måndag 26 juni 2023

Go easy on the growing cannabis industry says Anutin who concedes that Pita will be the next PM . Thai Examiner

Go easy on the growing cannabis industry says Anutin who concedes that Pita will be the next PM

Constructive noises from the Bhumjaithai Party and Mr Anutin's plea to the new government to protect the nascent cannabis industry comes in a week which has seen a shift in attitude by the establishment towards the election results with increased optimism that a new government will be formed in July rather than in August as was originally envisaged.

The incoming government must act cautiously concerning calls to relist cannabis as a scheduled narcotic, warned Thai Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul this week. He told reporters, on Sunday, that he believed there will be a new government in July led by Pita Limjaroenrat while denying reports of an approach by the Move Forward Party to the Bhumjaithai Party to support the new ministry in parliament.

Outgoing Minister of Public Health, Deputy Prime Minister Anutin Charnvirakul has told reporters that he thinks it unlikely that the Move Forward Party and Mr Pita Limjaroenrat will fail to forge a new government in July despite ongoing questions being raised about Mr Pita's status and a possible contretemps with the Pheu Thai Party over the House Speaker position which may come to the boil on Tuesday.

However, he appeared to be more concerned about the pre-election pledge by the parties to the incoming coalition and the commitment given in the Memorandum of Understanding for the new government to relist marijuana or cannabis as a scheduled narcotic.

Anutin: Success of cannabis and its medical benefits to the public should not be thrown away and lost by again scheduling cannabis as a narcotic

Mr Anutin questioned both the wisdom and practicality of such a move pointing out the scientific and administrative process within his own ministry and the need to consult with other agencies such as the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB).

He also points to the growth of the cannabis industry, which benefits the economy and the unmistakable evidence that the drug has medical benefits and should be made available for those who require it for such purposes.

He urged his successor in the new government to reach out and gather more information about this before again criminalising the drug leading to tougher enforcement by the Royal Thai Police.

He said that it took three years after he first entered government to liberate access to the drug and advised that any move away from the current situation should take time and be considered carefully by the incoming cabinet.

Anutin was a somewhat controversial minister in the outgoing government linked with the Covid crisis

The comments by the prominent, sometimes controversial minister and deputy PM in the outgoing government, who is very much associated with his role in the Covid crisis and national shutdowns as well as the sudden legalisation of marijuana, were less dismissive and more considered that his previous position which was that a reversal of the new marijuana regime was impossible.

Recreational cannabis use can be legalised under the current law being passed through parliament

His latest comments come in the same week that the Bangkok establishment and the government of General Prayut appeared to shift their stance with an acceptance that there will be a new administration in Thailand within weeks.

During the week, it was reported that Prime Minister Prayut Chan ocha had begun to clear out his offices and apartments to be ready for Thailand's next Prime Minister, the 30th to hold the position.

On Sunday, Mr Anutin also denied rumours that his party had come to some arrangement with the Move Forward Party to support a new government.

Reports of the Bhumjaithai Party supporting Move Forward and Pita's quest for power dismissed in reports circulating on Sunday quoting Anutin

The reports appeared to be coming from Mr Newin Chidchob, the party's most influential member and known to be at the forefront of its decision-making process.

Mr Anutin said he had not discussed the matter at all with Mr Newin in his daily talk with the Buriram-based leader of the powerful political dynasty at the helm of the Bhumjaithai Party.

Instead, he indicated that his talks related to the party's performance in the May 14th General Election and its failure to obtain its minimum objective of 80 seats with the latest figure giving it 72 seats in total, an additional constituency seat recently confirmed by the Election Commission.

New PM in July a turning point for the Thai economy in 2023 which could still see 4% GDP growth recorded

He also said that the Bhumjaithai Party would not nominate a candidate for Speaker of the House of Representatives when parliament is scheduled to meet for the first time on Monday, July 3rd with a new Prime Minister due to be elected on July 13th and a new cabinet appointed on July 21st.

It was thought up to last week that a new government would not be in place until mid-August at the earliest.

Bhumjaithai Party Minister of Transport Saksayam Chidchob says his party supports the democratic principle and Move Forward as the election winners

It follows a statement from Minister of Transport, Saksayam Chidchob who is also Secretary-general of the Bhumjaithai Party, rejecting reports circulating that the party would nominate two United Thai Nation (Ruam Thai Sang Chart) Party MPs for the role of Speaker.

Mr Saksayam told reporters that no discussions within the party could take place until all Bhumjaithai MPs meet for the first time in parliament.

The senior outgoing minister said that the party was awaiting the outcome of the negotiations between the proposed coalition government being forged by the Move Forward and Pheu Thai parties.

He also said reports about the Move Forward Party leader Mr Pita Limjaroenrat's ineligibility for the role of Prime Minister were all, as yet, hypothetical.

'Bhumjaithai respects the democratic principle which grants this right to the election winners,' he stated.

fredag 23 juni 2023

Alarm bells ring in overloaded Thai public health system as exhausted doctors quit in droves. Every year, hundreds of doctors leave the government sector after struggling under huge workloads for relatively low pay and with little prospect of promotion. The numbers exiting the public health service are significant given that the Public Health Ministry employs just 24,469 doctors. | Thai PBS World

Alarm bells ring in overloaded Thai public health system as exhausted doctors quit in droves

Every year, hundreds of doctors leave the government sector after struggling under huge workloads for relatively low pay and with little prospect of promotion.

