onsdag 2 februari 2022

As some people who recovered from Covid-19 in Thailand have started developing symptoms of dementia, those doing so are urged to quickly get medical help. Thai Newsroom

Recovered Covid patients who develop dementia urged to get help

SENIOR Thai doctors urged people who after having recovered from coronavirus started developing signs of dementia with this affecting their daily life to seek advice and be examined by a doctor, Amarin TV said today (Feb. 2).

Dr. Somsak Ankasil, the head of the Public Health Ministry's Medical Services Department, said some patients have developed dementia symptoms within one to six months of contracting Covid-19. 

This is a condition whereby the brain function deteriorates affecting decision making, planning and short-term memory skills. Symptoms including brain fog, feeling lightheaded and unable to concentrate on any one thing with this affecting their daily and social activities and can lead to long-term impairment.

Dr. Thanin Wetchapinan, head of the Institute of Neurology, said the risk factor is that these patients already had pre-existing neurological and brain diseases such as having suffered a stroke.

Particularly at risk are the elderly with other ailments as when they are suddenly hit with severe Covid symptoms the lack of oxygen leads to anxiety and depression setting in plus neurological disorders and dementia.

These symptoms can improve on their own over time if patients take good care of themselves by eating healthy and nutritious food, exercising regularly, taking up activities that stimulate the brain, practice critical thinking, meditate and have relaxing hobbies.

Earlier the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) said there were 8,587 Covid cases and 22 deaths today with this taking the cumulative confirmed total since the start of the pandemic to 2,456,551 .

Of the new batch of cases 8,347 were domestic while 131 foreign arrivals tested positive.

Another 8,485 patients recovered taking total recoveries since the start of the pandemic to 2,351,250 while 83,094 are still undergoing treatment.

The additional 22 fatalities raised the death toll to 22,207.

Altogether 115,531,164 doses of vaccines have been administered so far.

Meanwhile the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration said this afternoon that there were 1,431 Covid cases in the capital today with 1,135 being Bangkok residents and 296 having come here for treatment from other provinces. Five cases are still being investigated.

Bangkok's Covid case total since Jan. 1 is 30,149 and today's six fatalities raised the death toll from the start of the new year to 62.

The top 10 districts with the most cases today are as follows:

1) Chomthong, 122;

2) Khlong Sam Wa, 89;

3) Sai Mai, 58;

4) Bangkok Noi, 48;

5) Minburi, 47;

6) Bang Khen, 34;

7) Bang Kho Laem, 32;

8) Bang Sue, 32;

9) Prawet, 31;

10) Lat Krabang, 29.

Thailand's DPM and Health Minister has once again praised his efforts and that of his health teams in helping Thailand get through the pandemic. ASEAN NOW


Picture: Thai Rath


Thailand's DPM and Health Minister has once again praised his efforts and that of his health teams in helping Thailand get through the pandemic. 


He told Thai Rath that it won't be him who decides when the pandemic is over and it is declared endemic. 


That'll be up to the experts, he said, in a rare show of humility.


Then it was back to the rhetoric.


"You can trust us to be there with our continued efficiency," he gushed in Thai. 


"We've been through a lot together, and there's no going back now.


"We'll always be there with the Thai public every step of the way for the good of everyone's health".


He suggested that he had made all the right calls and that 115 million doses of vaccine had now been administered that were saving lives.


He accepted that there were still many infections but serious cases were down and this could be attributed to his brilliant vaccine rollout that has saved the day. 


"It's because of the vaccine and the co-operation of the Thai public," he enthused. 


ASEAN NOW notes that the charismatic leader has designs on the Thai premiership, if and when Prayut Chan-ocha decides to call it a day. 


It hasn't all been plain sailing for the health minister. He courted international controversy at the start of the pandemic with unsavory comments about a "farang" who wouldn't accept his offer of a mask. 


Other non-mask wearing accusations were made but the billionaire bullet proof minister has survived when other country's health ministers have fallen by the wayside. 




Jag har förvarnat om detta tidigare och nu har man släppt lite mer uppgifter om detta. Innan det blir helt officiellt så kan det nog komma lite fler justeringar!

Men slutsatsen och min starka rekommendation i dagsläget är att se till att byt till ett Non O visa så fort ni får en möjlighet! Se mer i texten nedan.

Jag har klippt och klistrat lite från det som har publicerats än så länge, så det kan säkerligen finnas lite mer info som cirkulerar. Jag tror och hoppas att översättningen är ok.

"Det thailändska hälsoministeriet har publicerat detaljerna om ändringarna från den 1 oktober av årliga "extensions" för Non O/A  retirement alternativet, som höjer nivån på den obligatoriska slutenvårdsförsäkringen (IP) från 400 000 baht till tre miljoner baht, eller 100 000 USD. De gäller både nya ansökningar vid thailändska ambassader utomlands och årliga förlängningar (extensions) vid thailändska immigrationskontor. Minimiåldern är fortfarande 50 år. (OBS! Vid nyansökan av Non O/A retirment visa gäller dessa krav redan nu!)

Försäkringen måste täcka alla medicinska händelser, inklusive men inte begränsat till Covid, medan både utländska och thailändska försäkringsbolag är berättigade att tillhandahålla skydd. Enligt de utgående reglerna får utländska försäkringar endast användas för den första ansökan på en thailändsk ambassad och inte för efterföljande förlängningar av vistelsen.

För första gången i thailändsk immigrationshistoria kommer sökande till detta O/A-visum eller förlängning som inte kan få en heltäckande sjukförsäkring på grund av ålderdom, handikapp eller redan existerande tillstånd att kunna självförsäkra sig. De kommer att behöva visa minst tre miljoner baht av tillgångar som kan inkludera kontanter i en thailändsk eller utländsk bank, ägande av egendom eller liknande fonder. Alternativt kan de visa bevis på att deras sjukhusräkningar i Thailand kommer att betalas av den sökandes hemland. Detta kan t.ex. gynna pensionärer från den amerikanska militären som ofta ges ett globalt hälsoskydd.

Men hälsoministeriets promemoria klargör att alla anspråk på förmögenhet utomlands, eller försäkringar utfärdade av utlandsbaserade företag, kommer att kräva bekräftelse av thailändska myndigheter, inklusive thailändska ambassader utomlands eller utrikesministeriet i Bangkok. Med andra ord kan sökande förvänta sig en komplex pappersjakt. Försäkringskraven är naturligtvis ovanpå de 800 000 baht som finns i en thailändsk bank, eller bevis på regelbundna månatliga betalningar, som är en del av de nuvarande kraven.

Immigrationskonsulter säger redan att rika O/A-pensionärer i Thailand, som inte kan få försäkring, skulle vara kloka att behålla och behålla 3 800 000 baht i deposition här. Det är det enklaste sättet att bevisa den nya baslinjen. Alternativet förefaller kräva flera intyg, blanketter för företag och banker att underteckna samt godkännande från UD:s tjänstemän.

Det bör noteras att revideringarna den 1 oktoberendast gäller O/A-visumet och årliga förlängningar. Pensionärer som bor här med alternativa tillstånd – till exempel Thai Elite visa, "non-immigrant" "O" "extensions" av vistelse baserat på äktenskap eller pensionering – nämns inte i ministeriets kungörelse.

Det är inte lätt att ändra det ursprungliga O/A-visumet till det mindre betungande O, en gång beviljat av den thailändska ambassaden utomlands. Förfarandet kräver att pensionären lämnar landet och kommer in igen med till exempel ett 60 dagars turistvisum som sedan kan konverteras till tre månader O vid thailändsk immigration plus 12 månaders förlängning. Då är du klar. För nu i alla fall."

Med vänlig hälsning 



Many schools nationwide hit by Covid-19 clusters New Covid-19 clusters have emerged in a number of schools nationwide after the Education Ministry allowed them to reopen. The Nation

Many schools nationwide hit by Covid-19 clusters

New Covid-19 clusters have emerged in a number of schools nationwide after the Education Ministry allowed them to reopen.

However, the emergence of the highly transmissible Omicron variant has triggered Covid-19 clusters at schools in Nan, Phetchabun, Ratchaburi, Chiang Mai, Lampang, Sukhothai, Si Sa Ket, Roi Et, Phetchaburi, Prachinburi, Sa Kaeo, Samut Prakan, Nong Khai, Yasothon and Loei.

The Nan mayor has already announced a temporary closure of four schools – Samakee Wittayakhan School (Ban Phranet), Jumpi Wanidaporn (Ban Phumin), Darun Wittaya (Ban Suan Tan) and the Suriyapong Camp Children Development Centre between January 21 and 28 as the number of Covid-19 infections is likely to increase.

Meanwhile, Ban Rahul School in Phetchabun has become a field hospital after 36 students and one teacher tested positive for Covid-19. Those who tested negative have been ordered to attend online classes.

Precisely 311 teachers and students at Dhammajarinee Wittaya School, a girl's school in Ratchaburi, tested positive for Covid-19 after the virus spread in dormitories.

Many schools nationwide hit by Covid-19 clusters

Separately, expert virologist Dr Yong Poovorawan said in a Facebook post on Tuesday that children should receive the Covid-19 vaccine jab, especially those who have other diseases, as they would be at risk of developing severe symptoms.

He said children should receive mRNA (Pfizer) and/or inactivated (Sinovac and Sinopharm) vaccines.

The Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Pfizer for children aged five and above.

"We believe the Thai FDA will also approve inactivated vaccines for children soon as China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia and countries in the Middle East and Latin America have approved these vaccines for children aged three and above," Yong pointed out.

He said the interval between two doses for children is 3-12 weeks, but this can be adjusted depending on the situation.

Yong added there is a possibility that children would be able to receive a cocktail dose and a booster dose, but further studies are necessary.

"The interval between the second dose and booster dose for children who have received two Pfizer jabs is six months," he said.

"In future, children who have received two inactivated jabs can receive a mRNA jab one to three months after the second jab, and their immunity against Covid-19 would be high, similar to adults," he wrote.

Yong added that it is up to parents whether to allow their children to receive the Covid-19 jabs or not.

Chonburi announces 385 new and confirmed cases of Covid-19 and two new deaths - The Pattaya News

Chonburi announces 385 new and confirmed cases of Covid-19 and two new deaths


  • 385 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Chonburi today

  • 391 people recovered and were released from medical care

  • Two new deaths

The Chonburi Department of Public Health announced 385 new and confirmed cases of Covid-19 today with two new deaths, February 2nd, 2022.

This makes a total of 18,108 cases of Covid-19 in the current round of infections, with 3,828 people still under medical care/supervision, and with a total of 23 recorded deaths in Chonburi since the start of this recent round of infections at the beginning of this year, January 2022.

Additionally, 391 people were also released and recovered yesterday in Chonburi. 14,257 people in total have now been released from medical care and recovered in Chonburi since this current wave of Covid-19 began at the beginning of this year, January 2022.

The two new deaths were the average age of 90 with personal health problems and pre-existing conditions. Both were not vaccinated.

In total, 1,947,458 people in Pattaya and Chonburi have received their first dose of a Covid -19 vaccine which is 83.62 percent of the total Chonburi population. Of those, 301,558 have received their first dose and are what the Thai government calls 608 groups (elders, have chronic health problems, and pregnant) which is 81.52 percent of those in these risk groups in Chonburi.

The district-level new cases were as follows today:

Mueang Chonburi 87, Si Racha 118, Banglamung (Pattaya) 97, Panat Nikhom 10, Sattahip 10, Ban Bueng 10, Phan Thong 18, ฺBor Thong 1, and 34 people transferred from other provinces for medical care.

The details on the cases are as follows:

  1. Work and stayed in Rayong, transferred from other provinces for medical care, 32 cases
  2. Cluster, Fujitsu General company in Si Racha, 6 cases
  3. Risky occupations meeting many people, 10 cases
  4. 5 medical personnel
  5. 5  back from other provinces from Khon Kaen, Nakhon Ratchasima, Phitsanulok, Sisaket, and Samut Prakan
  6. Close contacts from previously confirmed cases in families – 87 cases, in workplaces –54 cases, close personal contacts – 29 cases, and joined a party – 3 case
  7. Close contacts of a confirmed patient (under investigation), 11 cases
  8. 143 cases close contacts of a confirmed patient (under investigation)

Important: Bar Closure and Alcohol Sales Ban Days in Thailand in 2025 and What to Expect - The Pattaya News

 Important: Bar Closure and Alcohol Sales Ban Days in Thailand in 2025 and What to Expect Aim Tanakorn Monday, 13 January 2025, 1:21 Pattay...