torsdag 24 februari 2022

NYA INRESEREGLER FROM 1/3-22 (24/2-22). Clas Ebler



Mycket information snurrar runt på Internet för tillfället. Så här kommer 2 olika källor.

Det första avsnittet är hämtat från Thailands turistmyndighet (TAT). (Engelska och Svenska)

The following new rules will be in effect from 1 March, 2022 (travellers can enter into Thailand on 7 March, 2022).

Points of entry:

·  By air (direct international flight or transit domestically via dedicated flights.)

·  By land (at the border checkpoints in Nong Khai, Udon Thani, and Songkhla.)

·  By water (yachts.)

Eligible travellers / countries:

·  For arrivals by air and water: Thai citizens and foreign travellers from all countries/territories.

·  For arrivals by land: Thai citizens and foreign travellers from neighbouring countries connecting with the reopened border checkpoints (Nong Khai, Udon Thani, and Songkhla).

Entry registration system:

·  For arrivals by air and land: Thailand Pass system.

·  For arrivals by water: Certificate of Entry system.

Quarantine requirement:

·  For arrivals by air and land: No quarantine, but on Day 1 must wait for the COVID-19 test result within an approved SHA Extra Plus (SHA++) or alternative quarantine facility.

·  For arrivals by water: No quarantine, but on Day 1 must wait for the COVID-19 test result on board the travelling vessel (yacht).

Accommodation requirement:

·  A proof of prepayment for 1 night of accommodation at government-approved hotel/s; such as, SHA Extra Plus (SHA++) on Day 1.

Health insurance:

·  An insurance policy with coverage no less than US$20,000. Thais and foreign expatriates under Thailand's national healthcare coverage are exempt from this requirement.

COVID-19 testing requirements:

·  For arrivals by air and land: First test on Day 1 by an RT-PCR method (wait for the result within the hotel), and the second test on Day 5 by a self-ATK method (must report/record the result via the application).

·  For arrivals by water: First test on Day 1 by an RT-PCR method (wait for the result on board the vessel), and the second on Day 5 by a self-ATK method (must report/record the result via the application).

Följande nya regler kommer att gälla från 1 mars 2022 (resenärer kan resa in i Thailand den 7 mars 2022).


Med flyg (direkt internationellt flyg eller transit inrikes via dedikerade flyg.)

Landvägen (vid gränskontrollerna i Nong Khai, Udon Thani och Songkhla.)

Till sjöss (yachter.)

Berättigade resenärer/länder:

För ankomster med flyg och vatten: thailändska medborgare och utländska resenärer från alla länder/territorier.

För landvägar: thailändska medborgare och utländska resenärer från grannländer som ansluter till de återöppnade gränskontrollerna (Nong Khai, Udon Thani och Songkhla).

Registreringssystem för inträde:

För ankomster med flyg och land: Thailand Pass-system.

För ankomster med vatten: Intygssystem.


För ankomster med flyg och land: Ingen karantän, men dag 1 måste vänta på COVID-19-testresultatet inom en godkänd SHA Extra Plus (SHA++) eller alternativ karantänsanläggning.

För ankomster med vatten: Ingen karantän, men på dag 1 måste du vänta på COVID-19-testresultatet ombord på det resande fartyget (yachten).


Ett bevis på förskottsbetalning för 1 natts boende på statligt godkända hotell; som SHA Extra Plus (SHA++) på dag 1.


En försäkring med täckning på minst 20 000 USD. Thailändare och utländska utlänningar under Thailands nationella sjukvårdsskydd är undantagna från detta krav.

Testkrav för covid-19:

För ankomster med flyg och land: Första testet på dag 1 med en RT-PCR-metod (vänta på resultatet inom hotellet), och det andra testet på dag 5 med en själv-ATK-metod (måste rapportera/registrera resultatet via Ansökan).

För ankomster med vatten: Första testet på dag 1 med en RT-PCR-metod (vänta på resultatet ombord på fartyget), och det andra på dag 5 med en själv-ATK-metod (måste rapportera/registrera resultatet via applikationen) .

Sedan kommer här andra källan som tar upp lite mer om  karantänregler.

