onsdag 13 april 2022

The Chonburi Department of Public Health announced 791 new and confirmed cases of Covid-19 today with three new deaths, on April 12th, 2022. Pattaya News

Chonburi announces 791 new and confirmed cases of Covid-19 and three new deaths


  • 791 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Chonburi today

  • 4,631 positive ATK (rapid antigen) tests were reported but all require a second confirmed PCR test before being counted as official cases. The ATK positive tests are just "possible" cases until confirmed by PCR. TPN notes, however, that second confirmed tests are no longer mandatory except for high-risk groups.
  • 1,546 (PCR) and 7,280 (ATK) recovered and were released from medical care
  • Three new deaths

The Chonburi Department of Public Health announced 791 new and confirmed cases of Covid-19 today with three new deaths, on April 12th, 2022.

This makes a total of 92,177 cases (PCR) and 228,921 cases (ATK) of Covid-19 in the current round of infections, with 11,509 (PCR) and 54,901 (ATK) people still under medical care/supervision, and with a total of 186 recorded deaths in Chonburi since the start of this recent round of infections at the beginning of this year, January 2022.

Additionally, 1,546 (PCR) and 7,280 (ATK) people were also released and recovered yesterday in Chonburi. 80,482 (PCR) and 174,020 (ATK) people in total have now been released from medical care and recovered in Chonburi since this current wave of Covid-19 began at the beginning of this year, January 2022.

Twelve people were listed as being in serious condition in Chonburi currently, either on a ventilator or with pneumonia. Five of them were not vaccinated. According to the Chonburi Department of Public Health, the vast majority of recent cases are mild or asymptomatic at 99.628 percent.

The three new deaths were aged 79, 97, and 98, with severe personal health problems and pre-existing conditions. Two of them were not vaccinated.

In total, 2,056,937 people in Pattaya and Chonburi have received their first dose of a Covid -19 vaccine which is 88.32 percent of the total Chonburi population. Of those, 308,124 have received their first dose and are what the Thai government calls 608 groups (elders, have chronic health problems, and pregnant) which is 83.29 percent of those in these risk groups in Chonburi.

973,500 people have received their triple dose which is 41.80 percent of the total Chonburi population. Of those, 174,218 are 608 groups which are 49.09 percent of those in these risk groups in Chonburi.

The district-level new cases were as follows today:

Mueang Chonburi 147, Sri Racha 230, Banglamung (Pattaya) 209, Panat Nikhom 8, Sattahip 62, Ban Bueng 36, Phan Thong 34, ฺBor Thong 4, Ko Chan 6, Nong Yai 4, and 51 people transferred from other provinces for medical care.

The district-level new cases were as follows today:

  1. Work and stayed in Rayong, transferred from other provinces for medical care, 40 cases
  2. Risky occupations meeting many people, 30 cases
  3. 22 medical personnel
  4. 1 back from other province in Singburi
  5. Close contacts from previously confirmed cases in families – 178 cases, in workplaces –47 cases, 52 close personal contacts, and 3 joined parties.
  6. Close contacts of a confirmed patient (under investigation), 17 cases
  7. 401 cases of close contacts with a confirmed patient (under investigation)

tisdag 12 april 2022

Why isn’t Thailand being more consistent with its social distancing rules? ASEAN NOW

tiger-woods AT THE masters.jpg

File photo for reference only


by Michael Bridge

This week I went to Siam Country Club's Waterside in my capacity as a golf journalist, only to find no spectators watching this US$750 Asian Tour event.

The organisers explained that they had been told by the local authorities that it would not be safe to allow spectators onto the course.

Yet down the road at the Nong Prue Stadium, the Pattaya Dolphins United on the same weekend attracted over 1,000 football fans to their final match of the season. 

OK, the authorities are concerned about the continuing pandemic, but are they not being a bit too overprotective in some cases.

