fredag 9 februari 2024

Thailand to Celebrate 21 Days of Songkran in April? Really? Over the past few days announcements have come out that appear to have driven sheer terror in some Thai expats, with the Thai Government saying this year’s Songkran will be the biggest one ever.- The Pattaya News

Thailand to Celebrate 21 Days of Songkran in April? Really?

Over the past few days announcements have come out that appear to have driven sheer terror in some Thai expats, with the Thai Government saying this year's Songkran will be the biggest one ever.

This announcement, which we covered here, has to do with UNESCO officially recognising the event as a cultural world heritage and Thailand hoping to further attract the event to tourists on a global scale.

Specifically, the statement that the event would be celebrated from April 1st to the 21st across Thailand caused a lot of panic and a lot of confusion. This was mostly because many feared this meant 21 days of water throwing.

For those not familiar, Songkran is the Thai New Year, also known as the water festival, and Thailand's biggest holiday. It's well known for many different cultural and religious activities and provides Thais with the longest holiday break of the year. For many Thais, especially those working in Bangkok, this is the one time of year they return home to see their families in their home provinces.

Of course, it is also known, especially in tourist zones, for wild water fights, concerts, and parties….even though Thai officials continue to downplay this part. Mostly, anyways.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the festival was entirely cancelled in 2020 and in 2021 and 2022 water play and throwing was banned and only religious functions were allowed, much to the pleasure of some readers who strongly dislike this portion of the festival (Although it is popular with many tourists, especially social media influencers and younger tourists).

Last year, however, the water play returned and will also be a part of this year's festival, indeed, Thailand is even basically openly promoting it, knowing that it attracts many tourists. To be fair, for those living and working full time, especially in Pattaya where the water play often lasts about a week, it can be a difficult period.

A few months back some prominent Thai officials said the festival would last all April but again, criticism and panic ensued around if this meant a month of water throwing.

Basically, the 21 days of Songkran is nothing new. Different parts of Thailand have celebrated the festival on different days for various reasons for decades. Pattaya's big day, for example, is April 19th, partly to encourage domestic tourism after the official national days.

The official national days, by the way, will remain April 13th to the 15th, with public holidays running to the 16th. Pattaya, as usual, will likely run from the 12th to about the 19th. 

In terms of the 21 days, the thought process behind this is NOT 21 days of water throwing. Instead, it's best to think about it like Christmas, in which decorations, music, cultural presentations, etc. will take place for the entire month. The idea for Songkran is similar, with events proposed across Thailand from April 1st to the 21st, almost all of them focused on religious, cultural, and traditional heritage aspects. 

Yes, there will still be water play, but according to Thai officials it will be limited to the official days and not the whole three week period.

So, for now, readers can rest easy that this doesn't mean 21 days of water throwing across Thailand. Regardless, many of our regular readers and expats likely will plan to either stay indoors or even leave Thailand during the festival, while droves of tourists, domestic and foreign, arrive.

onsdag 7 februari 2024

Dengue fever has escalated into a significant concern in Thailand, with the Department of Disease Control (DDC) reporting over 8,000 infections and 13 fatalities in January. NNT

Dengue fever has escalated into a significant concern in Thailand, with the Department of Disease Control (DDC) reporting over 8,000 infections and 13 fatalities in January. 

DDC Director-General Thongchai Keeratihuttayakorn highlighted a sharp 91.25% increase in cases compared to January of the previous year, where 4,286 individuals were affected, noting as many as 8,197 people have contracted the disease so far.

Dengue fever, a viral infection spread by Aedes mosquitoes, is prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions. Symptoms include high fever, severe headaches, muscle and joint pains, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, and swollen glands. The disease poses a higher risk to children aged five to 14, with the majority of cases reported in the southern and central parts of Thailand.

The fatalities recorded this year span across 11 provinces, with the oldest victim being 65 years old. To combat the spread, Thongchai advised that hospitals treating dengue patients provide anti-mosquito cream or spray as a preventive measure to others. 

The DDC Director-General emphasized that immediate medical attention is a must for anyone experiencing fever, especially those in close proximity to diagnosed patients, to mitigate further spread and protect public health.

#DengueAlert #ThailandHealth #MosquitoPrevention #ViralInfection #PublicSafety

Former Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra Faces Legal Charges Over Alleged Offenses Against the Monarchy. On February 6th, 2024, Mr. Prayut Phetkhun, the spokesperson for the Office of the Attorney General, publicly revealed details regarding a legal case involving Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, on Section 112 of the Criminal Code for alleged offenses against the monarchy, dated back to May 21st, 2015, in Seoul, South Korea. - The Pattaya News

Former Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra Faces Legal Charges Over Alleged Offenses Against the Monarchy

PHOTO: Prachachat


On February 6th, 2024, Mr. Prayut Phetkhun, the spokesperson for the Office of the Attorney General, publicly revealed details regarding a legal case involving Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, on Section 112 of the Criminal Code for alleged offenses against the monarchy, dated back to May 21st, 2015, in Seoul, South Korea. 

Following the Thai police investigation, two charges were filed against Thaksin including an offense under Section 112 and a violation of the Computer Crimes Act for disseminating false information.

Despite the offenses occurring outside the Kingdom of Thailand, they fell under Thai jurisdiction, as per the Criminal Procedure Code. Consequently, the Office of the Attorney General was responsible for prosecuting the case.

Due to Thaksin's fugitive status, the Office of the Attorney General instructed investigators to issue an arrest warrant. Subsequently, investigating officers requested the Criminal Court for an arrest warrant, which was issued within the 15-year statute of limitations since the incident on May 21st, 2015. Thaksin's return to Thailand on August 22nd, 2023, led to his detention in connection with other criminal cases.

On January 17th, 2024, Mr. Kunthanit Mongkolsawat, the Director of Public Prosecutions, and relevant agencies informed Thaksin of the allegations. However, Thaksin denied the charges and submitted a letter requesting fairness. Kunthanit forwarded Thaksin's statement to investigating officers for inclusion in the investigation.

Currently, the case is under consideration by the Office of the Attorney General, it will be presented to the Supreme Prosecutors for opinions and further legal actions. This update provides the background of the case, which has drawn attention from various political groups and Thai people. Despite ongoing scrutiny, the legal process continues under Thai law, stated the spokesperson for the Office of the Attorney General.

Thaksin remains in a hospital in Thailand in a controversial case while many have protested and called for him to return to prison or for officials to give greater transparency on his alleged medical conditions that have him in a hospital.

tisdag 6 februari 2024

Thai condo market surge fuelled by visa-free policy and Chinese. The Thai condominium market is experiencing a surge in activity, largely due to a permanent visa-free policy for Chinese nationals, which has led to a significant increase in property purchases by foreigners. | Thaiger

Thai condo market surge fuelled by visa-free policy and Chinese
Photo courtesy of iStock 

The Thai condominium market is experiencing a surge in activity, largely due to a permanent visa-free policy for Chinese nationals, which has led to a significant increase in property purchases by foreigners.

In the first three quarters of the year 2023, foreign buyers transferred ownership of 10,703 units valued at 52,259 million baht (US$1.46 million). This momentum is expected to continue, with projections suggesting that the year-end figures will likely mirror those of the previous year, where transactions totalled 59,260 million baht (US$1.65 million).

The visa-free policy, which has been extended to tourists from Kazakhstan, India, and Taiwan temporarily, is anticipated to positively influence the Thai condominium market, as it facilitates easier travel.

Foreigners often purchase condos as a second home, close to their children's schools, with the option to rent them out when not in use. Chinese buyers have been particularly active, accounting for nearly 50% of foreign transactions in the nine months of 2023, with 4,991 units transferred at a value of 24,740 million baht (US$691,602).

According to Wichai Wiratkaphan, the Acting Director of the Real Estate Information Center (REIC), the foreign clientele has become an essential source of purchasing power in 2024, compensating for weaker domestic demand and reduced purchasing power. He revealed that the transfers of condominium ownership by foreigners nationwide during the first three quarters of the year 2023 have been robust.

The permanent visa-free policy between Thailand and China, not only benefits the tourism industry but also invigorates the real estate market, including both pool villas and condominiums, especially in tourist destinations like Phuket.

Sansiri, a leading property development company, is continuing its aggressive expansion into the foreign market, aiming for a sales target of 7,000 million baht (US$195,683) in 2024, which represents a 15% increase from the 6,100 million baht (US$170,524) achieved in 2023.

The company's main clientele consists of Chinese and Russian buyers, and there is an expectation that Chinese customers will return in greater numbers within the year, reported KhaoSod.

Prasert Taedullayasatit, Chief Real Estate Officer at Ananda Development, expressed that positive factors for the real estate market in 2024 include the steady demand from foreigners, particularly for condominiums. This is attributed to the shrinking purchasing power domestically.

The primary foreign demand comes from groups in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Myanmar. The government's policy for permanent visa-free travel between Thailand and China is hailed as a positive development, which has increased tourism and consequently, the demand for residential properties.

Panic in Chonburi as Crocodile Found Sunbathing Near Village Fish Pond - The Pattaya News

Panic in Chonburi as Crocodile Found Sunbathing Near Village Fish Pond

Chonburi —

Residents of Huay Yai area in Chonburi province were gripped by panic after a two-meter-long freshwater crocodile was spotted sunbathing near a fishpond on February 4th, 2024.

Local officials, including the Huay Yai sub-district Municipality's disaster prevention and mitigation team, along with over 20 personnel, rushed to the scene in Huay Yai to tackle the situation head-on.

After locating the crocodile, the officials decided to use a car battery to deliver a controlled electric shock in the water. This non-lethal method effectively stunned the crocodile, allowing officials to safely retrieve it from the water.

According to reports, the reptile was measured at over 2.10 meters in length and weighed 33 kilograms. Following its capture, the crocodile was transported to the Banglamung Wildlife Breeding Station for comprehensive care and monitoring.

Authorities are currently investigating the origins of the crocodile and where it escaped from.

måndag 5 februari 2024

Det blir flygboom i sommar - 817,5 miljoner flygsäten är tillgängliga. Antalet tillgängliga flygsäten väntas nå en ny toppnotering, rapporterar Financial Times med hänvisning till flyginformationsföretaget OAG.- Travel News

Det blir flygboom i sommar – 817,5 miljoner flygsäten är tillgängliga

Antalet tillgängliga flygsäten väntas nå en ny toppnotering, rapporterar Financial Times med hänvisning till flyginformationsföretaget OAG.

Trots tuffa ekonomiska utsikter väntas i sommar en anstormning av semesterfirare till europeiska flygplatser, rapporterar DI.

De tre stora lågprisflygbolaget Ryanair, Easyjet and Wizz Air har alla pekat mot tidiga tecken på en stark sommarefterfrågan, och indikationer på ett starkt resesug i Europa har även fått andra aktörer att öka sin kapacitet.

Mellan april och oktober kommer europeiska flygbolag att ha 817,5 miljoner flygsäten tillgängliga, rapporterar Financial Times med hänvisning till siffror från flyginformationsföretaget OAG. Det är den högsta siffran som noterats, uppger affärstidningen vidare.

Samtidigt har priset för en flygbiljett ökat kraftigt sedan före pandemin. Enligt EU-data från oktober handlar det om en prisuppgång på 20–30 procent mellan 2019 och 2023.

Europas sex största flygbolag väntas för 2024 redovisa justerade rörelseresultat på 10,5 miljarder euro, enligt Factset, alltså motsvarande 119 miljarder kronor.  Det kan jämföras med 9,2 miljarder euro under förra året.

söndag 4 februari 2024

Thai Pink ID Card: Process and Requirements | Thaiger

Thai Pink ID Card: Process and requirements

Get more information about procedures and requirements for obtaining a Thai pink ID card to make life in Thailand easier.

What is a Thai pink ID Card?

A Thai Pink ID Card is an identity document initially issued for stateless people or people who have alien status in Thailand. Those people who live in Thailand legally for a long period of time, whether Permanent Residency, aliens, or foreigners, should hold Thai pink ID card to identify themselves. But before they can apply for the card, they need to have a Thai ID number.

Other than identifying the person and state in Thailand. A Thai pink ID card also comes with more benefits for permanent residents or expats who intend to settle in Thailand. Whether for residential or business purposes, the pink ID card is an essential thing you should consider.

**Please note: Due to Thailand's Covid-19 restrictions, all services for obtaining a Pink Thai ID Card have been suspended until further notice.**

How to get a Thai ID Number

Before you receive a Thai ID number to apply for the Pink ID card, first, you must register your place of residence in Thailand with the government. You will get a Thai house book when your registration is approved. You will get a Yellow House Registration book if you are a foreigner who lives and has residency in Thailand, but you will get a Blue House Registration book when you are a permanent resident.

When you have your name present in the yellow or blue house book, you're ready to apply for the ID card. The next step is to bring your original and a copy of your house book, and other required documents to the District Office, to get an ID number and apply for the pink ID card.

What are the required documents to apply for a Thai Pink ID Card?

To apply for a Thai pink ID card, you will need to submit the documents to the district officers. Bring all original and copies of required documents to submit your Thai pink ID card application. Getting a Thai pink ID card is not difficult, and these are required documents you'll have to prepare before applying.

1. Passport and visa – copies of your passport's relevant pages would need to hand over. You need to have a valid visa for non-immigrants.

2. House Residence Certificate – You can use copies of your work permit and resident certificate from your Thai house book with a signed copy.

3. Married certificate – Additional for people who are married to Thai or Thai permanent residency.

4. Permanent residency – Additional for PR has to hand in 2 books for permanent residency.

6. Birth certificate (if any) – Additional for people who birth or have children in Thailand.

7. Work permit (if any) – Additional for people who work in a Thai company.

Yellow Tabien Baan the house registration book for foreigners living in Thailand | Perfect Homes

Yellow Tabien Baan The House Registration Book For Foreigners Living In Thailand

onsdag 31 januari 2024

NNT - TAT Proposes Extended Visa-Free Stays to Boost Tourism

picBANGKOK (NNT) - The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is urging the government to extend the visa-free stay period for long-haul tourists from the United States and Europe to 90 days to boost the country's tourism revenue from these regions to 40% in 2024. The initiative, aimed at increasing the average duration of stay and spending per trip, comes as part of TAT's strategy to enhance the tourism sector's contribution to the economy.

Thailand currently facilitates tourist visas on arrival for nationals from over 60 countries, allowing them a 30-day stay. The proposal to extend this period follows the success of a temporary 90-day visa granted to Russian tourists last November, which significantly benefited the tourism sector.

In the past year, over 100,000 foreign tourists, predominantly from the US, the UK, Sweden, and Germany, applied for a 60-day visa. The proposed extension to 90 days is expected to generate at least a million additional room nights across the country.

The tourism body has also requested the National Tourism Policy Committee to extend other tourist-friendly measures, such as visa-free stays for Kazakh tourists and continued suspension of TM6 forms at Thai-Malaysia border crossings, alongside the 90-day visa-free stay for Russians. These measures are pending cabinet approval.

Despite global challenges like geopolitical tensions and Europe's sluggish economy, the TAT remains confident in the appeal of Thailand to European travelers, citing the country's cost of living and the propensity of these tourists to stay longer. The agency anticipates record-breaking arrivals from major markets, including up to 2 million Russian tourists and over 1 million each from the US, the UK, and Germany. 

söndag 28 januari 2024

Thai government denies dangers from visa-free policy. The Thai foreign affairs ministry has downplayed the danger to national security created by abolition of visitor visas for nationals of China and India in particular. - Pattaya Mail

Thai government denies dangers from visa-free policy

Tourists from nearly half of all countries, including China, can now enter Thailand without a visa.

The Thai foreign affairs ministry has downplayed the danger to national security created by abolition of visitor visas for nationals of China and India in particular. Spokesperson Kanchana Patarachok pointed out that there would not be an increase in the number of foreign businessmen operating illegal companies, or career criminals, as Thai immigration could still identify them from computerized records. On entry, all international arrivals are checked to see if they have committed a previous crime in Thailand or are the subject of an Interpol warrant.

Worries had been raised formally by Senate members noting recent scandals involving Chinese nationals ignoring work permit regulations or enrolling expensively at Thai language schools simply to extend their stay without any intention of learning. Concerns centered around Chinese citizens being illegally abducted by fellow nationals and tales about Chinese "police stations" operating in Bangkok and beyond. Other reports claim Russians have been found working illegally in Phuket as taxi drivers, whilst Indians in Pattaya were accused of operating restaurants for reasons other than selling food. But some of these claims have proven untrue, or occurred before visa liberalization, and there is scant initial evidence that Thai security is now more threatened than before.

As part of a no-visa policy, Russians receive 90 days on arrival and Chinese and Indian nationals 30 days but only for tourist purposes. This is an attempt by premier Srettha Thavisin to boost visitor numbers post-covid from the main overseas recruiting grounds. The policy change means that the nationals of all most half the countries in the world can enter Thailand without a visa for vacations. But there is no consistency across the board: US, UK and EU nationals receive 30 days visa-free, whereas those from South Korea and several Latin American countries are stamped in for 90 days on each visit. The deal with China, 30 days on arrival, is to be made permanent on March 1 when the pilot scheme ends. The immigration bureau stresses that only bona fide tourists can enter visa-free. Business visas, for example, must be applied for in advance from Thai embassies abroad.

But there are other inconsistencies between visa-free nationalities. Whereas British or European holidaymakers can extend a 30 days stamp for a further month at local immigration – followed by a day trip to the Cambodian border to repeat the procedure – Chinese and Indian visitors are not able to leave and then return by a land border post. Extensions at immigration often depend on showing a return air ticket to the home country in the near future and Thai banks generally are reluctant to allow visa-free foreigners to open accounts. Visitors under the recent visa-free reforms also find it virtually impossible to obtain a Thai driving licence. Ken Thorne, an international visa researcher, told Pattaya Mail, "Thai authorities are understandably using soft power visa reforms to raise cash for the treasury, but the devil is in the detail. He usually is."

torsdag 25 januari 2024

PM plans a visa free hub by asking EU for a mutual waiver. Prime Minister Srettha envisions Thailand as a World aviation hub. On Wednesday, he spoke of a reciprocal visa exemption deal with the European Union. The PM, emphasising tourism, praised Suvarnabhumi Airport’s success. At the same time, he highlighted past governments led by Thaksin Shinawatra and their dynamic strategies. Thai Examiner

Srettha plans a visa-free hub by asking the European Union for a mutual visa waiver similar to China

Prime Minister Srettha envisions Thailand as a World aviation hub. On Wednesday, he spoke of a reciprocal visa exemption deal with the European Union. The PM, emphasising tourism, praised Suvarnabhumi Airport's success. At the same time, he highlighted past governments led by Thaksin Shinawatra and their dynamic strategies. 

The Thai Prime Minister, on Wednesday, outlined another vision. Addressing an audience in Bangkok, Mr Srettha Thavisin proposed building on the government's recently agreed mutual visa waiver with China, by seeking a similar agreement with the European Union in relation to the Schengen zone to allow visa-free travel in both directions. In turn, this could be used to develop Bangkok as a global transport hub.

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has set out a vision of Thailand as an World aviation hub. The PM, on Wednesday, said he was seeking to hold talks with European countries for reciprocal visa exemptions.

He was speaking at an event in Bangkok at the King Power Hotel hosted by the Matchicon media group.

Srettha emphasised foreign tourism in the same week that the IMF warned that the country could become too dependent on the industry in its latest report

In his keynote speech delivered at 'Thailand 2024 The Great Challenges', the premier highlighted the importance of tourism. At length, he declared it one of the government's core priorities.

Mr Srettha said several measures including visa exemption programmes would help boost the industry in Thailand.

He confirmed Thailand and China will sign a reciprocal visa exemption programme this week. In turn, the government will pursue talks with the European Union over a similar deal between Thailand and Schengen countries.

Accordingly, Mr Srettha said his government will upgrade the country to a global aviation hub.

In addition, that ambition would involve streamlining immigration procedures, overhauling flights and building airports in secondary cities.

PM spoke of Suvarnabhumi Airport as a success, highlighting the dynamic risk-taking strategy of governments led by ex-Prime Minister Thaksin

The PM, in particular, cited the economic and other opportunities afforded to Thais by key large-scale mega projects.

At the same time, he cited past governments of Thaksin Shinawatra. Mr Srettha for instance singled out the decision to proceed with the construction of Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Previously, that decision was one that generated significant political controversy and opposition. Even when the airport finally opened in September 2006, it coincided with a coup d'état that removed the former premier.

Undeniably, when opened, conservative politicians and 'Yellow Shirt' protesters viewed the airport as a white elephant. After that, it took off and reached the limits of its capacity. 

Questions about the viability of Srettha's land bridge arise despite Monday's euphoric briefings in Ranong
Thailand, China forge closer ties with permanent visa-free access between both countries on March 1st 2024
Questions asked about the Thai Chinese visa waiver scheme ahead of high profile visit to Beijing to sign the deal

Last year, the government announced a ฿35 billion expansion to the facility. In effect, this will boost passenger traffic by 33% from 45 million to 60 million.

'Over the past two decades we had governments that saw opportunities and seized them,' Mr Srettha said on Wednesday.

Comparison made to the Land Bridge initiative

Likewise with the Land Bridge megaproject.

Mr Srettha once again promised to listen to opinions from all stakeholders including potential investors and local residents.

In summary, the ฿1-trillion project aims to develop a logistics network connecting Ranong with Chumphon. Therefore connecting the Gulf of Thailand with the Andaman Sea. 

It was showcased at three international events: the APEC Summit in San Francisco, the ASEAN-Japan Commemorative Summit in Japan and the 2024 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

'We listen to not only the public but also investors. It's the government's job to weigh if what they want is positive or negative for the people,' Srettha said.

Mega projects bring opportunities to the country

He urged concerned parties to think about the opportunities the Suvarnabhumi airport has brought to the country. He said this should be remembered when considering the Land Bridge project.

At the same time, he insisted the government welcomes investors from every country equally.

Mr Srettha also touched on the policy of tripling farmers' incomes in four years.

However, he said this would be achieved without intervening in prices or by offering subsidies. Instead, more opportunities will be created through product development, he claimed.

IMF's latest report appears to echo the central bank. It warns against a lack of fiscal discipline and also, significantly, speaks of a dependence on tourism

The Prime Minister's vision comes just days after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published its latest paper on Thailand. It was released on Monday.

The international finance agency warned that the kingdom may become too dependent on foreign tourism. It pointed to the danger of a geopolitical emergency suddenly impacting the industry.

It's not an economic crisis, it's a quagmire of structural problems that cannot be fixed overnight

The IMF also appeared to come down on the side of Bank of Thailand Governor Sethaput Suthiwartnarueput in his tussle with the PM.

The body emphasised that financial stability must be the key priority for Thailand at this time.

Economic malaise caused by structural problems

In addition, the IMF warned of the threat of a 'lack of fiscal discipline' if a more expansionary policy is pursued.

It urged the central bank to be ready to tighten monetary policy if inflation reemerges as a threat. Simultaneously, it predicted years ahead of low growth for the kingdom. In particular, it cited the downturn in the Chinese economy.

Certainly, as with the Bank of Thailand this week, it agreed that Thailand's underlying economic malaise was caused by structural problems.

The country needs more inward investment to create a more productive and competitive economy, it concluded.

Thailand aims to become Asian aviation hub, says Thai PM. PM Srettha detailed the government’s ambitious aim to upgrade the nation’s aviation sector, which would necessitate streamlined immigration procedures, flight overhauls, and the construction of airports in secondary cities. | Thaiger

Thailand aims to become Asian aviation hub, says Thai PM

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin outlined plans to transform Thailand into an Asian aviation hub. The announcement was made during his keynote speech at the Thailand 2024 The Great Challenges event. He highlighted the government's focus on tourism and the introduction of several measures to boost the industry, including reciprocal visa exemption programmes.

A reciprocal visa exemption deal will be signed with China this week, according to the premier. Additionally, talks are planned with the European Union to discuss a similar agreement with Schengen countries.

PM Srettha detailed the government's ambitious aim to upgrade the nation's aviation sector, which would necessitate streamlined immigration procedures, flight overhauls, and the construction of airports in secondary cities. He underscored the significance of extending economic opportunities to Thai citizens through major projects, referring to the Thaksin Shinawatra government's decision to construct the Suvarnabhumi International Airport as a past example, reported Bangkok Post.

"Over the past two decades, we had governments that saw opportunities and seized them."

The prime minister also discussed the Land Bridge megaproject, a 1-trillion-baht (US$27,974,450,000) initiative aimed at developing a logistics network linking Ranong and Chumphon. He reiterated his commitment to soliciting feedback from all stakeholders, including potential investors and locals.

The 61 year old Thai PM previously presented the project at three international events: the APEC Summit in San Francisco, the ASEAN-Japan Commemorative Summit in Japan, and the 2024 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

"We listen to not only the public but also investors and it's the government's job to weigh if what they want are positive or negative to the people."

While discussing the Land Bridge project, PM Srettha encouraged stakeholders to consider the benefits the Suvarnabhumi Airport has brought to the country. He reaffirmed that the government is open to investment from all nations.

Furthermore, he mentioned the government's policy to triple farmers' incomes within four years without resorting to price intervention or subsidies. Instead, they plan to create more opportunities through product development.

Immigration System Malfunction Causes Passenger Backlog. A disruption in the immigration biometrics system occurred early Wednesday morning at Suvarnabhumi Airport, leading to a buildup of passengers and prompting swift efforts to address the issue.- สำนักข่าวไทย อสมท

Immigration System Malfunction Causes Passenger Backlog

SAMUT PRAKAN, Jan 24 (TNA) – A disruption in the immigration biometrics system occurred early Wednesday morning at Suvarnabhumi Airport, leading to a buildup of passengers and prompting swift efforts to address the issue.

Pol Maj Gen Choengron Rimpadee, commander of immigration officers at the international airport said the system was currently undergoing repairs, causing delays at the immigration counters. This, in turn, extended the time required for the processing of passport checks from the usual 45 seconds per person to over 1 minute.

The malfunction primarily impacted the Automated channels for passport checks, leading to severe congestion during peak flight hours, particularly for outbound passengers. The situation escalated quickly, resulting in long queues extending to the baggage inspection points.

The Immigration Technology Center, overseeing the affected technology system has expedited the resolution. Simultaneously, Suvarnabhumi Airport's immigration checkpoints took immediate action according to their contingency plans, resorting to manual checks conducted by immigration officers and utilizing the airport's application to identify individuals with potential issues such as warrants or overstays. – 819 (TNA)


Bangkok Post - Flood warning for lower Chao Phraya River basin provinces including Greater Bangkok

 Flood warning for lower Chao Phraya River basin provinces including Greater Bangkok An embankment was reinforced near the Niwet Woradit pi...