Riktlinjer för internationella resenärer i mars 2022:

📌 PCR-test inte senare än 72 timmar före avgång/avresa

📌 PCR-test dag 0-1. Du måste vänta på ett SHA++-hotell på resultatet

📌 Om testet är positivt, få behandling på sjukhus i 10 dagar. Om milda eller inga symtom, kan  man bo på hotell eller sjukhus

📌 Om du testar negativt dag 0-1 är du fri att resa

📌 På dag 5, gör ett själv-ATK-test och ladda upp resultat till Mor Chana-appen

📌 Om positivt, ta emot behandling på sjukhus eller hotell/sjukhus för de med milda eller inga symtom

📌 Turister kan ringa 1155 eller 1672 för hjälp

Högriskfall som haft nära kontakt måste göra 7 dagars karantän på anvisad sjukhus/hotellisolering + 3 dagars observation. Inklusive två ATK-tester dag 5-6 och dag 10 efter nära kontakt. Se nedan för de som anses vara högriskkontakter.


📌 De som inte bär masker vid närkontakt med en smittad person

📌 Nära eller prata med en smittad person inom 2 meter och i mer än 5 minuter (sjuk person hostade eller nös)

📌 På en oventilerad plats i mer än 30 minuter

📌 Att sitta bredvid en smittad person, till vänster eller höger, i flyg- eller hotelltransfer, eller ha nära kontakt med någon inom 1 meter utan att bära mask i mer än 5 min.

Chonburi announces 1,250 new and confirmed cases of Covid-19 and no new deaths - The Pattaya News

Chonburi announces 1,250 new and confirmed cases of Covid-19 and no new deaths


  • 1,250 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Chonburi today

  • 1,366 positive ATK (rapid antigen) tests were reported but all require a second confirmed PCR test before being counted as official cases. The ATK positive tests are just "possible" cases until confirmed by PCR.
  • 601 (PCR) and 454 (ATK) recovered and were released from medical care

  • No new deaths

The Chonburi Department of Public Health announced 1,250 new and confirmed cases of Covid-19 today with no new deaths, February 24th, 2022.

This makes a total of 57,553 cases (PCR,ATK) of Covid-19 in the current round of infections, with 9,276 (PCR) and 8,763 (ATK) people still under medical care/supervision, and with a total of 41 recorded deaths in Chonburi since the start of this recent round of infections at the beginning of this year, January 2022.

Additionally, 601 (PCR) and 454 (ATK) people were also released and recovered yesterday in Chonburi. 25,425 (PCR) and 14,049 (ATK) people in total have now been released from medical care and recovered in Chonburi since this current wave of Covid-19 began at the beginning of this year, January 2022.

Four people were listed as being in serious condition in Chonburi currently, either on a ventilator or pneumonia. Two of them were not vaccianted. According to the Chonburi Department of Public Health, the vast majority of recent cases are mild or asymptomatic.

In total, 1,975,116 people in Pattaya and Chonburi have received their first dose of a Covid -19 vaccine which is 84.80 percent of the total Chonburi population. Of those, 304,174 have received their first dose and are what the Thai government calls 608 groups (elders, have chronic health problems, and pregnant) which is 82.22 percent of those in these risk groups in Chonburi.

767,873 people have received their triple dose which is 32.97 percent of the total Chonburi population. Of those, 131,376 are 608 groups which are 35.51 percent of those in these risk groups in Chonburi.

The district-level new cases were as follows today:

Mueang Chonburi 194, Si Racha 471, Banglamung (Pattaya) 284, Panat Nikhom 10, Sattahip 56, Ban Bueng 46, Phan Thong 63, ฺBor Thong 4, Ko Chan 4, Nong Yai 2 and 116 people transferred from other provinces for medical care.

The details on the cases are as follows:

  1. Work and stayed in Rayong, transferred from other provinces for medical care, 107 cases
  2. Cluster, Triumph Motorcycles company in Phan Thong, 5 cases
  3. Cluster, Usui Corperation company in Phan Thong, 3 cases
  4. Cluster, Essilor Optical Laboratory company in Phan Thong, 3 cases
  5. Risky occupations meeting many people, 24 cases
  6. 19 medical personnel
  7. 14 back from other provinces from Bangkok (2), Phuket (3), Chanthaburi (1), Chachoengsao (1), Chaiyaphum (1), Nakhon Ratchasima (1), Lopburi (1), Lamphang (1), Sisaket (1), Samut Prakan (1) and, Ubon Ratchathani (1)
  8. Close contacts from previously confirmed cases in families – 247 cases, in workplaces –153 cases, close personal contacts – 50 cases, and joined a party – 5 case
  9. Close contacts of a confirmed patient (under investigation), 41 cases
  10. 579 cases close contacts of a confirmed patient (under investigation)

UPDATED! TEST & GO rules to ease from 1 March 2022 - TAT Newsroom

 UPDATED! TEST & GO rules to ease from 1 March 2022

Travellers can arrive in Thailand by air, land, and water with the required prepaid accommodation reduced to 1 night and the COVID-19 tests revised to 1 RT-PCR and 1 self-ATK.

Photo of TAT Newsroom 21 hours ago

956,935 6 minutes read

Test and Go Entry Scheme

This information has been updated on 23 February, 2022.

The following new rules will be in effect from 1 March, 2022(travellers can enter into Thailand on 7 March, 2022).

Points of entry:

  • By air (direct international flight or transit domestically via dedicated flights.)
  • By land (at the border checkpoints in Nong Khai, Udon Thani, and Songkhla.)
  • By water (yachts.)

Eligible travellers / countries:

  • For arrivals by air and water: Thai citizens and foreign travellers from all countries/territories.
  • For arrivals by land:Thai citizens and foreign travellers from neighbouring countries connecting with the reopened border checkpoints (Nong Khai, Udon Thani, and Songkhla).

Entry registration system:

  • For arrivals by air and land: Thailand Pass system.
  • For arrivals by water:Certificate of Entry system.

Quarantine requirement:

  • For arrivals by air and land: No quarantine, but on Day 1 must wait for the COVID-19 test result within an approved SHA Extra Plus (SHA++) or alternative quarantine facility.
  • For arrivals by water:No quarantine, but on Day 1 must wait for the COVID-19 test result on board the travelling vessel (yacht).

Accommodation requirement:

  • A proof of prepayment for 1 night of accommodation at government-approved hotel/s; such as, SHA Extra Plus (SHA++) on Day 1.

Health insurance:

  • An insurance policy with coverage no less than US$20,000. Thais and foreign expatriates under Thailand's national healthcare coverage are exempt from this requirement.

COVID-19 testing requirements:

  • For arrivals by air and land: First test on Day 1 by an RT-PCR method (wait for the result within the hotel), and the second test on Day 5 by a self-ATK method (must report/record the result via the application). 
  • For arrivals by water:First test on Day 1 by an RT-PCR method (wait for the result on board the vessel), and the second on Day 5 by a self-ATK method (must report/record the result via the application). 

Existing requirements/rules remain unchanged:

  • A Medical Certificate with an RT-PCR lab result indicating that COVID-19 is not detected issued no more than 72 hours before travelling.
  • A Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination/Recovery.

Current Rules

(An update that reflects the new rules will be available from 1 March, 2022, onwards.)

Fully vaccinated travellers from any country around the world can apply for a TEST & GO Thailand Pass under the following requirements.

Eligible travellers
• Thai citizens.
• Foreign travellers, including but not limited to diplomats, guests of the government, Thai work permit holders, students and their family, and patients seeking medical treatment.

Eligible countries
 All countries/territories.

Pre-Arrival Requirements

All travellers must have the following documents for entering Thailand:

  1. A Thailand Pass, which can be applied via
  2. A Medical Certificate with an RT-PCR lab result indicating that COVID-19 is not detected issued no more than 72 hours before travelling.
    • Travellers under 6 years of age, travelling with parents with a negative RT-PCR test result within 72 hours before travelling, are not required to have a pre-arrival negative RT-PCR test result and can have a saliva test when entering the Kingdom.
    • For arrivals by water, everyone on board the vessels must have a medical certificate with an RT-PCR lab result indicating that COVID-19 is not detected within the officially specified time frame. Anyone on aboard with a history of COVID-19 infection within a period between 14-90 days must have a medical certificate of recovery.
  3. An insurance policy with coverage no less than US$50,000. TAT recommends that travellers make sure to check the small print of any COVID-19 insurance policy before purchasing. Ultimately, the policy should cover the cost of treatment and other medical expenses associated with being infected with COVID-19, including in-patient hospitalisation, hospital isolation, hotel isolation, or related quarantine. The insurance policy should also cover the whole duration that travellers are planning to stay in Thailand, plus at least 10 extra days as a precautionary measure in the event that the traveller's second swab test result returns as positive.
    • Thais and foreign expatriates under Thailand's national healthcare coverage are exempt from this requirement.
  4. A proof of prepayment for 2 separate nights of accommodation at government-approved hotel/s, such as, SHA Extra Plus (SHA++), AQ, OQ, or AHQ on Day 1 and Day 5, and the expenses for 2 RT-PCR tests on Day 1 and Day 5. 
    • The prepayment for Day 1 must include an accommodation, a test and a prearranged transfer from the airport to the hotel. 
    • Travellers can book 2 different hotels for the accommodation on Day 1 and Day 5. However, on both Day 1 and Day 5, they must stay within the room for the RT-PCR test result. 
    • The second RT-PCR test will not be required if the traveller's length of stay is less than 5 nights, or his/her scheduled international departure date out of Thailand is on Day 5 or before. For example if the traveller plans to stay in Thailand for 3 days, then he/she does not have to undergo the second RT-PCR test, but he/she must leave for another country immediately. However, whether the traveller will be required to take another RT-PCR test depend on the airline and the final international destination.
  5. A Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination/Recovery
    • Everyone 18 years of age and older must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with an approved vaccine at least 14 days before travelling to Thailand.
    • Travellers 12-17 years of age travelling to Thailand unaccompanied must get vaccinated with at least 1 dose of an approved vaccine. Those travelling with parents are exempt from this requirement.
    • Travellers 6-11 years of age, travelling with parents, are exempt from this requirement.
    • For arrivals by water, everyone on board must be fully vaccinated. This is except for travellers under 18 years of age, travelling with parents or guardians.
    • Travellers with a history of COVID-19 infection who have recovered by medical treatment, and travellers who have received at least 1 dose of an approved vaccine after post-infection must have a certificate of COVID-19 recovery.