Similar figures

According to online figures last Friday the number of new cases reported in Thailand was 25,140. On the same day, 36,379 new cases were reported in the States and 25,305 across the UK.



File photo for reference only

Other events with spectators

Being able to watch the famous Grand National from Aintree was back for 2022 after coronavirus restricted fans from attending last year. 

And on Saturday while 10 million racing betting fans watched the Grand National at home, while around 70,000 lucky punters manage to buy Grand National tickets and attend the race live. 


Also, on Saturday over in the states, The Masters, perhaps the greatest golf tournament in the world, welcomed over 40,000 patrons to the course every day.

Yet here in Thailand not one member of the public was allowed to attend the Honda LPGA Thailand last month or this week's Asian Tours tournament in Pattaya.

As the Thai government stated way back when Covid started, that exercise was good, and playing golf was an accepted socially distancing sport.

In May Pattaya is hosting a mega music festival for thousands who will all be up close dancing to the World's top DJs.

Do authorities really think it is not acceptable for even a couple of thousand golf fans to walk around the massive 18-hole course? 

Sometimes the powers to be, need to be realistic and let us carry on with an almost normal life!

🔴 #COVID19 update on Tuesday ⬇️ 19,982 new cases ⬇️ 101 deaths ⬇️ 237,399 active cases ⬇️ 2,056 serious cases. Richard Barrow

måndag 11 april 2022

#COVID19: The Thai Medical Sciences Department has predicted that, in less than two weeks, the BA.2 sub-variant of the Omicron variant will account for 100% of new COVID-19 infections in Thailand. Read more: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/covid-19-omicron-ba-2-will-supersede-ba-1-in-next-two-weeks-in-thailand/ PBS World

High time to reform the Thai immigration reporting rules - Pattaya Mail

High time to reform the Thai immigration reporting rules

The Thai Immigration Act of 1979 was gazetted just after the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. Its tone and terms reflect the attitude of that era, but have now become anachronistic and no longer reflect the way contemporary Thais view the world or its "aliens".

Thai society was compelled to open up and modernize after that conflict. In so doing, it has experienced significant social, political, technological and economic changes which have transformed Thailand into a more mature and outward-looking nation.

The post-war basis is simply no longer appropriate given that the presence of "aliens" no longer poses a threat to the national security of Thailand. In fact, Asian countries which have opened up to expats have done much to improve their economy and enriched their society. Hong Kong and Singapore have been cases in point.

The system centers on the requirement for longstay foreigners and expats to report their address to the local immigration bureau every three months which they reside here. Although it is theoretically possible to register details online, there are frequent complaints about technological collapse and almost 90 percent of registrations are still conducted in person. Long queues at immigration offices, especially before and after public holidays, are frequently criticized on social media.

As a consequence of many military interventions over the years, Thai society and its institutions have been strongly influenced by coups. Given that army rule tends to be conservative, there has been no incentive for much-needed reform. Indeed, immigration bureaucracy has become more onerous in recent years with even short stay tourists required to notify their address shortly after arrival. The rules of entry for different categories of foreigner have become even more complex during the current pandemic.

Neighboring Cambodia, by contrast, has introduced a simple, online tourist registration system for those wishing to remain beyond 30 days. Called the Foreigners Present in Cambodia System, it provides multiple and immediate contact options by address, phone, email or QR code. There is no need to register unless or until the foreigner changes his Cambodian abode. Most of the registrations are completed by hotels or landlords.

By contrast the Thai system of registration is cumbersome. Hotels not infrequently fail to report new arrivals which can lead to fines on the luckless tourist. There is confusion about the date of the 90 days reporting, which is actually a three weeks' window, as opposed to a specific day when a visa expires. Many expats are confused by different interpretations of the law in immigration offices, for example whether an expat has to register again the same address on returning from abroad.

