måndag 24 oktober 2022

Thailand Business Climate Survey (English below) Swedish company 🇸🇪 How do you see the business atmosphere in Thailand 🇹🇭? Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok

Thailand Business Climate Survey (English below)
Swedish company 🇸🇪 How do you see the business atmosphere in Thailand 🇹🇭?

At the beginning of the year, Swedish companies in Thailand responded to a survey on the business environment. Although profitable, Swedish companies view the business environment in Thailand moderate to negative compared to surveys conducted with other neighboring countries in the region (Indonesia, Malaysia) Singapore and Vietnam) may explain the reason for the weak Thai economy. While other countries' economies seem to be more positive. One challenge from the survey is the complex customs process. The main reason why the company is profitable is the fur market. Thailand's big deal. Worth the cost and great customer satisfaction.

Business Sweden Thai-Sweden Chamber of Commerce, including the Swedish Embassy, have jointly conducted a survey for the third time. This time, the survey was conducted to Swedish companies with almost 100 representatives in Thailand, with 70 percent of the companies responding. Business🤓🇹🇭

Read the full report at https://www.business-sweden.com/insights/reports/thailand-business-climate-survey-2022/

Swedish 🇸🇪 companies' perception of the business climate in Thailand 🇹🇭?

Earlier this year, a business climate survey was made among Swedish companies in Thailand. Despite their profits, the companies have a relatively neutral to negative outlook on the business climate, comparing to surveys made with regional neighbours (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam). This could be explained by the stagnating Thai economy and an increasing optimism in the other countries. One of the biggest challenges expressed in the survey are the complicated customs procedures. Thailand's sizable market, cost efficiency and high customer satisfaction are main reasons for the companies' profitability.

Business Sweden, Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy together conducted the survey for the third time. It was sent out to almost 100 Swedish companies represented in Thailand and the response rate was over 70%. 📗🤓🇹🇭

Read the report in full: https://www.business-sweden.com/insights/reports/thailand-business-climate-survey-2022/

söndag 23 oktober 2022

”Millions of people”

Kaos 3 👎👎👎👎👎

Kaos 2 👎👎👎👎👎

Kaos 👎👎👎👎👎

Worried you might be holding one of the counterfeit 1,000-baht notes in circulation? The Nation

Worried you might be holding one of the counterfeit 1,000-baht notes in circulation? Police have advised people they can do a simple check to tell whether their banknotes are real or fake.


En restaurang som vi alla känner till söker personal. Detta är vad man letar efter / erbjuder

#รับสมัครParttime #พนักงานเสิร์ฟหญิง
#พนักงานเสิร์ฟชาย #ผู้ช่วยครัวชายหรือหญิง
#Posting work only on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
💸Total income per day of work 300++
💸Income per day, full day work 400++
**There is income+increase tips every day**

🏃 ♂️🏃 ♂️🏃 ♂️🏃 ♂️🏃 ♂️🏃 ♂️🏃 ♂️
✅Female waitress (18-28 years old)
-Clearing up the shop during opening and closing the shop.
- Food & Drinks Will Be Served
-Can suggest food and drink menus
- Keep the glass clean without breaking it.
**Without experience, just a willingness, we will accept internships**

✅Kitchen Assistant. Male and Female (18-28 years old)
-Clearing up the shop during opening and closing the shop.
-have experience in front of bed and knife
-Can fry, fry, salad, grill.
**Without experience, just a willingness, we will accept internships**

****Working time** 🕘
-Thursday - Friday 15.00-22.00
-Sat-Sun-Festival Holiday 09.00-22.00

-There is food and drinks for every meal.
-Special tips for every position every day.
-Lots of work, lots of tips.
-Salary is paid every half month.
-festive feasts and bonuses

✅Special Features✅
-Strong, patient, agile, honest, punctual.
Inquire, call. 086111546 or send work details via inbox to the shop.

Reseförsäkring Thailand. Claes Ebler

Detta kostar din reseförsäkring!


Många har en hemförsäkring och använder dess resedel så länge den gäller. Därefter vid behov gör man en förlängning.
Det finns ett antal anledningar till att förlänga sin hemförsäkring (om man har en).
Tex för:
-Resan är längre en de ingående dagarna.
-Speciell försäkring vid visa ansökan.
-Ingen hemförsäkring.
-Vill ha en sammanhängande försäkring.
Då gäller ofta dessa två alternativ, Gouda och ERV. Båda bra försäkringar med bra innehåll.
Men de har blivit väldigt dyyyra!