All travellers must undergo 'exit screening' at the point of departure, i.e., at the airline check-in counter and present the required documents to the person-in-charge to carry out the checks.

On-Arrival Requirements / During the Stay

  1. All travellers must undergo 'entry screening', including body temperature check at the point of entry.
  2. Present the required documents to the Immigration/Health Control officer to carry out the checks, then proceed through the Immigration procedures.
  3. Proceed to the prearranged accommodation or medical facility to undergo the first RT-PCR test. The trip must be by a prearranged vehicle on a sealed route. Then, all travellers must wait for the test result within the hotel only. Travellers under 6 years of age, travelling with parents, can have a saliva test.
    • If testing negative for COVID-19, travellers are free to go anywhere in Thailand. However, they must stay at their prepaid accommodation on Day 5 and undergo their second COVID-19 test using the RT-PCR technique (they must stay within the room for the RT-PCR test result.) The second test can also be taken when the travellers experience respiratory symptoms.
    • Travellers whose test result returns as positive will be referred for appropriate medical treatment in accordance with Thailand's Communicable Diseases Act B.E. 2558 (2015). The expenses must be covered by the required insurance for foreign travellers, or national healthcare coverage for Thais and eligible foreign expatriates. TAT recommends that travellers make sure to check the small print of any COVID-19 insurance policy before purchasing. Ultimately, the policy should cover the cost of treatment and other medical expenses associated with being infected with COVID-19, including in-patient hospitalisation, hospital isolation, hotel isolation, or related quarantine. The insurance policy should also cover the whole duration that travellers are planning to stay in Thailand, plus at least 10 extra days as a precautionary measure in the event that the traveller's second swab test result returns as positive.
      • Pending on their conditions, they may be medically advised to receive treatment in either hospital hotel isolation or community isolation.
      • During receiving the medical treatment – at least 10 days, they must remain in their accommodation only. They should not leave their accommodation unless utmost necessary, and must notify the Communicable Disease Control officer in-charge.
      • After having recovered from COVID-19, they will receive a medical certificate of recovery.
  4. While in Thailand, travellers are advised to strictly follow standard, good personal hygiene practices; such as, wear a mask in public, maintain hand hygiene (washing with soap and water or using hand sanitizer), and keep physical distance of at least 1 metre from others.
    • Travellers who are experiencing COVID-like symptoms should get tested. If testing positive they must get an appropriate medical treatment. Those with COVID-19 testing appointment must get tested.
  5. All travellers must download and install the MorChana application, and set it on at all times for the COVID-19 precautionary measures and to record the result on Day 5-6 in the application.

Meanwhile, travellers who have applied/obtained their Thailand Pass QR code before 22 December, 2021, with scheduled arrival dates in Thailand from 24 December, 2021, onwards, are still required to undergo their second COVID-19 test using the RT-PCR technique at government-designated facilities on Day 5-6 of their stay in Thailand, or when they experience respiratory symptoms (no additional cost).

Guidelines for Domestic/International Departure

For domestic departure, travellers must show proof that they have received a negative result for their RT-PCR test.