The numbers exiting the public health service are significant given that the Public Health Ministry employs just 24,469 doctors. Over the past decade, around 450 doctors have left each year, along with at least 150 who have retired from public service.

In recent months, several prominent medical professionals – including celebrity medic Dr Napasorn Weerayuttvilai – have spoken up about slavery-like conditions that forced them to quit their jobs at state hospitals.

"I couldn't see any light at the end of the tunnel," Dr Napasorn said of her decision to resign. She drafted the resignation after working a night shift then checking on nearly 40 hospital patients on her morning round the following day – only to be told by her senior that she should have worked faster.

What do interns face?

Petchpailin Pongboriboon explained on Facebook that in her first year as an intern, she was posted to a state hospital in the Northeast on a starting salary of 9,750 baht. She was also handed an eight-hour shift in the Emergency Room outside normal working hours, for which she received 900 baht per day.

She recounts how she was once called to attend a neurological case in the middle of the night. She quickly realized the patient needed a more senior physician and asked hospital staff to call one. They told her the senior doctor was busy in an operating room. After waiting for a considerable length of time, she checked again and discovered that the senior doctor was operating at a private hospital but had signed in at the state hospital without showing up for work.

Petchpailin spoke, too, of the excessive workload she encountered.

"I once performed seven consecutive appendix surgeries in just one night."

She said she also had to work 72 consecutive hours on one occasion because a colleague missed a bus from Bangkok.

She recounts how she became addicted to coffee during her year as an intern because without caffeine, she felt she could not keep up with her excessive workload. By the time she completed her internship and fulfilled the requirements of her medical studies, she was drinking four to five cups of coffee each day.

Although she listed many reasons for her decision to leave the state hospital, her main reason was the worry that she might one day commit a mistake while treating a patient because of overwork, and end up losing her career as a doctor.

Dr Chutinart Chin-udomporn, a representative of the Thai Frontline Physician Union, also decided to leave the public sector after suffering exhausting conditions at work.

"I used to work for 32 hours consecutively. After stints like that, I could hardly recognize my own name," she recalled.

But some interns have suffered even worse, she said. Her union has received complaints from interns saying they have had to work 120 hours without a break.

Assoc Prof Dr Surasak Leela-udomlipi, the chair of the University Hospital Network, said such problems have existed for a long time.

"But they have become increasingly obvious to the public because of growing workloads, the attitudes of new-generation doctors, and strong demand for medical practitioners in the private sector and in foreign countries," said Surasak, who is also the director of Ramathibodi Hospital.

He said the bigger workload and poorer welfare stemmed largely from the universal healthcare scheme, which covers about 45 million people in Thailand's population of around 70 million.

Public Health Ministry permanent-secretary Dr Opart Karnkawingpong said the bigger workload also came from the country's growing elderly population since older people generally have more health conditions that need tending to.

"We also have to take on the duty of providing drug-addiction treatment programs," Opart said.

 "Some work overloads at major state hospitals are also related to decentralization. Some subdistrict health promotion hospitals don't have the capacity to treat people in their areas, so the patients flock to bigger hospitals."

Authorities' response

Conducted late last year, a survey by the Public Health Ministry found doctors working more than 40 hours a week at 65 state hospitals. Of them, 18 had doctors working over 46 hours per week, 11 had doctors putting in more than 52 hours, and nine admitted their doctors worked well beyond 64 hours a week.

The Public Health Ministry now says it has implemented a plan to retain its doctors, who are now fewer in number than doctors who work in the private sector. The plan focuses on four elements: higher pay, better welfare, career-advancement prospects, and reasonable workloads.

The ministry will try to recruit more doctors and offer career-advancement prospects to boost morale among medical staff, ministry deputy permanent secretary Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin promised earlier this week.

"We also plan to change the residency training system so that more interns can be based at provincial hospitals," he said.

The number of medical students and interns will also be increased to support state hospitals, he added.

Currently, around 52% of Thailand's 50,000-plus doctors are working for private medical facilities or medical schools. At present, government doctors earn between 50,000 and 60,000 baht per month. Divide that salary by the total number of hours they work and their average pay amounts to just 100 to 200 baht per hour. Doctors who switch to the private sector are generally paid much higher salaries. Physicians who set up beauty clinics – a popular business in Thailand – can expect to earn at least 200,000 baht a month.

Better distribution & stronger focus on provinces needed

Dr Thinakorn Noree, of the Human Resources for Health Research and Development Office, said doctors must be deployed more evenly across the country.

Thailand had one doctor for every 1,680 people as of 2021. However, that ratio varies widely from province to province, from 1:515 in Bangkok to 1:6,018 in Bueng Kan. By the World Health Organization's standard, the ratio should be around 1:1,000.

Thinakorn added that if more doctors are produced in Thailand, they should be dispatched to areas where shortages are reported.