Får dagligen förfrågningar om billigare alternativ framförallt för de lite äldre.
Det finns stora besparingar att göra här!

"Det gör mig extra varm om hjärtat när jag hör att vi hade inte haft råd att resa om vi inte fått hjälp med detta!!"

Ännu fler frågar om priserna och nu har jag äntligen hunnit med ett par exempel ni kan kika  på nedan.
För alla bolag gäller att "pre existing conditions" dvs tidigare och nuvarande åkommor/sjukdomar inte omfattas (lite förenklat).
Lite olika bedömningar gäller mellan bolagen men kan inte säga att någon skulle vara bättre eller sämre på detta, bara att det kan skilja från fall till fall.

ACS och Coris har fastställda beloppsgränser.
Gouda och ERV har oftast inga beloppsgränser utan anger "skäliga kostnader".
Gouda och ERV har förutom det medicinska en hel del reseanpassade ersättningar, tex. försenat flyg, borttappat bagage, stöld, ansvarsförsäkring mm.

Gouda och ERV gäller World wide exkl USA.
ACS och Coris gäller World wide!

*ERV = Bas
**ACS Här Globe Partner som har en max ersättning på 150 000 €, så ganska väl tilltaget. De har även som Gouda och ERV reseersättningsdelar förutom det medicinska. Priset talar för sig själv och jag har hjälpt många med denna. Inga klagomål so far. I mina ögon en av de bästa internationella reseförsäkringarna.
OBS! Man måste kunna instämma i deras hälsopåstående!!
***Coris, Travel Health, en mkt omtyckt försäkring bland långliggare/Expats då de inte har ngn åldersbegränsning eller tidsbegränsning (även om man i nuläget bara kan teckna den för 120 dgar åt gången men inga problem med förlängning.
Här har man 3 pris nivåer 25 / 50 / 100 000€ priserna nesan för 25 000 och 100 000.
De försöker också lösa akuta sjukdomar på plats (även de lite kostsammare) innan man får åka hem för rehab/eftervård, om det skulle behövas. (Resan då betald men inte rehab/eftervård)
Dessa priser omfattar inga reserelaterade delar, förutom biljetter i vissa fall, men de har även ett sådant alternativ, vilket inte många har valt, (Multi Risk). Men bra om man skall resa utanför Thailand.
OBS! De är tuffa med att akut sjukdom inte är när man kan boka tid om någon dag eller så.
Detta då många som bor i Thailand har den och det är inte en sjukförsäkring! Men väldigt bra ändå!

Vill ni ha mer specifik info om ACS och Coris så maila mig på:
Med vänlig hälsning

Ps. Friskriver mig ev felaktigheter i priser eller text men vore tacksam om ni ville höra av er om ni upptäcker ngt fel så jag kan rätta!

OBS! I mitten av nästa månad kommer den årliga jämförelsen av de bästa sjukförsäkringarna. (Har blivit lite försenad pga flooding). 

Cabinet will deliberate 4am closing. Ministry seeks break for nightspots. The Tourism and Sports Ministry will ask the cabinet to consider allowing nightspots in certain tourism spots to stay open until 4am as the Covid-19 pandemic eases along with many virus curbs. Bangkok Post

Cabinet will deliberate 4am closing
Entertainment venues and street shops on Khao San Road on Sept 23, 2022. (Photo: Pornprom Satrabhaya)
Entertainment venues and street shops on Khao San Road on Sept 23, 2022. (Photo: Pornprom Satrabhaya)

The Tourism and Sports Ministry will ask the cabinet to consider allowing nightspots in certain tourism spots to stay open until 4am as the Covid-19 pandemic eases along with many virus curbs.

Tourism and Sports Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn said on Saturday studies found that if nightspots are allowed to operate until 4am, their income would increase by 40%.

''However, a public referendum will have to be held to decide where nightlife outlets will be allowed to operate until that time,'' he said.

Mr Phiphat said that after the virus was downgraded from a dangerous communicable disease to a communicable disease under surveillance from Oct 1, the ministry is moving ahead with plans to develop tourist destinations in four clusters of provinces, by highlighting unique local cultures, traditions and histories to promote tourism.