For international departure, it is the responsibility of travellers or their organisations to make sure that the travellers meet the requirements of their specific international destination regardless of the point of departure.

Kindly note the information is to serve as reference only. It is especially important to check in regularly on to stay current on what remains a very fluid and fast changing situation.

🔴 #COVID19 update on Thursday ⏫ 23,557 new cases ⬇️ 38 deaths ⬆️ 180,993 in care. Richard Barrow

onsdag 23 februari 2022

Details from today's Thailand Covid-19 Center meeting, including Test and Go changes - The Thailand Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has discussed the general Covid-19 situation and additional domestic regulations at a major meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O’Cha, today, February 23rd. The Pattaya News

Details from today's Thailand Covid-19 Center meeting, including Test and Go changes

PHOTO: Prachachat

National –

The Thailand Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has discussed the general Covid-19 situation and additional domestic regulations at a major meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O'Cha, today, February 23rd.

Firstly, CCSA spokesperson Taweesilp Visanuyothin mentioned at a press conference that the color-coding for all provinces would remain the same. Currently, there are 44 provinces in the orange zones, 25 in the yellow zones, and 8 in the blue tourist zones – including Pattaya/Chonburi and Bangkok. No provinces were in the dark red or red zones.

The zone colors, notes TPN media, are used to provide general rules and mandates for Covid-19 restrictions, with dark red having the toughest restrictions and green zones the lightest.

The CCSA also announced the guidelines for on-site courses for low-risk educational institutions nationwide. The schools can provide offline teaching if teachers, students, and employees are considered low-risk contacts. The in-class exams can proceed under provincial preventive measures if high-risk contacts are not reported at the institutions.

No photo description available.

Regarding the regulations for international arrivals, the CCSA has initially approved the replacement of a second on-arrival RT-PCR test with a self ATK (rapid) test on the fifth day of a visitor's arrival, starting March 1st. A hotel stay was not mandatory while doing the self-test and the results could be submitted electronically by a tourist on their own. A test before coming to Thailand was still required.

In short, travelers would only need a single payment for ONE ON-ARRIVAL RT-PCR test and one night booking at an SHA Extra Plus accommodation to wait for the first RT-PCR result on the first day of their arrival, although this still needed to be booked in advance. Additionally, the minimum insurance coverage upon traveling to the country would be reduced to USD 20,000 from the current USD 50,000. A visitor can register for the new guidelines and programs effective from March 1st, although there were still questions about if there would be any "grandfather" clauses for those already booked and arriving on or around that date.

Moreover, the CCSA would consider more Covid-19 testing adjustments for international arrivals, such as the potential to remove the first on-arrival test and mandated hotel stay, in April if the Covid-19 situation improved and the new regulations proved effective next month. This was, of course, only consideration and not a promise.

All tourists are also being reminded that they are still required to register and present their documents on the electronic 'Thailand Pass' system prior to their arrival via Sandbox or the Test&Go scheme. At this time, there are no plans to get rid of the unpopular Thailand Pass registration program, according to the CCSA, as it is also used to assist in tracking tourists for "security purposes".

There were no further updates or changes around other restrictions, such as the ongoing closure of the bar and entertainment industry nationwide which has been allowed to be temporary "restaurants" in the meantime with additional rules and certifications and 11:00 P.M. remains the legal official closing time in zones where alcohol can be served at restaurants. The nationwide mask mandate, including outdoors and even alone on a motorbike, remains.

Chonburi hits new high with 1,369 new and confirmed cases of Covid-19 and one new death - Today is a record high for new Covid-19 cases in Chonburi, although serious cases remain very low. The Pattaya News

Chonburi hits new high with 1,369 new and confirmed cases of Covid-19 and one new death


  • 1,369 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Chonburi today

  • 1,360 positive ATK tests were reported but all require a second confirmed PCR test before being counted as official cases. The ATK positive tests are just "possible" cases until confirmed by PCR.
  • 712 people recovered and were released from medical care

  • One new death

The Chonburi Department of Public Health announced 1,369 new and confirmed cases of Covid-19 today with one new death, February 23rd, 2022.

Today's number is a new record in cases for Chonburi, although only three serious cases are currently recorded out of 8,627 people currently positive.

This makes a total of 33,491 cases of Covid-19 in the current round of infections, with 8,627 people still under medical care/supervision, and with a total of 25 recorded deaths in Chonburi since the start of this recent round of infections at the beginning of this year, January 2022.

Additionally, 712 people were also released and recovered yesterday in Chonburi. 24,823 people in total have now been released from medical care and recovered in Chonburi since this current wave of Covid-19 began at the beginning of this year, January 2022.

Three people were listed as being in serious condition in Chonburi currently, either on a ventilator or pneumonia. One of them was not vaccinated. According to the Chonburi Department of Public Health, the vast majority of recent cases are mild or asymptomatic.

The one new death was at the age of 35 with personal health problems and pre-existing conditions. The person was not vaccinated.

In total, 1,974,518 people in Pattaya and Chonburi have received their first dose of a Covid -19 vaccine which is 84.78 percent of the total Chonburi population. Of those, 303,982 have received their first dose and are what the Thai government calls 608 groups (elders, have chronic health problems, and pregnant) which is 82.17 percent of those in these risk groups in Chonburi.

764,090 people have received their triple dose which is 32.81 percent of the total Chonburi population. Of those, 130,724 are 608 groups which are 35.34 percent of those in these risk groups in Chonburi.

The district-level new cases were as follows today:

Mueang Chonburi 358, Si Racha 340, Banglamung (Pattaya) 298, Panat Nikhom 43, Sattahip 62, Ban Bueng 70, Phan Thong 80, ฺBor Thong 1, Ko Chan 9, Nong Yai 3, and 105 people transferred from other provinces for medical care.

The details on the cases are as follows:

  1. Work and stayed in Rayong, transferred from other provinces for medical care, 85 cases
  2. Cluster, Visawakit Patana company in Si Racha, 5 cases
  3. Cluster, Fujitsu General company in Si Racha, 3 cases
  4. Risky occupations meeting many people, 55 cases
  5. 23 medical personnel
  6. 14 back from other provinces from Bangkok (6), Nakhon Sawan (2), Phuket (2), Kalasin (1), Samut Prakan (1), Chachoengsao (1), and Samut Songkram (1)
  7. Close contacts from previously confirmed cases in families – 320 cases, in workplaces –210 cases, close personal contacts – 103 cases, and joined a party – 5 case
  8. Close contacts of a confirmed patient (under investigation), 33 cases
  9. 513 cases close contacts of a confirmed patient (under investigation)

Thailand to relax rules for international arrivals from March 1 despite COVID surge | Thai PBS World. The Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has decided to change the second COVID-19 RT-PCR test, currently required for overseas arrivals on their fifth day in the country, to a self-administered rapid antigen test and will reduce the amount of required insurance coverage from US$50,000 to US$20,000.

Thailand to relax rules for international arrivals from March 1 despite COVID surge

Thailand is set to relax rules for international arrivals from March 1stdespite the continual surge in COVID-19 infections in the country.

The Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has decided to change the second COVID-19 RT-PCR test, currently required for overseas arrivals on their fifth day in the country, to a self-administered rapid antigen test and will reduce the amount of required insurance coverage from US$50,000 to US$20,000.

Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said today (Wednesday) that the average cost for the treatment of a COVID-19 patient in a private or state hospital in Thailand is about 300,000 baht, including those in a severe condition.

He explained that the original reason for the requirement for US$50,000 insurance coverage for overseas arrivals was because most of the COVID-19 cases were being imported at the time, but the situation now has changed. The infection rate among arrivals is now just one in every 1,000 arrivals.

The CCSA's decision to reduce the insurance coverage requirement is, he said, to reduce the financial deterrent on travellers who wish to visit to Thailand for business or tourism and the revised coverage requirement is still adequate to cover medical bills.

He also said that the CCSA has decided to opt for rapid antigen tests for the second COVID-19 test for overseas arrivals, because it is widely accepted, is accurate up to a certain level and the Ministry of Public Health has been instructed to report back to the CCSA at a later date about the effects of the change of test type.

Meanwhile, CCSA Spokesman Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin said they have decided to maintain the COVID-19 infection zones as 44 "orange" (controlled) provinces; 25 "yellow" (high surveillance) provinces and 8 "blue" (tourism sandbox) provinces and, while infections continue to surge, the fatality rate remains low.

He said that current infections have already crossed a red line, due to the easing of restrictions, and he warned that, even though most of the infected are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms, those in high-risk groups could still get very sick or die, as he pleaded with the public not to lower their guard.

Thailand recorded a new high of daily COVID-19 infections for this year today at 21,232, the first time the figure surpassed the 20,000-mark again since the peak in mid-August after weeks of increase. 39 more deaths have also been recorded since yesterday.