The government should also lend more support to the Collaborative Project to Increase Production of Rural Doctors, he said, because medical graduates from this project had served longer in provinces. The rural doctors' project generally assigns interns to their home provinces. The retention rate ranges between 80% and 90%.

"If you focus on just producing more doctors alone, that may not be the real solution," he explained. "We need to think about how to reduce the number of doctors resigning and ease workloads too."

By Thai PBS World'

onsdag 21 juni 2023

Pita catches Covid for the third time, coalition talks put off. MOVE FORWARD leader and prime minister-designate Pita Limjaroenrat has caught Covid-19 for the third time and as he is now self-isolating a meeting of the eight-partner coalition government scheduled for Thursday June 22 has been put off to next week, Matichon newspaper said this evening (June 20).– Thai Newsroom

Pita catches Covid for the third time, coalition talks put off

MOVE FORWARD leader and prime minister-designate Pita Limjaroenrat has caught Covid-19 for the third time and as he is now self-isolating a meeting of the eight-partner coalition government scheduled for Thursday June 22has been put off to next week, Matichon newspaper said this evening (June 20).

Mr. Chaitawat Tulathon, Move Forward's secretary-general, said while this key meeting has been postponed a seminar to be attended by Move Forward's new MPs scheduled for June 21-23 will continue with him standing in on Pita's behalf.

After returning from a visit to the North to thank people for supporting Move Forward on June 16 Pita has not visited his party's head office and held online conferences instead.

Pita tweeted the following message:

"I have got infected with Covid, on Sunday June 18, 2023 I started having some mild symptoms, after that I self-isolated and did not go out to public places. Then today, Tuesday, June 20, I tested positive on an ATK unit even though the symptoms are mild and I have been vaccinated six times.

"So I ask for permission to self-isolate and put off activities for a short while so as to not spread infection to others.

"Those who got close to me over the past week please observe your symptoms."

Uncertainty stymies tourism trade. Operators wait for new government. Even as the Election Commission endorsed all MP-elect candidates this week, tourism operators remain worried about stagnant domestic expenditure as travellers delay potential plans, while local businesses are reluctant to reinvest until a government is formed. Bangkok Post

Uncertainty stymies tourism trade

Even as the Election Commission endorsed all MP-elect candidates this week, tourism operators remain worried about stagnant domestic expenditure as travellers delay potential plans, while local businesses are reluctant to reinvest until a government is formed.

A Tuk-Tuk waits for customers at Khao San Road at dusk in Bangkok. Bangkok Post

"There will still be a vacuum period until the government is formed," said Sanga Ruangwattanakul, president of the Khao San Road Business Association.

Mr Sanga said domestic tourists are hesitant to spend on travel because of the political uncertainty, especially if a protest erupts.

Domestic tourists are a crucial segment that supports businesses on Khao San Road during weekends, particularly during the low season for the European market, while the short-haul market has yet to recover to the 2019 level.

He said the economy has stalled and there is not much the caretaker government can do to change that.

During this time, Mr Sanga said the Tourism Authority of Thailand should accelerate promotional campaigns with airlines.

Many hotels on Khao San Road need a larger volume of guests to bump up the occupancy rate, which is stagnant at 40-50%.

Marisa Sukosol Nunbhakdi, president of the Thai Hotels Association (THA), said the endorsement of MPs is just the first step in setting up the government.

She said hotel operators are concerned about the slowdown in the Mice (meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions) segment as some local businesses have delayed their plans, consequently affecting revenue from food and beverage services.

According to the THA, the nationwide occupancy rate this month is 48%, lagging behind the 65.2% recorded in 2019.

Mrs Marisa said she expects the rate to improve in July and August when more flight frequencies resume.

She said the transition from caretaker to new government should be seamless to accelerate industry growth, which still lags the pace set in 2019.

Adith Chairattananon, honorary secretary-general of the Association of Thai Travel Agents, said operators are taking a wait-and-see approach.

They do not have the confidence to invest until parliament votes for the House speaker and the prime minister, with government policies determined for the tourism sector and economy, he said.

Mr Adith said the industry still needs more demand to assure operators who have plans to reinvest.

Moreover, the caretaker administration and the new government should urgently fix the issue of e-visa applications for Chinese tourists, as the waiting period of 10-15 days is too long, he said.

söndag 18 juni 2023

79 new MPs face probe by Election Commission. The delay in confirming the MPs elected to parliament comes with reports of discrepancies in 16 provinces and controversy over the status of Mr Pita Limjaroenrat, the man seeking to become Thailand’s next Prime Minister, as he faces a complex and intractable complaint relating to shares in a media firm.- Thai Examiner

79 new MPs face scrutiny as Election Commission says only 321 to be declared elected on June 21st

The delay in confirming the MPs elected to parliament comes with reports of discrepancies in 16 provinces and controversy over the status of Mr Pita Limjaroenrat, the man seeking to become Thailand's next Prime Minister, as he faces a complex and intractable complaint relating to shares in a media firm.