For example, a study is being conducted to promote low-carbon tourism in Phangnga, part of the Andaman cluster.

As for Phuket, a plan will be devised to develop state land in tambon Mai Khao of Thalang district into a yacht club, a sports complex and a convention hall, which will be linked with a project to promote wellness tourism in the province, Mr Phiphat said, adding the private sector will be urged to invest.

Activities will be held seasonally to attract tourists and boost income for local people, the minister said.

In 2019 before the pandemic struck, over 39.8 million tourists came to Thailand, generating more than 3 trillion baht.

During the pandemic, tourism was one of the industries hardest hit and the ministry worked closely with various agencies to ease the impact by launching the Phuket Sandbox scheme in July last year, Mr Phiphat said.

He added the MotoGP 2022 World Championship was held in Buri Ram between Sept 30 and Oct 2, pulling in foreign visitors and spectators which gave the local economy a boost.

In the longer run, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is devising a campaign to woo international visitors to future MotoGP events.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister and Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said Thailand has handed over a total of 100,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine for children aged 5-11 as well as vaccination equipment worth 50 million baht to Myanmar as part of public health cooperation in Asean.

lördag 22 oktober 2022

Woman who lived at Suvarnabhumi Airport for 2 months gets help. THE Thai version of the movie “The Terminal” played out in real life after a mysterious 28-year-old woman got help after living at Suvarnabhumi Airport for almost two months while waiting to be picked up by her mother, Sanook.com said today (Oct. 22).- Thai Newsroom

Woman who lived at Suvarnabhumi Airport for 2 months gets help

THE Thai version of the movie "The Terminal" played out in real life after a mysterious 28-year-old woman got help after living at Suvarnabhumi Airport for almost two months while waiting to be picked up by her mother, Sanook.com said today (Oct. 22).

Ms. Paweena Hongsakul, chairman of the Paweena Foundation for Children and Women, went to the airport to investigate after informing Ms. Wannapha Sukkong, head of Samut Prakan Social Development and Human Security Office,  Mr. Charin Khaosud, director of the Samut Prakan Centre for the Protection of the Homeless, and Ms. Panisara Salakornthanawat, head of the Samut Prakan Children's Home, about this case.

Once there she was told that Ms Noi (pseudonym),  who was thin and looked hungry, had lived at the airport terminal's first floor, gate four, for almost two months.

Security guards said during this time she had been asking passengers for money and had shoplifted from the convenience store. 

She seemed confused and was unable to say where her home is nor provide any details about her relatives, only saying that her mother had told her to wait at the airport after returning from abroad.

Initially the Samut Prakan Centre for the Protection of the Homeless and Samut Prakan Children's Home are providing her with temporary protection in keeping with Homeless Act, 2014.

Meanwhile the Paveena Foundation and the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security are working together in trying to locate her relatives.

Thai visa runs to Laos: latest updates - Pattaya Mail

Thai visa runs to Laos: latest updates

Visitors wait to cross the Friendship Bridge, the main land crossing point between Thailand and Laos.

From this month, the Thai embassy in Vientiane in neighboring Laos has announced the latest regulations regarding the issue of 60 days, single tourist visas which, in most cases, can be extended for a further 30 days at Thai immigration. However, the procedure is more complicated than visiting the Cambodian border which issues 45 days visa exempt to most nationalities with the option of extending a further month in Thailand.

The Thai embassy in Laos has announced that applicants will need to show a Thai bank book with at least 25,000 baht (around US$650) available for spending in Thailand. Most nationalities can apply for the 60 days tourist visa, but those from 29 countries (including China and Bangladesh) may be subject to significant delays as further identity checks are made. Double or multiple entries to Thailand are awarded only to Laos citizens or to foreigners with long stay residence rights.

Entry to Laos may be made by road or air, although immigration officers will likely want to see proof of prior booking of accommodation in or near Vientiane. Appointments at the embassy must be booked in advance, via its website, and walk-ins are no longer allowed. The process usually takes 24 hours involving one night's stay in the capital. Several Thai tour companies offer visa runs to Laos either by minibus or by air, the former with an inclusive charge of around 15,000 baht and about double that amount by air.

