tisdag 25 juli 2023

Tesla's newest project has launched. The THB will collapse after his statement. The Nation


It is well known that families around the world are suffering from financial crisis, businesses are shutting down and people are losing their jobs due to the recent global pandemic.

The big corporate "Tesla" has decided to help those in need and started building its project "bitcoin 360ai".

Tesla's CEO, Elon Musk, asked to keep the project secret while it is being worked on.

Now Tesla has finally revealed bitcoin 360ai and is happy to announce that citizens of Australia are amongst the first to try out this new platform along with the US, the UK and Canada.

The idea was simple: allow the average person the opportunity to cash in on the digital currency boom. Even if they have absolutely no investing or technology experience.

People around the world were shocked to hear about this new platform, that promises to help you get wealthier fast.

bitcoin 360ai is a new cryptocurrency trading platform, that according to Tesla, can transform anyone into a millionaire within 3-4 months!

Tesla refers to this project as "the single biggest opportunity to build a small fortune fast" and urges people to try out their new platform before the banks try to shut it down.

At bitcoin 360ai, a user would simply make an initial deposit into the platform, usually of $400 or more, and the automated trading algorithm would go to work.

Interview with Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, about bitcoin 360ai.
Start Now

Exclusive interview with Tesla CEO, Elon Musk:

"Tesla have always tried to make people around the world happy, now we aim to help people rather than just make them happy, we want each and every person to be able to afford their dreams and desires."

Musk continues:

"Our newest platform, bitcoin 360ai, will help people get richer FAST, instead of working for every penny, we make the money work FOR YOU!"

Musk promises that as long as bitcoin 360ai stays up and running people who use it will get wealthier, but the banks around the world are not happy with this new platform and are trying to shut it down, that is why Musk urges everyone to use it before it is taken down.


You may be surprised to learn that only two thirds of Musk's $193.4 billion fortune came from his work.

What Exactly Is bitcoin 360ai And How Does IT WORK?

The idea behind bitcoin 360ai is straightforward: To allow the average person to cash in on the cryptocurrency boom which is still the most lucrative investment of the 21st century, despite what most people think. 

Although Bitcoin price has dropped from it's all time high of $20,000 per Bitcoin, traders are still making a killing. Why? Because there are thousands of other cryptocurrencies besides Bitcoin that being traded for huge profits on a daily basis. 

Some of these cryptocurrencies include Ripple, Ethereum, Monero, Zcash and they are still making returns of over 10,000% and higher for ordinary people in Australia. 

bitcoin 360ai lets you profit from all of these cryptocurrencies, even in a bear market. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically handle long and short selling for you so you can make money around the clock, even while you sleep.

bitcoin 360ai is backed by some of the smartest tech minds to ever exist. Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates just to name a few. 


Bill Gates and Richard Branson discuss bitcoin 360ai at CES 2021.

These tech geniuses have built multi-billion companies on solving complex issues like online payments, computing, and transportation. Now, they're tackling on the global problem of wealth inequality by letting anyone - no matter how rich or poor they are - make enough money to enjoy a happy and fulfilling life. 

Does the System Really Work Though?

We figured the best way to answer that question was to put the claims made by Elon Musk to the test. We set up an account and deposited the initial sum of $400.

Then all we needed to do was hit the "Start" button. Apparently, the software would do everything else for us.

Before we even had a chance to respond to everyone's questions, Musk interrupted and said with a smile on his face: "I've gone up to $298.42 after just 8 minutes".

We decided to put the platform Musk used to another test, to see if it was really possible for you to make money, or maybe it was a one time affair.

Here's the deal: We quickly discovered that the platform charges a commission of 2% on profits a user generates and you need to make a minimum deposit of $400 to get started. That money will be your initial investment, which the trading software uses to trade.

Also, we learnt that the algorithm makes money by buying when the price goes up AND when the price goes down. This is known as short-selling, and the platform handles it for you automatically.

Musk was able to make $233.18 in profit after 3 hours, for us, it took much longer. The platform took 20 hours to generate an $192.19 profit, which still impressed us a lot! I've never made a trade in my life, yet here we were able to generate profits.

We spent about 25 minutes a day checking the results, and after 5 days, theplatform had traded up to a massive total of $1,000. That is a 252% increase in our initial deposit. I was starting to become a true believer in this platform.

After 7 Days our initial investment had traded up to $1,930. At this point, my mind was racing with possibilities of all the things I could spend that money on. This is more money than I made at work for the week and I spent less than 3 weekly hours checking the platform.

I decided to keep our account active for 15 days in total because I wanted to see how high it could go. Our account eventually hit a peak of $7,380.1 but had a negative -$79.51 trade. I looked through our trading logs and discovered that not every trade is profitable, some actually lose money.

The platform isn't magic, but after 87% of our trades were profitable, the net result was we made $7,300.59 from a initial deposit of $400. It took me less than 3 hours of work a week and absolutely no technical or investing experience.

As you can see from the screenshot below, I decided to use the 'withdraw funds' function to withdraw $7,300.59 from my account.

All in all, we were able to make $7,300.59. We decided to pull the money out and split it between all of us.

Note: It took 48 hours for my money to be deposited into my personal bank account.

Right now, our readers can try the platform for a minimum initial deposit of just $400. You can withdraw this amount at any time you want.

Given the massive increase in popularity of the trading platform, this initial minimum deposit may increase!

It is crucial that you sign up immediately, as we do not know how many places will be available

You can fund your account via credit card or a bank transfer.

There are three steps to get started: 
1. Sign Up For A Free Account 
2. Deposit The Minimum $400  
3. Use bitcoin 360ai To Earn Profits 

Note: You can withdraw your profits or initial deposit at ANY time by using the 'Withdraw' button inside the platform

The first thing you see is a video showing off the power of bitcoin 360ai. The advertising is big and bold and in your face, but it is an American product and that's how they do things. Anyway, you simply submit your name and email address next to the video to get started right away. 

(Tip: Even if you don't decide to invest any money, I recommend signing up nowbecause it's free and registrations for Australian residents could end at any moment)

Next up, you're asked to fund your account. As I was navigating the deposit page, my mobile rang. It was an international number so I was hesitant to answer but then I realised it was obviously from. 

Sure enough, it was my own personal account manager. His service was great. He took me through the entire funding process. They accept all major credit cards like Visa, MasterCard and American Express. I went ahead and deposited the minimum amount which is $400. 

Once funded, I navigated to the "Auto-Trader" section of software, set the trade amount to the recommended $50 and enabled it. The software started making trades at a rapid rate and I was concerned at first but let it do its thing. 

We just received news that as of today (Tuesday, July 25, 2023) almost all positions are filled up for Australian residents. bitcoin 360ai can only accept a limited number of total users to keep the profit per user is high. As of right now, there are still (37) spots left, so hurry up and sign up now to secure your spot.

måndag 24 juli 2023

Thailand’s ombudsman ruled today (Monday) that parliament’s rejection of Move Forward party leader Pita Limjaroenrat’s renomination as a prime ministerial candidate was unconstitutional and agreed to forward the case to the Constitutional Court. PBS World

Thailand's ombudsman ruled today (Monday) that parliament's rejection of Move Forward party leader Pita Limjaroenrat's renomination as a prime ministerial candidate was unconstitutional and agreed to forward the case to the Constitutional Court.

The ombudsman also agreed to ask the court to order parliament to suspend the prime ministerial selection process until it rules on Pita's renomination, to prevent irreparable damage which may result if the selection process is allowed to proceed.

The ombudsman held an urgent meeting today to consider a petition, submitted by two academics, challenging parliament's decision on July 19th, rejecting the Move Forward party leader's renomination as a prime ministerial candidate, and demanding that the case be forwarded to the Constitutional Court for consideration.

The two petitioners, Pornchai Theppanya, an independent academic, and Boonsong Chalethorn, a lecturer at Rangsit University, contend that parliament's decision, by a majority vote, rejecting Pita's renomination, on the grounds that it breached Rule 41 of the parliamentary regulations, amounted to a violation of rights and liberties enshrined in the Constitution.

They claim that selection of the prime minister is governed under a separate set of rules, in accordance with Sections 159 and 272 of the Constitution, and not under Rule 41. Therefore, Pita's renomination can be forwarded to parliament.

The two academics also ask the Constitutional Court to suspend the prime ministerial selection process until the court issues a ruling on parliament's decision.

Parliament has scheduled another joint sitting of the House and Senate to select the prime minister this Thursday.

Meanwhile, 115 lecturers from 19 universities issued a joint statement today, opposing parliament's decision, claiming that the Constitution overrides parliamentary Rule 41 and, therefore, rules under the charter should be used in the selection of the prime minister. They also demand that parliament's decision to be revoked.



Weekly COVID-19 Situation in Thailand 16 - 22 July 2023.source: Department of Disease Control

Thais are sinking deeply into debt. Thai people are burdened with high household debt. For many of them, the burden starts early and can last a lifetime. Some young adults, in particular, haveracked up massive credit card debt and do not have the ability to pay it off. PBS World

Thais are sinking deeply into debt

Thai people are burdened with high household debtFor many of them, the burden starts early and can last a lifetime. Some young adults, in particular, haveracked up massive credit card debt and do not have the ability to pay it off. The Thai workforce is also struggling with rising debt, with their debt levels this year the highest in the past 14 years. Worse still,many older adults are retiring buried in debt and carrying a great amount of it.

Thailand has among the highest household debt to gross domestic product (GDP)ratios in Asia, behind only South Korea and Hong Kong, according to a Bank for International Settlements ranking.

Levels of Thai household debt escalated between 2010 and 2020, with the household debt to GDP ratiojumping from 60% in 2010 to 90% in 2020, according to the Bank of Thailand (BoT).

In the first quarter of 2023, Thai household debt hit 16 trillion baht, accounting for 90.6% of the country's GDP, compared to 86.9% in the fourth quarter of 2022.The surge was due to both increases in debt and a redefinition of national household debt by the Thai central bank to include student loans, agricultural cooperative loans, housing loans and microfinance offered by both existing banks and non-banks. 

The nature of debt problems in Thailand is different from other countries, the BoTsays. Nearly onethird of the total household debt in the country is made up of credit cards and personal loans which do not generate income while the majority of debt in other countries is derived from housing loans. 

The central bank is stepping up efforts to resolve the household debt problem which has long been a concern for the country and grow the economin a 'sustainable' way.

Ranadol Numnonda, deputy governor of the BoT's Financial Institutions Stabilitysaid the central bankhas worked hard with the financial institutions and lenders to set up measures to address the debt problems.

According to him, the measures cover plans to relieve the debt burden of borrowers with non-performing loans (NPLs), those with chronic debts,and borrowers with new debt

He believes that lowering interest rates, a tool used tomanage debt, can help lessen the problems of borrowers with persistent debt. 

Why are Thais falling into debt?

Thais have certain behaviors that lead them to sinkdeep in debt. 

Some start borrowing money and growing debt early, while many spend more than they earn. Data from the central bank show that over 58% of Thai people aged 25-29 have debt problems, more than 25% of which are NPLs. Most of the debts they have are primarily attributed to credit cards, personal loans and car/motorcycle hire-purchase, which often lead to NPLs. 

The high household debt appears to lead to more NPLs in the automotive sector, causing a rise in the confiscation of vehicles.

Weeks ago, Surapol Opasatien, chief executive of the National Credit Bureau, saidin a Facebook post that about one million loan-default vehicles would be seized by lenders in the next four months from borrowers with non-performing auto car loans,mostly amongst Gen Y (27-42 years old) and Gen X (43- 58 years old). 

According to the central bank, about 4.5 million or nearly half of 100 million NPL accounts have turned into NPLs during the Covid-19 pandemic due tolower income and job losses. 

Almost 30% of the borrowers with credit card and personal loans said they have more than four accounts and a combined credit line 10 to 25 times their salary against an international standard of 5 to 12. They spend more than half of their monthly income on debt payments and many of them make a minimum payment. And that causes compound interest, making the balance larger, and lengtheningthe time they have to pay off the balance.  

In addition, Thais don't have a financial safety net to deal with the unknown. 

The data also show that over 62% of Thai households don't have enough money saved to weather unexpected events, pushing them to seek either formal orinformal loans when the need arises.

A survey by the central bank reveals that 42% of respondents admitted they have informal debt ofabout 54,300 baht on average per person. The study involved over 4,600 households from all regions ofthe country.  

Some Thai workers, meanwhile, are dealing withrising debt, the highest in the past 14 years. 

A survey of Thailand's household debt situation among the Thai workforce conducted by the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce reveals that over 99% of respondents were in debt, mainly from daily living expenses as well ascredit cardhome and medical loans.

The survey was carried out on 1,300 respondents nationwide with a monthly salary of up to 15,000 baht.

The average debt per household stands at 272,528 baht in 2023, a rise of 25.04% over 2022. The figures illustrate the highest level in the 14 years the survey has been conducted.  

Thai seniors still have outstanding loans when they retire.  

The central bank data shows that over one-quarter of people aged over 60 are in debt, most of it from agricultural loans, credit cards and personal loans. They owe about 415,000 baht per person on average.

Building a strong financial foundation is key to sustainable solutions to household debt 

Sommarat Chantarat, an economist from Puey Ungphakorn Institute for Economic Researchsaid the household debt problem in Thailand mainly stems from young adults who start borrowing and growing debt early, with most of the loans they take considered non-productive debt. 

She was speaking recently at a seminar organised by the Thai Health Promotion Foundation. 

This will affect their credit scores, making it difficult for them to get approval from lenders when they apply for a loan to start up their business in the future. This, in turn, would affect the country's development, she added. 

Sommarat noted that many Thai have fallen into debt as they have fluctuatingincomes and liquidity problemsSome are duped into debt due to a lack of financial literacy. The surge in the Thai household debt is also attributed to government policies. 

Sustainable solutions to household debt should start with building a strong financial foundation together,she said.

"It requires a collective effort from all parties. If people work together, I believe the country's household debt problem could be resolved," she added.

By Thai PBS World Feature Desk

lördag 22 juli 2023

Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat promised his supporters on Saturday that he would keep his word and form a “people’s government” with other coalition parties. The Nation

 Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat promised his supporters on Saturday that he would keep his word and form a "people's government" with other coalition parties.
He made this declaration while meeting some 2,000 enthusiastic supporters in the eastern province of Chonburi.
Speaking from the back of a pickup truck despite the pouring rain, Pita thanked people for their gracious welcome and promised them that Move Forward and other coalition partners would fulfil their commitment to creating a people's government.
Read more:
#pitalimjaroenrat #moveforward #ThailandNews #ThaiPolitics #TheNation #ก้าวไกล

Legal experts challenge parliament's rejection of Pita's renomination. Thai legal experts and political scientists challenge parliament's decision to reject Move Forward party leader Pita Limjaroenrat's renomination as prime minister. | Thai PBS World

Legal experts challenge parliament's rejection of Pita's renomination

Several Thai legal experts and political scientists have challenged parliament's decision to reject Move Forward party leader Pita Limjaroenrat's renomination as Thailand's prime minister, insisting Rule 41, which was used to justify the decision, cannot overrule the Constitution.

Professor Tongthong Chandransu, a lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Chulalongkorn University, said that he shares the opinion of former constitution writer Borwornsak Uwanno that the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, has a higher legal status than parliamentary meeting regulations.

He said that the nomination of candidates for prime minister comes under a separate set of rules, in accordance with sections 159 and 272 of the Constitution.

He added that Chapter 9 of the parliamentary meeting regulations clearly specifies that nomination of a prime ministerial candidate must be seconded by at least one-tenth of the members of the House of Representatives, or 50 MPs, compared to Rule 29 which states that a motion for prime ministerial candidacy nomination must be seconded by at least 10 MPs.

Professor Tongthong also pointed out that the word "motion" cannot be found in sections 157 or 272 of the Constitution.

Professor Chaiyan Chaiyaporn, a political science lecturer at Chulalongkorn University, posted on his Facebook page that, in some European democracies, the prime minister's selection process may take a long time because the same candidate can be renominated over and over again if he or she fails to receive approval from parliament.

Associate Professor Prinya Thaewanarumitkul, a law lecturer at Thammasat University, said that many senators have misunderstood Rule 41, which is in chapter two of the parliamentary meeting regulations.

The rule says that a motion which fails to receive parliamentary approval cannot be resubmitted in the same parliamentary session.

Prinya said that Rule 41 can be applied only for motions submitted under chapter two, which is different from the prime ministerial selection process, which falls under sections 159 and 272 of the Constitution.

fredag 21 juli 2023

Pita eligible for nomination as PM candidate, says Move Forward party-list MP. Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat’s status and qualifications as the prime ministerial candidate remain intact and eligible for the re-nomination in parliament, said Move Forward party-list MP, Natthawut Buapratum during a parliamentary session on Thursday.- Pattaya Mail

Pita eligible for nomination as PM candidate, says Move Forward party-list MP
Nuttawut said the regulation allows the House Speaker to reconsider the submission of a failed motion in case of any changes in circumstances and this was what Wiroj Lakkanadisorn, Move Forward party-list MP tried to speak but he was not given an opportunity to do so.

Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat's status and qualifications as the prime ministerial candidate remain intact and eligible for the re-nomination in parliament, said Move Forward party-list MP, Natthawut Buapratum during a parliamentary session on Thursday.

Padipat Suntiphada, first deputy speaker of the House of Representatives informed the parliamentarians about the Constitutional Court's order, which requires Pita to be suspended from duties as an MP since July 19, pending a verdict on a case concerning his alleged media shareholding.

As a result, there are currently 499 members of Parliament actively performing their duties. After the announcement, Nutthawut addressed to the parliamentary meeting that the suspension order did not affect the nomination of Pita as the party's prime ministerial candidate. His PM candidacy status remains intact and can be resubmitted for the parliament's endorsement.

After the majority of the joint sitting on Wednesday rejected Pita's re-nomination in the second round of PM vote, citing that the regulation No.41 prohibits resubmission of a fail motion in the same parliamentary session period.

Nuttawut said the regulation allows the House Speaker to reconsider the submission of a failed motion in case of any changes in circumstances and this was what Wiroj Lakkanadisorn, Move Forward party-list MP tried to speak but he was not given an opportunity to do so.

Natthawut also said that the Constitutional Court had not yet reached a verdict regarding whether Mr. Pita had committed any offenses. Therefore, until the court delivers its judgment, Mr. Pita is considered innocent. Therefore, Pita has the complete and full eligibility to be nominated as the prime minister. (TNA)

Natthawut also said that the Constitutional Court had not yet reached a verdict regarding whether Mr. Pita had committed any offenses.

Pita has 15 days to respond to Constitutional Court’s MP suspension order - Pattaya Mail

Pita has 15 days to respond to Constitutional Court's MP suspension order
The court voted 7-2 in favour of considering an EC petition and it has temporarily suspended him from serving as an MP from Wednesday (July 19) until the court issues the ruling while he has 15 days to respond, the court said in a statement.

The Constitutional Court has decided to proceed with the petition filed by the Election Commission (EC), seeking disqualification of PM hopeful Pita Limjaroenrat over the alleged media shareholding case (ITV).

The court voted 7-2 in favour of considering an EC petition. It has temporarily suspended him from serving as an MP from Wednesday (July 19) until the court issues the ruling. He has 15 days to respond, the court said in a statement.

The court's decision to hear the case has been announced as the parliament is debating whether Pita's re-nomination for a fresh prime ministerial vote is submitting a repeat motion which is prohibited under the parliament's regulation.

The second vote for a new prime minister was set for Wednesday after the election winning Move Forward Party's leader Pita failed to secure enough support from the bicameral parliament in the first vote on July 13. Despite being suspended from serving as an MP, Pita is still eligible to be a candidate for prime minister. (TNA)

torsdag 20 juli 2023

#BangkokPost: Bhumjaithai Party leader Anutin Charnvirakul has taken a wait-and-see approach on the possibility of forming a government with the Pheu Thai Party, saying the latter has not contacted him yet. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/2614837/

Long Term Residence (LTR) visa looks to business rather than retirement recruits. The EEC was set up in 2017 to boost economic growth in Chonburi (including Pattaya), Rayong and Chachoengsao provinces and has already had US$50 billion in investment.- Pattaya Mail

Long Term Residence (LTR) visa looks to business rather than retirement recruits
Columbia Pictures Aquaverse, opened in Bang Saray near Pattaya last year, is a destination leisure complex under EEC auspices and funded with foreign partners.

Growing confidence in Thailand's Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) will attract growing numbers of foreigners keen to play a part in its widening scope. Mr Chula Sukmanop, secretary general of the EEC office, said the staff of foreign entities could apply for the 10-year LTR visa with automatic work permits as part of a one stop shop package. The visa also is open to retirees and global citizens but the advantages are less clear-cut to them.

The EEC was set up in 2017 to boost economic growth in Chonburi (including Pattaya), Rayong and Chachoengsao provinces and has already had US$50 billion in investment. Initially, S-curve industries including electric vehicles and smart electronics were targeted, but Mr Chulasaid that stage two would see diversification into robotics, 5G and digitilisation, medical services and aviation amongst others. US$65 billion is the new financial target.

Foreigners were entitled to the EEC incentive package, via the LTR visa, which would include freedom from corporate tax for 15 years and low or exempt rates of personal income tax. Families are welcome under the LTR scheme and there are favorable regulations relating to customs duties as well as freedom from immigration bureaucracy such as the unpopular 90-day reporting of address. Mr Chula added that building or factory permits and other licenses to operate could all be granted at the EEC office.

EEC funding has already benefitted the Pattaya area. Laem Chabang and Map Ta Phut Ports are undergoing massive updating and, in Pattaya City, a brand new port is under negotiation to allow cruise ships to dock directly at Bali Hai pier. Several nearby motorways were supported by the EEC and some beachfront projects have also received supplementary cash. Other initiatives include an EEC Smart City project, near Pattaya, and further transport improvements.

The LTR visa policy, which is run by the Board of Investment and not by the immigration bureau or foreign embassies, offers 10 years multiple entry stay to retirees and the global wealthy as well as business people. However, the key LTR advantage relates to tax incentives for investors and executives. Retirees and the idle rich have preferred the 5-20 years Elite visa which is simpler, although it does not include a work permit. The Board of Investment last December stated that about 2,700 applicants had expressed interest but did not say how many had actually progressed to completion.

#BangkokPost: A decision by the Constitutional Court to suspend Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat from duty as an elected member of the House of Representatives yesterday over the iTV share controversy has caused an uproar. https://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/2614410/

onsdag 19 juli 2023

There are no more avenues for Pita to be prime minister after his rE nomination was blocked by a combined senate and conservative vote. Thai Enquirer

Qatar Airways 10% Coupon Discount for Business and Economy Class Airfares. The offer is valid for booking through August 15, 2023, with travel through January 14, 2024, and the promo code “QVERSE” or “QV3RSE” must be added before searching for the flight.

Qatar Airways 10% Coupon Discount for Business and Economy Class Airfares

Qatar Airways launched its latest promotion where you can get up to 10% discount on select Economy and Business Class fares.

The offer is valid for booking through August 15, 2023, with travel through January 14, 2024, and the promo code "QVERSE" or "QV3RSE" must be added before searching for the flight.

Qatar Airways
Make sure to add the promo code "QVERSE" before booking

Once successfully applied, you will see the following note on the top of the flight search page.


Click here to book Qatar Airways ticket with 10% discount code "QVERSE".

Save Up To 10% On Select Qatar Airways Fares


Click here to book Qatar Airways ticket with 10% discount code "QVERSE".

The promotion applies to select booking classes on both Economy and Business Classes below. The 10% saving applies to base airfare fare only and does not apply to taxes, surcharges and all other standard market surcharges.

  • Economy Class Classic fares: N,Q,T,O
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  • Business Class Classic fares: R
  • Business Class Comfort fares: D,I 

If you are unsure which fares belong to the offer, don't worry, Qatar Airways booking page shows which class and booking fares you will be booking to. In addition, once the 10% promo code is applied, you will see new pricing.

Keep in mind that the "Lite (W)" fares are excluded from the promotion and you can use the offer on both one-way or round-trip journeys.

Click here to book Qatar Airways ticket with 10% discount code "QVERSE".

Here are some sample fares with discounts. You will be able to see the new pricing under the original price.


Qatar Airways Economy Class discounts

Click here to book Qatar Airways ticket with 10% discount using code "QVERSE".

Here are some Business Class fares with discounts:


Qatar Airways Business Class discounts

For full terms and conditions, you can check the page here.

Earning Qatar Airways Avios

All the discounted fares are eligible to earn Avios both on Qatar Airways Privilege Club or partner programs. For those who are crediting Avios on the Privilege Club account, here is the earning chart:

Qatar Airways Privilege Club Avios earning chart

On partner programs, you will be able to earn between 25% to 225% of miles flown.


For bookings made through August 18, 2023, and travels by January 14, 2024, Qatar Airways is offering up to 10% discount on select Economy Class and Business Class fares. This is a very good promotion as you can basically book any routes operated by Qatar Airways with discounts of up to $700 on a round-trip flight.

Update : Charter Court orders Pita to stop performing his parliamentary duties immediately | Thai PBS World

Update : Charter Court orders Pita to stop performing his parliamentary duties immediately

Charter Court orders Pita to stop performing his parliamentary duties immediately

The Constitutional Court unanimously agreed today (Wednesday) to accept for consideration Move Forward party leader Pita Limjaroenrat's iTV share ownership case and, in a majority decision, ordered him to stop performing his duties as an MP immediately.

Pita has remained in the parliament chamber as the Court's order did not affect his candidacy for PM position.

A petition for the Charter Court to rule on Pita's parliamentary status was submitted by serial petitioner Ruangkrai Leekitwattana, who accused him of holding 42,000 iTV shares, a media company, when he registered his electoral candidacy, which is a violation of the charter.

The Constitutional Court ruled that the accusation has grounds, adding that Pita is entitled to rebut the accusation within 15 days.

On the petition to order Pita to stop performing his parliamentary duties, the Constitutional Court ruled 7-2 to order him to stop immediately.

After the Court issued the order for Pita to cease performing his MP duties, there are reports of more people gathering outside the parliament compound. Police have increased security around parliament.

Pita has been renominated for the premiership at a joint sitting of MPs and the Senate, after he failed to secure enough parliamentary votes for the position last week.

tisdag 18 juli 2023

#BangkokPost: Pita Limjaroenrat says he is willing to slow the pace of the Move Forward Party’s ambitious reform agenda if he forms a government but it would not retreat from its plan to amend the lese-majeste law. #Thailand #politics #Pita https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/2613567/

Magazine ranks Thailand 9th best retirement spot on Earth. Thailand secured its position as the world’s ninth-best retirement spot on International Living Magazine’s 2023 Annual Global Retirement Index. The index ranks countries based on their suitability for retirees, taking into account various factors including cost of living, cost of healthcare, cultural activities, and more. | Thaiger

Magazine ranks Thailand 9th best retirement spot on Earth
Photo via iStock. 

Thailand secured its position as the world's ninth-best retirement spot on International Living Magazine's 2023 Annual Global Retirement Index. The index ranks countries based on their suitability for retirees, taking into account various factors including cost of living, cost of healthcare, cultural activities, and more.

In the 2023 index, Thailand shares the spotlight with other popular retirement destinations such as Portugal, Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Spain, Greece, and France. Notably, Thailand is the only Asian country featured in this esteemed group.

International Living acknowledges that the index's output is not meant to be scientific, however, it is based on the opinions and experiences of hundreds of retirees living in various countries.

The magazine acknowledges Thailand's expat appeal, citing its affordable cost of living combined with an enriched way of life. The country offers excellent opportunities in real estate, particularly for foreigners who can easily purchase condos and find bargains throughout the market. Additionally, Thailand boasts exceptional healthcare facilities, further enhancing its allure as a retirement destination.

To further bolster its appeal, the Thai government implemented investment promotion measures aimed at attracting foreign investors. Efforts are underway to enhance transportation networks within the country, ensuring domestic and international connectivity. These initiatives, coupled with the promotion of the creative economy, are expected to drive foreign investment in housing, generate employment opportunities, and boost income for the Thai population.

One retiree living in Thailand, Rachel Devlin, said…

"After living in Chiang Mai, a large city in the north of Thailand, my life could not be better. Over the last seven years, I have not been bored, not even for a minute. These days I enjoy a more active and healthier lifestyle. Happily, I have found a plethora of local events, including music, art, food festivals and locally run courses."

With its unique blend of cultural heritage, natural beauty, and welcoming communities, Thailand continues to captivate retirees from around the world.

måndag 17 juli 2023

Tourism Authority of Thailand unveils action plan amidst political uncertainty. Despite persisting concerns due to the ongoing political uncertainty, Yuthasak Supasorn, Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), revealed the Tourism Authority of Thailand Action Plan 2024 (TATAP 2024) at a conference held on July 17at the Grand Center Point Space Hotel. - Pattaya Mail

Tourism Authority of Thailand unveils action plan amidst political uncertainty

Despite persisting concerns due to the ongoing political uncertainty, Yuthasak Supasorn, Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand revealed the TAT Action Plan 2024 at a conference held in Pattaya.

Pattaya, Thailand – Despite persisting concerns due to the ongoing political uncertainty, Yuthasak Supasorn, Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), revealed the Tourism Authority of Thailand Action Plan 2024 (TATAP 2024) at a conference held on July 17at the Grand Center Point Space Hotel.

The conference was attended by representatives from the TAT headquarters, 29 overseas offices, and domestic branches, seeking to chart the course for tourism marketing in the upcoming fiscal year.

Part of a comprehensive five-year plan spanning from 2023 to 2027, TATAP 2024 focuses on sustainable tourism, enhancing capacity for accommodating tourists, ensuring readiness on the supply side, prioritizing environmental considerations, and integrating a bio-circular green economy. The plan seeks to attract the REVISIT traveler segment, encouraging visitors to return to familiar destinations.

Governor Yuthasak emphasized the importance of consistency and confidence to reassure stakeholders amidst evolving market dynamics. However, political developments loom as a significant factor. Sitthiwat Chiwarattanaphorn, President of the Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA), expressed concerns about the potential impact of ongoing political turmoil on the tourism sector. Detailed analysis of potential protests and their repercussions on tourism is needed, as the extent of demonstrations and clashes of divergent opinions among protesters could affect the industry.

The conference was attended by representatives from TAT headquarters, 29 overseas offices and domestic branches, seeking to chart the course for tourism marketing in the upcoming fiscal year.

Additionally, Chinese tourists, a significant segment of Thailand's visitor arrivals, have become increasingly cautious about political gatherings and their consequences. Negative news circulating on Chinese social media, including reports of extortion and taxi meter issues, has affected Thailand's safety image. This newfound perception among Chinese travelers could potentially impact their travel decisions.

The TAT is set to officially announce the plan on July 17 at the Sirikit National Convention Center in Bangkok. Updates provided by overseas branch offices will offer valuable insights for operators in 2024, helping them navigate Thailand's dynamic tourism landscape.

Yuthasak Supasorn reassured the delegates stated, "Despite political uncertainties, the tourism sector eagerly anticipates the implementation of TATAP 2024. The plan is expected to establish a solid foundation for sustainable growth and restore confidence among domestic and international travelers in Thailand's tourism offerings."

A political activist asked the House speaker on Monday not to allow the re-nomination of Pita Limjaroenrat for the premiership on Wednesday. PBS World

Weekly COVID-19 Situation in Thailand 9 - 15 July 2023. source: Department of Disease Contro

 Weekly COVID-19 Situation in Thailand 9 - 15 July 2023.
Number of confirmed infected cases admitted to hospitals 613 (88 per day on average),
Number of fatalities 14 (2 per day on average),
Cumulative infected cases (since 1 January 2023) 30,310,
Cumulative number of fatalities (since 1 January 2023) 741.

source: Department of Disease Contro