The process of forming a new government and finalising the May 14th General Election result faced increasing uncertainty, this week, after the Election Commission announced, on Wednesday, that the status of 79 MPs provisionally declared elected on a constituency basis, was being investigated based on either complaints or unconfirmed endorsements from election inspectors. Earlier this week, the poll agency announced recounts in 16 provinces covering twenty provisionally elected MPs. 

With just four weeks to go before a deadline set by law to certify the 500 MPs returned to the House of Representatives in the May 14th General Election, the Election Commission, on Wednesday, revealed that poll results for 79 MPs, running in 400 constituencies on the local ballot and who were initially declared provisional winners, are to be placed under investigation as they were the subject of complaints made against the election result.

Last week, the Election Commission announced a recount of votes relating to 20 MPs across 16 provinces as it was found that the total number of votes counted in those areas did not match the tally for ballots issued or people who had voted in the poll.

News comes with swirling controversy over the fate of Prime Minister-elect Pita Limjaroenrat whose Move Forward Party was declared the election winner

The news is coming amid swirling controversy and claims versus counterclaims being submitted to the electoral body related to Mr Pita Limjaroenrat, the Prime Minister-elect at the head of an eight-party coalition which accounts for 313 MPs in the House of Representatives.

The coalition requires 376 votes for Mr Pita's candidacy for the role if he is to be elected government leader under Section 272 of the constitution.

This latest announcement creates another layer of uncertainty at this time.

Move Forward Party's good election result leaves uncertainty as to who will form the next government
Dangerous political flux in the aftermath of the General Election is growing and poses a threat

It is not quite clear what will happen if these complaints against the provisionally elected MPs are upheld but it has been suggested that new elections could be ordered in some instances while the second-placed candidate could be awarded the seat.

Only 329 MPs to be confirmed on June 21st

On Thursday, the Secretary-general of the Election Commission Mr Sawaeng Boonme announced that 329 MPs will be certified and approved by announcement on June 21st with 71 MPs being investigated.

Recount ordered in 16 provinces with 20 MPs being examined after complaints were filed against them will not impact election outcome says Commission 
Bhumjaithai and Palang Pracharat won 27% of constituency seats only polling 4% in the party list vote

Mr Sawaeng said that a meeting would take place on June 19th to finalise this and that elected MPs could then pick up the required documents from the Office of the Election Commission in due course.

The 71 constituency MPs whose election is being examined include only 7 from the Move Forward Party while 21 provisionally elected MPs from the Bhumjaithai Party are being examined as well as 20 from the Pheu Thai Party.

41 of the MPs whose election is being probed are with parties supporting the current ruling coalition

In addition, there are 14 MPs from the Palang Pracharat Party, 3 from the Thai Sang Chart Party and Democrat Party with only one from the United Thai Nation (Ruam Thai Sang Chart) Party.

Earlier in the week, the Chairman of the Election Commission, Mr Itthiporn Boonprakong, revealed that the certification of all constituency MPs was dependent on looking into all complaints and hearing the opinions of election inspectors in charge of each poll.

He said that the Office of the Election Commission was collecting evidence and the required certification of each outstanding election result was being considered.

The youngest person to be charged with insulting the royal family in Thailand wants to know why she has been barred from class by her school, which she accuses of ignoring her basic rights. But no matter what 15-year-old “Yok” did or how much media coverage she received in the past week, Triamudomsuksapattanakarn School would not be swayed. PBS World

Chonburi Lottery Winner Uses 240,000 Baht of Winnings to "Feed" Ghosts. The lottery winner, who kept their name withheld from the media, won 24 million baht in April of this year. This week, they used about 240,000 baht of their winnings to rent 200 banquet tables and set up a massive dinner for ghosts at a Chinese cemetery at the Trikhun Dharma Foundation, Chonburi (Sam Tek Tai), No. 26/1, Village No. 2.- The Pattaya News

Chonburi Lottery Winner Uses 240,000 Baht of Winnings to "Feed" Ghosts

What would you do if you won the lottery? Pay off your debts? Buy a new home? Invest in savings? Well, one recent lottery winner chose an alternative route for some of his money. 

The lottery winner, who kept their name withheld from the media, won 24 million baht in April of this year. This week, they used about 240,000 baht of their winnings to rent 200 banquet tables and set up a massive dinner for ghosts at a Chinese cemetery at the Trikhun Dharma Foundation, Chonburi (Sam Tek Tai), No. 26/1, Village No. 2.

The owner of the tables, Anan Phochana from Nakhon Pathom, 52, said the lottery winner considered the act of feeding ghosts as making merit to his own ancestors. The feast included rice crackers, appetizers, fish maw, minced chicken, steamed ruby fish with lime, seafood salad, fried rice, ginkgo and coconuts along with much more. 

According to one of the living attendees, Ms. Laphatsarada Rakhangtong, after the ghosts finished eating the food was given to members of the local community in need. Social media was used to advertise the event and invite those in need to eat whatever the ghosts did not finish. 

This is hardly the first time an event has been held like this for ghosts in Chonburi. A ghost movie night was held in February of last year as we covered here. 

Also, in 2021, a much smaller banquet was held for ghosts in Chonburi. What do you think? Do you believe in ghosts? Tell us in the comments below.

torsdag 15 juni 2023

Council urges effort to woo foreign retirees. Call for removal of regulatory barriers. The Tourism Council of Thailand (TCT) has urged the new government to establish the country as a destination for retirees, while calling for the removal of regulatory barriers pertaining to supply development. Bangkok Post

 Council urges effort to woo foreign retirees
The Tourism Council of Thailand recommends the country be promoted as an ideal destination for foreign retirees by offering health and wellness products which could attract high spending visitors.
The Tourism Council of Thailand recommends the country be promoted as an ideal destination for foreign retirees by offering health and wellness products which could attract high spending visitors.

The Tourism Council of Thailand (TCT) has urged the new government to establish the country as a destination for retirees, while calling for the removal of regulatory barriers pertaining to supply development.

The TCT and representatives from the Thai Sang Thai Party met on Wednesday to exchange their views on tourism development after the party held discussions with tourism associations in Phuket, Phangnga and Krabi on Tuesday.

Chamnan Srisawat, president of the TCT, said tourism development should be upgraded to a national agenda item, with a committee chaired by the prime minister to engage all related ministries.


He said most of the regulations that require amendments fall under the responsibility of ministries other than the Tourism and Sports Ministry, such as hotel registration, which falls under the Interior Ministry, and natural resources at tourism destinations, which falls under the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry.

Mr Chamnan said the private sector agrees with the coalition government's vow to reform outdated laws and regulations, especially in terms of cutting redundant rules that hinder tourism development.

In terms of tourism promotion, TCT suggests reaping the benefits of being an increasingly ageing society by promoting Thailand as a preferred destination for retirees by offering health and wellness products, which could attract high spending visitors.

Former Federation of Thai Industries chairman Supant Mongkolsuthree, who is the economic chief of the Thai Sang Thai Party, said the delay in forming a new government is taking a toll on economic confidence and foreign investment.

As MPs-elect await endorsement from the Election Commission, the coalition government is attempting to pave the way for future work by listening to the opinions of stakeholders in various industries.

In addition to the plan to promote the country to foreign retirees, Mr Supant said the creation of a central booking platform combining tourism products such as hotels, restaurants and attractions is another solution aimed at increasing the benefits for local operators and avoiding the loss of a significant amount of revenue to foreign platforms.

Meanwhile, Khunying Sudarat Keyuraphan, leader of the Thai Sang Thai and a party-list MP-elect, said after holding the talks with the private sector in three southern provinces along the Andaman Coast that they had reached an agreement to take part in two working teams that the coalition would set up later to drive two policies.

The first mission is to establish a special Andaman tourism economic zone to accelerate infrastructure and tourism development with the aim of boosting tourism revenue to 1 trillion baht from the three provinces or almost double the current level of income.

She said the board of the committee for this economic zone would include public, private and community representatives to be solely responsible for economic development and investment, while other administration matters would remain under the responsibility of the provincial governor.

The second policy is to suspend around 1,400 laws and regulations that are proving to be impediments to business at present.

Mrs Sudarat said the eight parties in the coalition government agreed that this agenda should be pursued as soon as the government is able to begin its work.

Thaksin insists on returning next month despite family’s warning. Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra still plans to return home next month despite his family desperately urging him to put it off. – Thai Newsroom

Thaksin insists on returning next month despite family's warning

By Thai Newsroom Reporters

DE FACTO PHEU THAI BOSS Thaksin Shinawatra has not postponed his planned homecoming from next month despite a desperate warning against it from members of his family.

Thaksin's daughter Paetongtarn Shinawatra, one of a trio of Pheu Thai partisan contestants for prime minister, said today (June 14) her father has not as yet put off his homecoming scheme and insisted that he will be returning from self-exile abroad within next month though his family members earlier asked him to think twice about it.

The Shinawatra family members, especially his ex-spouse Podjaman na Pombejra, have been reportedly worried to the extent that he might possibly be "fooled around" by others again and strongly suggested that he put off his planned return at least until a post-election government has been practically put in place.

The former prime minister deposed in the 2006 coup has time and again aired his desire to literally babysit all his seven grandchildren and recently put it "whatever will be, will be," when asked by his family to think twice about his homecoming scheme.

The de facto Pheu Thai boss has not pinpointed next month's date for his planned return but said it will take place ahead of his July 26 birth anniversary and that he will have his daughter unveil it to the public.

Nevertheless, Thaksin could possibly be taken to prison upon arrival, given earlier court verdicts delivered in his absentia finding him guilty of separate counts of misconduct perpetrated during his premiership nearly two decades ago and sentenced him to a combined 10-year jail term.

måndag 12 juni 2023

Thai Airways plans to expand fleet as tourism business picks up. THAI CEO Chai Eamsiri said on Saturday the 51 aircraft to be procured will include 10 Airbus A321neo, 11 Airbus A350-900 and the remaining 30, other wide-body aircraft. The Nation

Thai Airways plans to expand fleet as tourism business picks up

Thai Airways International (THAI) will purchase 51 aircraft by 2027 in line with its expansion plans and to replace old airplanes.