Most foreigners wanting a longer holiday in Thailand are opting at the Cambodian border for a new 45 days visa exempt stamp with the option to extend for a further month. However, some nationalities (notably Indians and Chinese) cannot use this route as they are not categorized visa exempt, but rather visa on arrival which is different. Visa on arrival applies to around 20 countries and offers 30 days (plus 15) on payment of a fee of 2,000 baht on arrival in Thailand, unless waived. All foreigners are restricted to two border visa runs in a 12 months period.

Another issue with the Cambodian border is that only organized groups with a tour or visa company are permitted to do the run in a single day. Individuals without an escort arriving at Aranyaprathet or Pong Nam Ron immigration border checkpoints are being told that they must remain several days in Cambodia because their ID details were not sent for scrutiny in advance. The best advice right now is to organize a visa run via an agency which does regular runs and knows the ropes. Covid-free documentation is no longer required for entry to Cambodia, Laos or Thailand.

Thai tourist police explain their role as the country commits to the protection and welfare of tourists. INN revealed that Thailand is now a signatory to the International Code for the Protection of Tourists (ICPT) that has been promoted by the World Tourism Council. They have promised to work towards ensuring the safety of all tourists and building tourism confidence. ASEAN NOW


Picture: INN


INN revealed that Thailand is now a signatory to the International Code for the Protection of Tourists (ICPT) that has been promoted by the World Tourism Council.


They have promised to work towards ensuring the safety of all tourists and building tourism confidence. 

As Thailand enters High Season 2022-23 and pandemic angst begins to fade, a big seminar was arranged in Phuket called the Tourism Safety and Security Conference.


On behalf of the Thai Tourist Police Pol Maj-Gen Apichart Suribunya, deputy and spokesman, explained the various roles of the tourist police.



Picture: INN


As well as crucially how they differ from the mainstream force and other sections.


Apichart also explained how a swanky new online system operated by the tourist police will be unveiled for real time help to tourists from next year. 



Picture: INN


The police had been invited by the British embassy to the conference that was also organized by the Australia embassy in Thailand.


A further promise was made to listen to the views of tourists to make their experience better next time. 

INN's report was ideal for breakfast time - full of waffle and lacking in substance. 

-- © Copyright  ASEAN NOW 2022-10-22 

fredag 21 oktober 2022

Taxi queues at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Either tourism is back or lousy management is back. Thai Enquirer

Flyers to receive refunds from Thai Airways. Passengers to finally get refunds from high-flying Thai Airways still facing financial turbulence- Thai Examiner

Passengers to finally get refunds from high-flying Thai Airways still facing financial turbulence
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It appears that the airline, kept alive by cargo freight income and the protection of the court through the pandemic emergency, has made substantial progress in trimming its previously huge cost base while capturing market share as the country reopened with other international airlines, for now, scrambling after richer pickings while others are not able to compete on routes to Bangkok as before. However, Bangkok Bank, a key dissenting creditor in a submission to the Central Bankruptcy Court has expressed its doubts about the firm's high-flying plans to find further credit which includes an expressed intention to relaunch itself on the stock market by 2025.

As part of its revised business plan approved by the Central Bankruptcy Court in Bangkok on Thursday, Thai Airways will finally begin refunding ticket purchases made by customers before it filed for bankruptcy in May 2022. Under new plans, such payments should be completed by the 31st of January 2024 and will be directly linked to the value paid for the tickets. The airline which has had its operating performance boosted since the reopening of Thailand earlier this year is projected to fly 4.4 million passengers in 2022 with an average flight load of about 80%. However, there are still challenges with the airline still restricted from flying to certain countries or territories fearing action by key dissenting creditors and comments from Bangkok Bank, which opposes the plan, to the court since September questioning the airline's ability to access further credit to implement its business plan by the end of 2024, the cornerstone of which is a ฿25 billion rights issue with debts owed to creditor converted into capital before the airline is again refloated on the stock exchange.

The Chief Financial Officer of Thai Airways, Chai Eamsiri, submitted information to the Central Bankruptcy Court in September as it considered the firm's revised business plan and objections from dissenting creditors such as Bangkok Bank. The firm has succeeded in drastically reducing its costs and is performing very well in 2022. This has allowed it to bring forward and improve on many aspects of its business plan which it hopes will see it return to the stock exchange in 2025 as a leaner and more profitable concern.

The Central Bankruptcy Court in Bangkok, on Thursday, approved key elements of a revised business reorganisation plan as part of efforts to restructure the debts of the country's flag carrier Thai Airways.

A key part of the plan given the green light by the Central Bankruptcy Court which communicated its decision by digital means, was a plan to refund passenger prepayments made before the airline filed for bankruptcy in May 2020.

Refund payments paid through credit cards and other means, to be complete by the 31st of January 2024

Under revised provisions, agreed by the court on Thursday, these payments are expected to be paid, in many cases through the refund of credit card payments, to passengers by the end of January 2024.

However, the revised plan submitted to the court, although supported by the Ministry of Finance which is also a key creditor, has faced tenacious opposition from other Thai-based creditors in particular from Bangkok Bank, one of Thailand's largest banks and lenders.

Thai Airways flies high as numbers skyrocket as it flies tourists into the kingdom from Europe

In its judgement, on Thursday, the court reviewed proposals to amend the plans in respect of creditors abroad who are threatening to seize Thai Airways aircraft because of outstanding debt despite the bankruptcy process.

Management wanted to deal with creditors threatening to seize Thai Airways aircraft in key territories as a priority, it is a key problem

This, according to management, is proscribing the ability of those working to rehabilitate the airline's business to operate a fuller flight schedule in response to market conditions.

The amended plan was supported by a majority of the airline's creditors this September but still required approval of the court on Thursday after it vetted the proposal in considerable detail and listened to opposition from dissenting creditors.

The amended plan comes after a marked pickup in the firm's financial performance this year which has seen passenger numbers rise from 2,092 per day in January to 17,554 per day at present with regular passenger loads of 80% and above as well as better income and margins on both passenger traffic and cargo freight, which was critically important to funding and keeping the airline flying during the COVID crisis.

Leaner Thai Airways with lower operating costs is filling seats on flights again this year from Europe

The airline, in the course of its rehabilitation, has seen a halving of its workforce from twenty-nine thousand personnel to fourteen thousand four hundred with a resultant monthly wage bill of ฿700 million, reduced from ฿3 billion per month previously.

The airline has reduced its aircraft fleet to 58 planes, in the process, selling off 45 aircraft while it is expected to have taken delivery of three new Boeing 777-330 ER aircraft in October with two of these planes already delivered on October 18th and 19th while the third is due on October 26th.

These aircraft are suitable for lucrative long-haul flights and come with room for 8 first-class passengers, 40 business-class passengers and 255 seats for those flying economy.

Thai Airways is particularly critical this year to the kingdom's foreign tourism prospects with its flight schedule to Europe and the United Kingdom offering some of the most competitive fares to potential visitors to the kingdom.

Even March 2023 in doubt for resumption of British Airways direct flight from London to Bangkok

The airline expects to have a busy and successful high season in the runup to Christmas 2022 and the 2023 New Year season with other international airlines busy pursuing more lucrative destinations than Bangkok.

Drawn out process where the Bankruptcy Court keeps oversight over all key decisions regarding creditors

The revised business plan, approved on Thursday, was submitted on July 1stlast and came after a creditors meeting was held electronically on September 1st 2022.

Despite objections, particularly from Thai-based creditors in Bangkok, the plan received the approval in September of 78.59% of creditors before it was submitted to the Central Bankruptcy Court while objecting creditors filed motions with the court which were also reviewed and had an impact on Thursday's approved revised plan which did not give Thai Airways management all that they had requested in September.

The plan being pursued was put forward by top executives at the airline including Chief Financial Officer Chai Eamsiri who made a submission to the court in September.

If successfully implemented, it will see the state's shareholding in the flag carrier reduced to 33% in the runup to the firm being refloated on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), a development now expected sometime in 2025.

Cornerstone of rehabilitation plan is the conversion of debt to equity in a slimmed-down ฿25 billion rights issue before a new stock exchange return

Thai Airways is forecast to fly 4.4 million passengers in 2022 giving it an average cabin load of 80% to 82%.

The amended business plan still anticipates the capitalisation of ฿25 billion within the company between now and the end of 2024 through the sale of new shares and the conversion of existing debt-equity.

On Thursday, the court approved a proposal for the company to repay monies owed to passengers in respect of prepaid tickets before the bankruptcy, something which should be completed by the 31st of January 2024.

The amount to be refunded, under the revised plans approved by the court, will be linked to the value of the tickets paid for by the customer.