Admittedly, there has been some limited improvement overall. A new four year, hi-tech visa does not require a 90 days report although it is awarded only to specialist professionals from abroad. Work permit legislation has become slightly less onerous, for example multiple jobs and locations are now possible. New retiree and investor visas, lasting up to 10 years but requiring considerable assets, are promised to be free of 90 days reporting although no details are yet available. Nonetheless, it is high time that Thailand reformed wholesale its immigration policies and requirements to create a far more user-friendly and contemporary context. The country and its future deserves no less.

🔴 #COVID19 update on Monday ⬇️ 22,387 new cases ⬇️ 105 deaths ⬇️ 245,575 active cases ⬆️ 2,065 serious cases. Richard Barrow

söndag 10 april 2022

Prominent Thai doctor Thira urges public to wear facial masks and stay cautious of the Covid-19 pandemic during Songkran, strongly against dropping mask mandates in Thailand. TPN

Prominent doctor Thira Woratanarat warned Thai people to stay cautious of the Covid-19 pandemic, wear facial masks, and refrain from large gatherings during the Songkran festival.

PHOTO: Post Today

Bangkok –

The Associate Professor at Chulalongkorn University wrote an online status today, April 10th, about the global Covid-19 situation in general and stated that Thailand's daily infections via ATK testing had become the seventh-highest country in the world and the third in Asia.

He also mentioned Canada's Public Health Ontario (PHO) reports which suggested that the intensity of Covid-19 outbreaks was associated with the strict level of mask mandates in the country. The easing of mask mandates resulted in a higher rate of new infections, case detections, and critical patients, according to Thira.

Dr. Thira stated on his Facebook page: "This PHO report reminded us of the importance of wearing facial masks. It was to prevent the spread of infection amid the ongoing pandemic situation. We shouldn't be fooled by some people's and countries' words, encouraging us to remove mask mandates and live with the disease like normal influenza. This includes outdoor mandates, which should stay."

"I'd like to repeat that the pandemic situation in Thailand was still severe. What we primarily used for treatment now was also different from the developed countries. The booster vaccine still has reached only a minority of the population. Therefore, the key point to avoiding the infection was personal behavior, which was wearing a mask, it was the most important thing to do, and conducting social distance from others. Do not eat, drink, or share food with others. Please take care of yourself and your family members this Songkran."

Drink and drive motorists or motorcyclists caught by police during the long #Songkran holiday, between Monday and Sunday next week, are more likely to be sent to jail without suspension if convicted, as authorities vow to get tough on #drunk driving. https://thaip.bs/5egEDqm

Ignoring Covid-19 prevention measures A survey on 113,847 respondents, conducted by a Public Health Ministry division from March 5 to 31, shows that many Thais fail to observe measures to protect themselves against Covid-19. Read More : https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40014364

🔴 #COVID19 update on Sunday ⬇️ 25,139 new cases ⬆️ 108 deaths ⬇️ 250,973 active cases ⬆️ 1,993 serious cases. Richard Barrow


lördag 9 april 2022

Analys: Därför är Swedavia resebranschens skamfläck Vem kunde ana att påsklovet skulle börja i går? Eller tro att folk skulle vara ressugna efter två års pandemi? Inte Swedavia, resebranschens skamfläck. Av: Leif Holmkvist.

Analys: Därför är Swedavia resebranschens skamfläck

Vem kunde ana att påsklovet skulle börja i går? Eller tro att folk skulle vara ressugna efter två års pandemi? Inte Swedavia, resebranschens skamfläck. Av: Leif Holmkvist.

"Staten verkar göra allt för att vi inte ska lämna landet: vi får inte ut några pass förrän framåt lusse, det är svindyrt att ta sig till en felbyggd och evigt ombyggd flygplats 45 kilometer åt Norrland till, Swedavias effektivitet får passpolisen att framstå som ivriga bävrar"

På fredagsmorgonen läste jag chefredaktör Viggo Cavlings rapport från en konferens på Arlanda där statens flygplatsbolag Swedavia skröt om att de ska bli multimodala. Troligen betyder det att det ska bli lättare att resa. I artikeln intill stod att konkurshotade SAS inte klarar av att betala sina räntor.

Sedan skjutsade jag en barnfamilj till Arlanda, eftersom kinesernas tåg är så dyrt.

– Vi åker i god tid för det är ju påsk och många vill nog resa, sade frun i familjen, utan annan branscherfarenhet än några somrar i ungdomen som konduktör på Krösatågen.

Kvart i tolv rullade vi i väg, halv ett var vi framme, fyra timmar före avgång. Det sista jag såg av dem var sjuåringen hoppskuttande av förväntan mot ingången med gosedjuret stickande upp ur ryggan.

Två timmar senare ett sms från familjefadern:

"Totalkaos på Arlanda. Kö till säkerhetskontrollen ända till terminal 4."

Tre timmar och en kvart:

"Vi är igenom helvetet, hinner nog med planet."

Fyra timmar:

"Avgången mer än en timma försenad, hälften av passagerarna inte genom säk."

I dag läser jag i Expressen, Aftonbladet eller DN att en av Swedavias pressnissar vid namn Peter Wärring säger att de "har en ansträngd situation med köer upp till en timma".

Felaktiga fakta eller snarare ren lögn. Har han frågat någon av de arga, stressade, oroliga och rent av gråtfärdiga passagerare som köat i över två timmar eller de som missade sina avgångar?

"Det kommer att lätta under kvällen", säger Peter Wärring glatt.

Och klockan 02.30 är det nästan ingen kö alls.

Sedan följer det mest fantastiska av allt, Peter Wärrings multimodala förklaring till haveriet:

"Resandet har avtagit under pandemin och färre anställda behövdes".

Swedavia har förstått att vi reste mindre när vi inte fick resa.

Frågan är om statsföretaget hört statsepidemiologen förklara att restriktionerna togs bort för två månader sedan?

"Det tar tid att rekrytera ny personal som ska säkerhetsprövas", lyder Peter Wärrings bortförklaring

Ja, om det är Swedavia som sköter säkerhetskollen tar det säkert tid.

Har de inte kollat med flygbolagen om antal avgångar och passagerare just dagen då påsklovet börjar? Det finns ju datorer och både researrangörer och flygbolag har örnkoll på antal resande.

Läser sedan i Expressen att även de som kom igenom säkerhetskontrollen i tid ändå inte fick sitt bagage lastat i tid på grund av personalbrist.

"Man bör vara på flygplatsen tre timmar före avgång", råder den förnumstige Peter Wärring.

Så låt oss räkna:

Vi åkte 11.45 från Stockholm, var framme fyra timmar före avgång och planer kom i väg 17.45.

Det är sex timmar från hemmet tills planet lyfte.

Det är normalflygtid till Las Palmas eller Dubai och tur och retur till Rom eller Dubrovnik.

Tyvärr ska man ju också hem till Arlanda, där jag landat bra många gånger sedan Janne Carlzon blev SAS-chef. Jag har inte varit på någon flygplats där det tar så lång tid att få ut sitt bagage. Problemet förefaller vara detsamma år ut och år in, trötta resenärer stirrar tomt på ett lika tomt bagageband.

Staten verkar göra allt för att vi inte ska lämna landet: vi får inte ut några pass förrän framåt lusse, det är svindyrt att ta sig till en felbyggd och evigt ombyggd flygplats 45 kilometer åt Norrland till, Swedavias effektivitet får passpolisen att framstå som ivriga bävrar och det skattefinansierade statsflyget SAS är med god fart på väg mot konkursen. Tillsammans gräver de den svenska flygbranschens grav.

Det finns en panel efter säkerhetskontrollen där man får trycka glad eller sur gubbe.

Jag har bara en önskan: Att Swedavia redovisar gårdagens relation mellan sur och glad gubbe för näringsminister Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson.