce people's cost-of-living expenses and put more cash in their pockets.

The Finance Ministry must still work out the details of the cash handout and its proposal will be discussed by the cabinet next Tuesday.

Casual workers, freelancers and farmers who are not covered by the social security system will be eligible for the new relief measures.

A government source said about 30 million people were expected to receive the handouts and a budget of 210 billion baht had been set aside.

Electricity and household water bills will be reduced for February and March -- each household with electricity consumption up to 150 units a month will get the first 90 units for free and there will also be discounts for those using more than 150 units a month.

Water charges for households and small businesses will be cut by 10% for February and March, excluding state agencies and state enterprises. A budget of about nine billion baht would be required to subsidise those reductions, Gen Prayut said.

The Ministry of Digital Economy and Society and the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission will also be asking internet service providers to consider reducing household bills, boost internet speeds to support those working from home, and provide free downloads of the Mor Chana position-tracking app for three months.

The government will also expand the co-payment subsidy scheme for another one million people. Registration is expected to open next Wednesday and eligible people can participate from Jan 25.

The co-payment scheme allows registered individuals who buy goods from smaller local shops to pay only half the price of their purchases (of listed essential goods), with the government subsidising the other half.

The 90% reduction in land and building taxes and the reduced 0.01% fee for property transfers and mortgages is also being extended.

Soft loans will boost cash flow for eligible people and businesses at a cost to the government of 200 billion baht.

The Government Savings Bank had agreed to lend 10,000-50,000 baht to each debtor, at interest rates of just 0.1-0.35% a month, the PM said.

Gen Prayut insisted that the government had enough money to support the new Covid-related financial measures.

About 470 billion baht remained from the Finance Ministry's one-trillion-baht budget to cope with the impact of Covid-19, and about 130 billion baht from the government's contingency fund could also be used for this purpose, said Gen Prayut.

Meanwhile, the Commerce Ministry will work with the Interior Ministry and Industry Ministry to ensure enough personal protective equipment, face masks and hand sanitisers are always provided at high-risk areas, says the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC).

Measures will also be in place to support business operators to use their factories as quarantine facilities for workers, particularly in the five maximum control provinces of Samut Sakhon, Chon Buri, Rayong, Chanthaburi and Trat, said NESDC secretary-general Danucha Pichayanan.

Thai tourists who have made hotel bookings for this month and next month under the Rao Tiew Duay Kan (We Travel Together) co-payment scheme will also be allowed to postpone their reservations until April.

The cabinet also approved an exemption of personal income tax for 2020 for those who received financial assistance from relief packages.

They include the co-payment scheme, We Travel Together programme, the Moral Support campaign which allowed 1.2 million health volunteers and officials of sub-district hospitals to travel with a 2,000-baht budget per tourist, and the measure to pay compensation to workers left unemployed due to Covid-19.

The cabinet last month approved reduced Social Security Fund contributions by employers and employees from 5% to 3% from January to March. 

Bangkok Post - Flood warning for lower Chao Phraya River basin provinces including Greater Bangkok

 Flood warning for lower Chao Phraya River basin provinces including Greater Bangkok An embankment was reinforced near the Niwet Woradit pi...