Risk of aircraft being seized still exists in some countries and territories, executives sought approval to deal with the problem but the court demurred

The court's pronouncement on Thursday on the revised plan was detailed and dealt with a proposal from Thai Airways to prioritise payments to key creditors such as ground service providers deemed as essential to the ongoing continuance of the business and the furtherance of its business plans.

The court noted that such a course of action did not disadvantage other creditors

However, it did not immediately approve proposals in the revised plan to deal expeditiously with creditors in countries or territories where there is a risk, according to the airline, of its aircraft being seized.

Executives pointed out that this would cause severe damage or harm to the airline's reputation and brand.

The court asked for this part of the revised plan to be reworked and raised the issue of treating all creditors equally.

Bangkok Bank has emerged as a key dissenting creditor against the plan and has expressed scepticism about the airline's ability to find further credit

Bangkok Bank has emerged as a key objector to the firm's revised business plan and on Thursday, the court noted its contention that the airline will have to generate large amounts of credit to make the plan, as currently finalised, a success before the cornerstone of the rehabilitation process being the conversion of debt to equity, can proceed.

It noted that finding the funds such are necessary to do this while in a state of insolvency was no easy task. It also expressed concern about the airline incurring further debt.

However, the airline's management pointed to its surging prospects this year with a cash flow of around ฿20 billion and argued before the court that it needed to make changes to continue to push the plan towards its fruition.

Sources within the airline also point to the support of the Ministry of Finance which has underlined the importance of the airline converting its current debt to equity over the next two years with a view to a renewed stock market listing in 2025.

A new financial advisor will now be employed by the airline to put together the ฿25 billion package which has been halved this year due to a better-than-expected operating performance.

torsdag 20 oktober 2022

Court clears THAI for takeoff, as it doubles Aussie flights. Thai Airways (THAI) received a much-needed boost today when the Central Bankruptcy Court approved the airline’s request to overhaul its recovery plan. The news comes on the back of a THAI announcement that passengers increased by 80% this month and plans to double flights to Melbourne, Australia, in December. | Thaiger

Court clears THAI for takeoff, as it doubles Aussie flights

Thai Airways (THAI) received a much-needed boost today when the Central Bankruptcy Court approved the airline's request to overhaul its recovery plan. The news comes on the back of a THAI announcement that passengers increased by 80% this month and plans to double flights to Melbourne, Australia, in December.

Thailand's national flag carrier was told by the court to carry on after most of its creditors backed the revised plan, according to the Nation.

It was reported that about 79% of the creditors, including the Finance Ministry, endorsed THAI's revised recovery plan.

THAI has struggled over the past few years like most businesses on the back of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The airline filed for bankruptcy protection in late 2019 after reporting massive debts of 245 billion baht. The Cabinet in May 2020 gave the rehabilitation plan the go-ahead under the Bankruptcy Act, which was later approved by the Central Bankruptcy Court. But green shoots of recovery have sprouted over the past few months.

In July, THAI announced it was renting three more planes and hiring 600 more staff as part of its restructuring plans. And, after cutting costs, selling stock, chasing debtsand distributing plane seats, turnover increased.

THAI made it known that it has seen a passenger increase of 80% for the first 10-days of this month, according to Thai Enquirer.

The airline said that its average passenger traffic stood at 17,554 people per day from 2,092 people per day in January 2022.

THAI added that travel demand continued to grow in the first 9-months of this year, due to the relaxation and removal of travel restrictions and restrictions in countries around the world.

Meanwhile, THAI announced plans to double flights between Melbourne Tullamarine and Bangkok Suvarnabhumi from December 1, according to simpleflying.com.

The flight schedule between Bangkok and Melbourne:

Bangkok to Melbourne

TG461: departs Bangkok at 8.20am, and arrives in Melbourne at 9.20pm.

TG465: departs Bangkok at 12.05am, and arrives in Melbourne at 1.05pm.

Melbourne to Bangkok

TG462: departs Melbourne at 12.30am, and arrives in Bangkok at 5.40am.

TG466: departs Melbourne at 3.25pm and arrives in Bangkok at 8.35pm.

Thailand exported 100,389 cars in September, up 35.97% year-on-year and it was the highest in 9 months. The total value was 91.06 billion Baht. Thai Enquirer

 #Thailand exported 100,389 cars in September, up 35.97% year-on-year and it was the highest in 9 months. The total value was 91.06 billion Baht.
For the first 9 months of 2022, the country exported 706,444 units, up 4.28% y-o-y. The total value was 642.55 billion Baht.
For domestic sales, 74,150 cars were sold in September, up 15.64% y-o-y thanks to tourism recovery, economic stimulus measures and new models.
For the first 9 months of 2022, 633,687 units were sold, up 19.13% y-o-y.

Downtown Phuket flooded again. Downtown Phuket is flooded again tonight after heavy downpours that hit the popular resort island in southern Thailand. Most businesses in the commercial centre of the city are closed. It’s the second time in three days that it has been inundated. | Thai PBS World

Downtown Phuket flooded again

Downtown Phuket is flooded again tonight after heavy downpours that hit the popular resort island in southern Thailand.

Most businesses in the commercial centre of the city are closed. It's the second time in three days that it has been inundated.

Most shops have sandbags stacked up in front of them to prevent overflowing of floodwater while roads are closed to traffic and workers use water pumps to drain out water.

Phuket Mayor Saroj Angkanapilas said incessant downpour causes concerns of more severe flooding.

The inundation followed warning by authorities for residents living along the Bang Yai Canal, in Nakhon Phuket and Ratsada sub-districts, to prepare for overflows, following three days of continuous heavy rain.

The Meteorological Department reported on Wednesday that rain clouds were looming over several districts of Phuket, Phang-nga, Krabi, Trang, Surat Thani and Phatthalung provinces.

onsdag 19 oktober 2022

Thailand’s BOI approves new five-year investment promotion strategy, focusing on innovative, competitive, and inclusive approach to new economy. PR Thai Government

Thailand's BOI approves new five-year investment promotion strategy, focusing on innovative, competitive, and inclusive approach to new economy

Thailand's Board of Investment (BOI), at a board meeting held on 12 October 2022, approved the framework of its five-year investment promotion strategy (2023-2027), which focuses on entering the new economic era by encouraging technology advancement, the transition to green and smart industries, talent development, and connectivity to strengthen the country as a regional hub for businesses and logistics.

The new investment promotion strategy sets out to promote investment in a way that achieves concrete results around three core concepts, including (1) innovation, technology, and connectivity, (2) competitiveness and the ability to adapt quickly, and (3) inclusiveness, taking into account environmental sustainability.

To implement the new strategy, the BOI will undertake its investment promotion policies in seven pillars, as follows:
1) The upgrade of existing industries, in parallel with the building of new industries in which Thailand has high potential, and an overall strengthening of the supply chain;
2) The acceleration of the industrial transition to green and smart industries through investments in automation, digital adoption, and decarbonization;
3) The promotion of Thailand as a business center and an international trade and investment gateway for the region;
4) The strengthening of SMEs and startups, ensuring they are connected to the global market and supply chain;
5) The promotion of investments in the different regions of Thailand that fit the potential of each area and enable inclusive growth;
6) The promotion of investments that will promote community and social development;
7) The promotion of Thailand's overseas investments to expand business opportunities for Thai companies.

In addition, the BOI will broaden its role from a "promoter" providing tax and non-tax benefits, to becoming an "integrator" of investment-supporting tools, a "facilitator" providing services, and a "connector" linking industries to create more business opportunities.

tisdag 18 oktober 2022

China Southern Airlines ready for Bangkok takeoff. Chinese airline reopens route to Bangkok. News breaking yesterday that China Southern Airlines is planning to resume flights to Bangkok signals more good news for the Thailand tourism industry aiming to attract another 12 million foreign travellers before the end of the year. | Thaiger

China Southern Airlines ready for Bangkok takeoff

News breaking yesterday that China Southern Airlines is planning to resume flights to Bangkok signals more good news for the Thailand tourism industry aiming to attract another 12 million foreign travellers before the end of the year.

In 2019 more than 12 million Chinese tourists travelled to Thailand, making up one-quarter of the kingdom's foreign arrivals. There had been a year-on-year increase from 2016, (8.76 million), 2017 (9.81 million), 2018 (10.54 million), and 2019 (12 million), but the Covid-19 pandemic cut the legs off any tourists visiting the Land of Smiles.

China Southern Airlines revealed it will resume services to Bangkok, Tokyo, Jakarta, Dubai, and Manila among other destinations at the end of the month, according to Bangkok Post.

But that's not all. China Eastern Airlines announced on Weibo that it will operate 108 international flights a week from October 30 on 42 routes, including Tokyo, Seoul, and Dubai, up from 54 flights and 25 routes now.

Air China resumed services in late September from several Chinese cities to Manila, Jakarta, Tokyo, Athens, Vancouver, and Los Angeles.

Hainan Airlines said on Saturday, October 15, that it would add a second weekly flight between Chongqing and Rome from November 6.

The announcements will come as a breath of fresh air to both Thailand and frustrated Chinese tourists unable to travel for the best part of three years because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

President Xi Jinping, in his opening speech at China's 20th Party Congress in Beijing on Sunday, revealed that the mainland is still committed to a zero-Covid policy. But there appears to be a relaxing of border controls.

In June, China cut hotel quarantine time for arrivals to seven days, plus three days at home.

China Southern shares rose to 3.6% in Hong Kong on Tuesday morning, while China Eastern added as much as 5.6% and Air China jumped 5.1%. Beijing Capital International Airport Co advanced by 3.1%.

For now, flights in and out of China remain at about 95% below pre-Covid levels, according to data provider VariFlight.

The typhoon is expected to cause heavy rain in the North of Thailand between October 18-21. A tropical depression is expected to cause heavy rain in the South with high waves of 2-3 meters in the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. The Thaiger

The number of hospital admissions due to Covid has been on a continual decline in Thailand, but two cases of the XBB strain have now been found. This has prompted the health ministry to elevate the disease screening intensity at airports to screen for infected persons who traveled from abroad. NNT

'Pay for a pool villa in Phuket instead of paying the energy bills' this winter, advises Thai official. “Save your money, lock your home and come to Thailand. Pay for a pool villa in Phuket instead of paying the energy bills.” | Thaiger

 'Pay for a pool villa in Phuket instead of paying the energy bills' this winter, advises Thai official

Instead of wasting money on high energy bills this winter, Westerners should turn off the heating and spend their money in Thailand instead, advises the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT).

With wholesale gas and electricity prices rocketing in Europe TAT's invitation makes sense. In the UK, the average household is about £2,500 a year, up from £1,400 in October 2021.

Governor of the TAT Yuthasak Supasorn said high costs of gas and energy will incentivise Westerners to escape the cold and come to Thailand…

"Save your money, lock your home and come to Thailand. Pay for a pool villa in Phuket instead of paying the energy bills."

Yuthasak calls escaping harsh winters by coming to Thailand "revenge travelling"…

"We hope that, with revenge travelling, there will be a shift to revenge spending. They buy everything."

The TAT knows that tourism is nowhere near returning to pre-Covid levels, so they are depending on increasing how much each tourist is spending to boost tourism revenue.

American tourists are expected to be spending more money in Thailand this winter as the Thai baht depreciated to 38 against the dollar for the first time in 16 years.

Tourists escaping chilly Western winters can keep warm for longer than usual this 'High Season' as Thailand is now granting longer stays to tourists with extended 'Visa on Arrival' and longer 'Visa Exemption on Arrival.'

Between October 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023, foreigners arriving in Thailand are eligible to stay for 30 or 45 days…

  • Visa on Arrival stays will be extended from 15 days to 30 days. Passport holders from 19 countries are eligible for Visa on Arrival.
  • Visa Exemption stays for passport holders from 64 countries which have bilateral agreements with Thailand will be extended from 30 days to 45 days.

Before the pandemic, in 2019, Thailand welcomed almost 40 million tourists, generating US$62 billion in revenue.

As of October 9, Thailand has so far welcomed 6.48 million tourists this year. The TAT expects 10 million arrivals by the end of 2022 – just one-third of pre-Covid numbers.

The TAT has higher hopes for 2023, expecting 20 million tourists to arrive in Thailand. Despite 20 million being only half of pre-pandemic tourist numbers, the TAT thinks tourism revenue next year will reach 80% of pre-Covid levels with tourists spending more, or "revenge spending."

The recovery speed of Thailand's tourism industry also depends on the reopening of China's borders, as the Chinese used to be the biggest source of tourism revenue in Thailand.

Heavy rain triggers flash flooding across Pattaya, authorities provide traffic assistance - Pattaya Mail