Thai Airways plans to expand fleet as tourism business picks up

The THAI fleet comprises 65 aircraft, 45 of which are wide-bodied ones and 20 narrow-body that have been loaned to THAI's subsidiary, Thai Smile Airways.

THAI CEO Chai Eamsiri said on Saturday the 51 aircraft to be procured will include 10 Airbus A321neo, 11 Airbus A350-900 and the remaining 30, other wide-body aircraft.

He said the Airbus A321neo will be delivered in 2025, while the delivery of the Airbus A350-900 will start with four being delivered over the course of this year.

The Airbus A350-900 will help improve the airline's flight efficiency, especially when it comes to European routes, Chai said.

He added that THAI is waiting for Boeing and Airbus's proposal to cover its wide-body aircraft needs. The airline expects these aircraft to be delivered between 2026-2027.

He added that the airline is considering procuring the new fleet under a lease or hire-purchase scheme to stabilise its finances.

Procuring new aircraft is currently tough as many airlines are trying to expand their fleet to meet rising demand, he said, adding that airlines are also looking to procure planes that can save fuel, maintenance and labour costs.

Chai said THAI is procuring the new aircraft to boost its competitiveness, as having just 45 wide-body aircraft in its fleet is not enough. He added that the Thai Smile-THAI merger will be completed within this year.

THAI expects to serve 9 million passengers and generate up to 140 billion baht this year, he said, adding that the airline hopes to carry 12 million passengers and generate up to 160 billion baht by 2024.

He added that THAI is selling unnecessary assets to reduce its maintenance costs, such as aircraft that will be decommissioned and sales offices both in Thailand and overseas.

The national carrier made 12.5 billion baht in net profits in the first quarter of this year.

To raise more funds, THAI will change its debt into equity and launch preferential offerings in the second quarter of 2024. Its aim is to be listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand by the fourth quarter of next year and exit the rehabilitation plan by 2025.

Bangsaen Grand Prix 2023, 27 June - 2 July 2023

söndag 11 juni 2023

Thai Airways Set To Add Airbus A321neo Jets To Fleet In 2025. simpleflying.com

Thai Airways Set To Add Airbus A321neo Jets To Fleet In 2025

In hopes of increasing its regional presence, Thai Airlines is set to operate the A321neo aircraft on domestic and regional routes.

Airbus A321neo
Photo: Airbus

Thai Airways is preparing to introduce the Airbus A321neo aircraft type into its fleet in mid-2025, which will be leased. Initially, the airline is set to induct five aircraft of the type and later acquire another five A321neo aircraft, to have a total of 10 aircraft of the type operating for the carrier.

Regional operations 

As reported by FlightGlobal via AviationSource News, during last week's IATA AGM held in Istanbul, Thai Airways CEO Chai Eamsiri stated that the airline is eyeing the A321neo aircraft to operate the airline's domestic and regional routes. At the moment, the carrier does not have any narrowbody aircraft in its fleet of its own.

However, the airline uses its regional subsidiary Thai Smile to operate regional and domestic flights. Thai Smile exclusively operates a fleet of 20 Airbus A320-200s for its operations. However, Thai Airways plans on absorbing its subsidiary, thus enabling easy integration of the 20 A320s into its mainline fleet, which will then be complemented by the new A321neos entering the fleet in 2025.

Thai Smile Airbus A320-200

Photo:  Markus Mainka | Shutterstock 

Eamsiri stated that the new A321neos would enable the airline to expand its presence regionally and serve secondary cities in Australia, China, and India. While the airline CEO is happy to induct the aircraft type as soon as next year, he states that due to the global supply chain issues and lack of delivery slots in 2024, the soonest he can hope to introduce the type into his fleet will be in 2025.

Simple Flying has reached out to Thai Airways for more details about the A321neos the airline will induct into its fleet in the future. Any response received will be updated in this article.

Coping with the demand 

With passenger travel bouncing back massively all around the world, Thai Airways was also facing capacity issues as they were faced with more demand than the airline could handle. While the airline already operates a fleet of 12 Airbus A350-900s, the carrier confirms that it has obtained 11 more aircraft of the type on a lease, of which two have already been delivered to the airline. The remaining nine will be inducted into the fleet during the first quarter of 2024.

Thai Airways Airbus A330-300

Photo: KITTIKUN YOKSAP | Shutterstock 

Furthermore, the airline has had to reactivate its older Airbus A330-300s and Boeing 777-200ERs due to the travel demand recovering faster than expected. Eamisiri mentioned during the AGM that he has plans to retrofit the aircraft with the airline's standard offerings however, the airline is facing shortages of MRO slots.

Moreover, the CEO stated that right now, his priority is to capture the rebounding travel market rather than focus on retrofitting his aircraft and operating with reduced capacity at a time when demand is clearly present.


It is evident that Thai Airways is facing massive demand for both international and regional travel. The airline has already taken steps to better position itself in the market as it expands its route network and increases capacity.

Despite the carrier being severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and having to shrink its fleet and network size considerably to survive at the time, it is great to see that the airline is now able to increase its fleet size using new aircraft types which are technologically more advanced and efficient, making them more economical to operate. The airline recently suggested that it is looking to order a further 30 widebody aircraft, which shows that the airline is on track with its recovery.

Source: FlightGlobal and AviationSource News.

Soft opening of Suvarnabhumi's SAT-1 terminal in Sept. SAT-1, with a floor space of 216,000 square metres, will have 28 aircraft parking bays. It will be equipped with the latest technology to make the boarding process more efficient to cope with the airport's expansion plans. Bangkok Post

Soft opening of Suvarnabhumi's SAT-1 terminal in Sept
A new satellite terminal at Suvarnabhumi airport, dubbed SAT-1, is under construction in September 2020. (File photo: Airports of Thailand)

A new satellite terminal at Suvarnabhumi airport, dubbed SAT-1, will be launched in a soft opening in September in a step toward major improvements in air passenger services, Airports of Thailand (AoT) director Kirati Kitmanawat said on Sunday.

SAT-1, with a floor space of 216,000 square metres, will have 28 aircraft parking bays. It will be equipped with the latest technology to make the boarding process more efficient to cope with the airport's expansion plans.

Mr Kirati said the new terminal is scheduled to be officially opened in early 2027.

As for the 40-billion-baht North Expansion project, Mr Kirati said it will include a new domestic terminal building completely separate from the existing main terminal building.

He said the project will be expedited so that it can be operational within the next five years. This terminal is intended to link air travel with the Don Mueang-Suvarnabhumi-Utapao high speed railway project.

Another plan to be carried out is the East Expansion project to enlarge the eastern section of Suvarnabhumi airport's main terminal with an area of about 60,000 square metres to increase the handling capacity of the country's main gateway by 15 million passengers a year. With a budget of 7,830 million baht, the construction will begin in early 2024 and is projected to be completed in 2027.

"The airport expansions are in line with the International Air Transport Association (IATA)'s estimate that from 2024 Suvarabhumi airport will see at least 65 million passengers per year and the number will go up to 95 million in 2028," Mr Kirati said.

Moreover, the AoT is preparing to develop a 723-rai plot of land near Suvarnabhumi airport for commercial use under the Airport City and duty-free area development project.

The AoT is now in the process of taking opinions from potential investors. Bidding for the project is expected to be called in 2024. The construction work is expected to begin in 2025 and to be completed in 2027-2028.

Mr Kirati said the AoT also plans to review some service-providing contracts to reduce monopolistic practices so as to be able to provide services in premium, middle and general levels to give passengers more choices.

måndag 5 juni 2023

Nu är nästan nio av tio resenärer tillbaka. Enligt statistik från Swedavia ökade antalet passagerare med 16 procent jämfört med samma period förra året, vilket motsvarar över 2 miljoner resenärer. Ännu mer anmärkningsvärt är att denna siffra når hela 89 procent av nivåerna före pandemin.- märsta.nu

Nu är nästan nio av tio resenärer tillbaka

Enligt statistik från Swedavia ökade antalet passagerare med 16 procent jämfört med samma period förra året, vilket motsvarar över 2 miljoner resenärer. Ännu mer anmärkningsvärt är att denna siffra når hela 89 procent av nivåerna före pandemin.
– På flera av våra flygplatser närmar sig resandet nu de nivåer vi hade före pandemin. Det gäller Arlanda men också flera av våra regionala flygplatser, som alla är mycket viktiga för att säkerställa god tillgänglighet i hela landet. Bokningsläget visar att många ser fram emot sitt sommarresande och vi förväntar oss en fortsatt reseintensiv sommarperiod vid våra flygplatser, säger Jonas Abrahamsson, VD och koncernchef på Swedavia

Den ökade aktiviteten berör både inrikes- och utrikesresor. Utrikesresandet från Stockholm Arlanda Airport ökade med 18 procent och nådde nära 2 miljoner passagerare jämfört med maj förra året. Samtidigt ökade inrikesresandet med 10 procent och nådde 350 000 resenärer.

En viktig faktor bakom denna uppåtgående trend är flygplatsens framgångsrika satsningar på att förbättra tillgängligheten till viktiga destinationer runt om i världen. Under maj välkomnade Stockholm Arlanda Airport två betydande etableringar: Royal Jordanians direktlinje till Amman och Uniteds direktlinje till New York. Dessa nya flygningar stärker Sveriges anslutningar till Mellanöstern respektive USA och ger resenärerna ännu fler alternativ när de planerar sina resor.

fredag 2 juni 2023

COVID makes comeback in Thailand as booster fatigue leaves door open. Thai authorities are stepping up campaigns encouraging people to roll up their sleeves and get booster shots as COVID-19 makes a comeback. Deaths from the disease have soared more than threefold over the past month, according to official data. | Thai PBS World

COVID makes comeback in Thailand as booster fatigue leaves door open

The campaigns are designed to combat a new surge in cases, attributed to factors such as students returning for the new semester – but most importantly people's declining immunity.

"The prime minister is worried about the elderly and vulnerable groups. They should take a booster shot every year," said Anucha Burapachaisri, deputy secretary-general to the PM and acting government spokesperson.

He added that even young people should get booster shots, which are being offered for free at state hospitals.

"Don't forget that COVID-19 can still be deadly," he emphasized.

Deaths surging again

Deaths from the disease have soared more than threefold over the past month, according to official data.

Forty-two people died of COVID-19 in the week of May 21 and 27, said Asst Prof Dr Thira Woratanarat of Chulalongkorn University's Faculty of Medicine, citing official records.

"The number of COVID-19 deaths has risen by 320% in the last four weeks," he announced on Facebook.

May 21-27 also saw COVID patients on ventilators soar to 253, up 220.25% from four weeks ago. The number of patients with lung inflammation also surged to 425 – an increase of 170.7% from the same period last month.

Thailand has recorded more than 4.7 million cases of COVID-19 and at least 34,043 deaths from the virus since the pandemic started in early 2020, according to Worldometers.info.

Bivalent vaccine now available

The Department of Medical Services is offering free COVID-19 vaccinations at many of its facilities, including Bangkok's Lerdsin Hospital and Institute of Dermatology. However, not all of these facilities are offering bivalent vaccines, which target both the original COVID-19 strain and the current dominant variant, Omicron.

Bivalent vaccine is however available in the capital at Rajavithi Hospital, Priest Hospital, and the National Cancer Institute.

An overseas study found bivalent vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna to be 58.7% effective against hospitalization compared with 25% for the monovalent shots that preceded them. The bivalent formulas were also 61.8% effective against infection compared with 24.9% for their monovalent predecessors.

Subvariants at play

Three Omicron strains are behind the current waves of COVID-19 in China and Southeast Asia, according to the Center for Medical Genomics at Mahidol University's Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital. These subvariants are XBB.15, XBB.1.16, and XBB.1.9.1.

"These subvariants may cause severe symptoms even among people who have already been vaccinated but failed to get a booster shot," the center warned.

Prof Wasun Chantratita, who heads the center, said the three strains now dominant were not more virulent than the original Omicron. Instead, the increase in severe cases has come because vaccinees' immunity has declined.

"Many people are no longer returning for booster shots," he said.

Wasun said that measured on a scale of one to 10, the COVID waves driven by XBB.15, XBB.1.16, and XBB.1.9.1. would score just five in terms of concern caused, since none of them has been declared a "subvariant of concern".

Precautions help

Thira said it was notable that 31 of the 42 COVID-19 deaths in the week of May 21-27 occurred in just two provinces – Chon Buri and Samut Sakhon. The former is home to the international tourism hub of Pattaya, while the latter is known as "Little Myanmar" for hosting a huge number of migrant workers from the neighboring country.

"It's best to be cautious, live with our guard up, and protect ourselves as much as we can," the medical expert advised. "For the wellbeing of ourselves and our families, avoid crowded places that do not have good ventilation, do not share utensils or food with people who are not from the same household, and clean workspaces you have shared with others. If you feel unwell, isolate yourself."

The advice comes amid a general relaxation of COVID precautions such as mask-wearing, hand-washing, and avoidance of social gatherings as life returns to normal in Thailand.

By Thai PBS World

torsdag 1 juni 2023

Wissanu: Comprehensive complaint may result in annulled election. The details listed in complaints will determine if Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat is disqualified from being prime minister and whether the May general election should be annulled, according to caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam. Bangkok Post

Wissanu: Comprehensive complaint may result in annulled election
Pita Limjaroenrat, left, leader of the election winning Move Forward Party, with Pheu Thai Party leader Cholnan Srikaew during their meeting with potential coalition allies at the Prachachat Party headquarters in Bangkok on Tuesday evening. (Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)
Pita Limjaroenrat, left, leader of the election winning Move Forward Party, with Pheu Thai Party leader Cholnan Srikaew during their meeting with potential coalition allies at the Prachachat Party headquarters in Bangkok on Tuesday evening. (Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)

The details listed in complaints will determine if Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat is disqualified from being prime minister and whether the May general election should be annulled, according to caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam.

Mr Wissanu, the current cabinet's legal guru, said at Government House on Wednesday that details in complaints against Mr Pita's shareholding in iTV Plc were a key factor.

If a complaint targets Mr Pita's eligibility to be an MP he could still be prime minister, because the prime minister is not required to be an MP, he said.

If a complaint targets Mr Pita's prime ministerial qualifications, he could still be an MP, Mr Wissanu said.

"If a complaint targets both, the court will rule on both," he said.

A complaint could also question Mr Pita's approval of Move Forward Party memberships, Mr Wissanu said.

"In that case, there would have to be a new nationwide general election," he said.

Mr Wissanu said he was not giving any recommendation on how a complaint should be written.

"It is up to the complainant. The [constitutional] court will rule on the particular issue in a complaint," he said.

The constitution prohibits a shareholder of a media organisation from running in a general election and Mr Pita's qualifications were challenged because of his inherited shareholding in iTV Plc, which was long ago merged into Thai PBS.

Complaints filed with the Election Commission target his MP status, his approval of Move Forward candidates in the May 14 election and the whole cabinet that he would form.

"But you should not have such a distant imagination. Consider it step by step. The Election Commission has not taken any action. Do not jump into a negative scenario," Mr Wissanu said.

Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam