torsdag 2 maj 2024

Record-Breaking Heatwave Continues Across Thailand. According to the Thai Meteorological Department, more than three dozen districts across the country’s 77 provinces recorded their highest temperatures ever for April, traditionally the hottest month. Some records surpassed previous highs set as far back as 1958. - The Pattaya News

Record-Breaking Heatwave Continues Across Thailand
Thailand continues to experience a record-breaking heat wave, with temperatures pushing power demand to unprecedented levels across the nation. 

According to the Thai Meteorological Department, more than three dozen districts across the country's 77 provinces recorded their highest temperatures ever for April, traditionally the hottest month. Some records surpassed previous highs set as far back as 1958.

The intense heat has resulted in a surge in electricity consumption, with power usage reaching a new peak of 36,699 megawatts on Monday (Apr 29), setting the third record-breaking demand within a week. In response to the escalating power needs, Thailand's state-owned energy company, PTT, has acquired an emergency shipment of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and is reportedly considering additional purchases. LNG is primarily utilized for power generation within the country.

The severe temperatures have also prompted health and safety concerns. The Ministry of Public Health reported an increase in heat-related fatalities, with approximately 30 deaths attributed to the heat this year. Residents have been advised to limit outdoor activities, with forecasts predicting temperatures in most regions to exceed 40 degrees Celsius.

In  Bangkok, the heat index, which accounts for humidity, reached a "very dangerous" level above 52 °C, creating extreme discomfort and potential health risks. Meanwhile, the northern province of Lampang recorded a high of 44.2 °C, nearing the country's all-time highest temperature of 44.6 °C observed in previous years.

onsdag 1 maj 2024

Can Cabinet reshuffle pull Thailand out of economic quicksand?  Within a few hours of the new Cabinet line-up becoming known, the Thai government was jolted by the resignation of Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara over his removal as the deputy prime minister, an additional designation he had held. His departure, and a news report that he might also resign his membership of the Pheu Thai Party, shows all is not well with the leader of the multi-party coalition government. | Thai PBS World

Can Cabinet reshuffle pull Thailand out of economic quicksand?

Weeks of speculation on the impending Cabinet reshuffle ended with the publishing of the new list of ministers in the Royal Gazette on April 28. 

Within a few hours of the new Cabinet line-up becoming known, the Thai government was jolted by the resignation of Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara over his removal as the deputy prime minister, an additional designation he had held.

His departure, and a news report that he might also resign his membership of the Pheu Thai Party, shows all is not well with the leader of the multi-party coalition government.

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin expectedly stepped down as finance minister, handing over the responsibility to Pichai Chunhavajira, 75. Although Pichai's appointment was along expected lines, there were mixed reactions among local prominent economists to his taking the portfolio.

Economics professor Praipol Koomsup believes Pichai is qualified to discharge the responsibility by virtue of his extensive experience in both leading large corporations in the past and being well-versed in finance matters.

"Pichai is up to the task at the Finance Ministry and a full-time minister would be much better than Srettha, who previously was both finance minister and prime minister," he said.

Taxation challenges before new finance minister

Praipol, who specializes in the energy sector, said that one of the challenges before Pichai is how to reform the excise tax, and whether to cut the excise tax rate on oil products.

Prof Sakon Varunyuwatana, former dean of Thammasat University's economics faculty, was cautious in his assessment, saying he had never seen any of the finance ministers in over a decade embracing tax reforms.

As public debt is on the rise and government revenue is declining, this is the biggest challenge for the new finance chief, he said.

"Governments often talk about economic growth in the short-term but the reality is that serious faults in the economic structure have resulted in slower growth," he said.

The two economists as well as others have often called for a review of the land and building tax by increasing tax rates in order to collect more tax from the wealthy rather than relying on revenue from consumption tax and income tax.

"As Thailand is now an ageing society, consumption would be slower, leading to lower value-added tax collection," said Sakon.

When the value-added tax was introduced in 1992, the Finance Ministry had intended to apply a 10 per cent rate, but it was subsequently cut to 7 per cent, which remains the rate until now.

The challenge is whether the government should revert to the original target of 10 per cent, said Sakon.

Successive Thai governments have run fiscal deficits for many years, leading to the current public debt at 62 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP), exceeding the safe threshold of 60 per cent.

Looking ahead, public debt will rise further as the government is under high pressure for welfare spending because of the increasing number of senior citizens while the numbers in the working age group are dwindling.

The expenditure bill for fiscal 2024 became a law only on April 26, many months late. The government plans to spend 3.48 trillion baht with a budget deficit of  693 billion baht, or 3.6 per cent of GDP.

The government plans to have a larger deficit of 713 billion baht for fiscal 2025, which starts on October 1, with total planned spending of 3.6 trillion baht, as it needs an additional fund to finance the 500-billion baht digital wallet scheme.

The one-time cash handouts to 50 million people aim to boost domestic consumption.

The legal hurdles before the digital wallet scheme will pose a challenge to the new finance minister.

It is not clear yet whether borrowing money from the state-owned Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) to partially finance the digital wallet initiative would violate the BAAC's law.

If the borrowing proves to be against the law, it could potentially cost the new finance minister his job.

Exports take a hit after 7 months

The latest economic data will be another headache for the new Srettha Cabinet.

Thailand's exports in March dropped sharply by 10.9 per cent year on year after seven consecutive months of positive growth.

The export slump prompted the Finance Ministry's Fiscal Policy Office (FPO) to downgrade the economic forecast to 2.4 per cent growth this year from the earlier 2.8 per cent.

The FPO cited falling exports in the first quarter, particularly of manufacturing products, for the revision. Automobiles and parts production have been slowing. The farm sector has been adversely impacted by drought as a result of the El Nino phenomenon and the delay in budget disbursement has also impacted economic growth.

To speed up budget disbursement, the Comptroller-General's Department would allow state agencies to reduce the number of days for public procurement, department director-general Patricia Mongkhonvanit said.

State agencies in Bangkok have to disburse funds to regional agencies within five days. State agencies have to accelerate the handover procedure of completed projects in order to quickly disburse the budget. In the case of carry-over projects that run into the following years, commitment of a new investment project obligation must be made before May.

The FPO expressed worries over the headwinds facing the economy. That includes geopolitical risks, such as the conflict between Israel and Iran, which could inflate energy prices.

The trade tensions between China and the US could also hurt the global economy. The high volatility in the global financial markets caused by higher interest rates in the US and Europe longer than expected would also have a negative impact on the Thai economy. A slower recovery of China's economy could in turn hurt Thailand's exports to that country.

Tourism remains a glimmer of hope

There are some positive factors. For instance, major banks have agreed to cut the lending minimum retail rate by 25 basis points for six months for individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises.

It might provide some relief for those having high debt. The cut came after PM Srettha met with representatives from the Thai Bankers' Association.

The cut would not be sustainable if the central bank does not lower the policy rate which is currently 2.5 per cent per annum.

Bank of Thailand Governor Sethaput Suthiwartnarueput recently made it clear that the government could not force the central bank to lower the rate as it was an independent entity and made its judgments based on economic data, not political pressure.

The FPO was optimistic about the outlook for tourism, expecting the number of visitors to reach 35.7 million this year, up 26.7 per cent over last year. The tourism industry is expected to be the major contributor to the projected current account surplus of US$9.3 billion, or 1.8 per cent of GDP.

Titipol Phakdeewanich, a political scientist at Ubon Ratchathani University, expressed his disapproval of the Cabinet reshuffle, saying it was political. "It is just the sharing of interests within the coalition government. They do not prioritize national interest," he added.

By Thai PBS World's Business Desk

måndag 29 april 2024

Underbart ! Regn på väg !!! ☔️☔️☔️☔️

Thai Meteorological Department Debunks Rumors of 'Hottest Weather Crisis' Until September. The Thai Meteorological Department explained that summer typically begins in mid-February and lasts until mid-May, two and a half months. During this time, the Earth was closer to the sun and the sun was directly overhead, especially in April, when the sun was almost directly overhead in Thailand around noon daily, resulting in full exposure to sunlight.- The Pattaya News

Thai Meteorological Department Debunks Rumors of 'Hottest Weather Crisis' Until September


On April 27th, 2024, the Thai Meteorological Department publicly revealed a case where Thai netizens spread rumors and warned of "Thailand's hottest weather crisis until September".

The Thai Meteorological Department explained that summer typically begins in mid-February and lasts until mid-May, two and a half months. During this time, the Earth was closer to the sun and the sun was directly overhead, especially in April, when the sun was almost directly overhead in Thailand around noon daily, resulting in full exposure to sunlight. 

During summer, wind directions varied and were often accompanied by low pressure due to the prevailing heat, resulting in relatively hot and humid conditions, with average temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius.

However, as the rainy season began from mid-May to mid-October, the southwest monsoon prevails, bringing moist winds to cover Thailand. These winds helped dissipate the hot air and generally led to increased rainfall, which in turn helped to lower temperatures.

Therefore, in September, which marked the end of the rainy season, heavy rainfall was common in almost every part of Thailand. The average temperature was not particularly high due to the rain. The situation of extreme heat crisis in Thailand was therefore unlikely to occur until September, according to the Meteorological Department.

söndag 28 april 2024

Long summer ahead as rainy season in Thailand delayed by two weeks. Rains are expected around the fourth week of May, with overall rainfall across the country approaching normal levels. There will be a pause in the monsoon from mid-June to mid-July, the department said. The department’s website said that the rainy season would end around late October. The Nation

Long summer ahead as rainy season in Thailand delayed by two weeks

People in Thailand may have to brace for prolonged hot weather as the rainy season this year is forecast to start two weeks later than usual, the meteorological department has said.

Long summer ahead as rainy season in Thailand delayed by two weeks

Rains are expected around the fourth week of May, with overall rainfall across the country approaching normal levels. There will be a pause in the monsoon from mid-June to mid-July, the department said.

The department's website said that the rainy season would end around late October.

Long summer ahead as rainy season in Thailand delayed by two weeks

The total rainfall across the country is expected to be close to the normal average and similar to the previous year. Last year, during the rainy season total rainfall was around 1% above the normal average, while the total rainfall throughout the year was 6% below the normal average.

During the first half of the rainy season (from the beginning until the end of July), the total rainfall will mostly be close to the normal average. However, during the latter half of the rainy season (from August to the end of October), total rainfall is expected to be higher than the normal average by around 5%, the department has forecast.

Long summer ahead as rainy season in Thailand delayed by two weeks

From around mid-June to mid-July, there would be a lull in rainfall, which could cause water shortages, particularly in areas outside irrigation zones. People should use water wisely to maximise its benefits, especially for agricultural purposes, the department said.

The months of August, September and October will see the heaviest and most frequent rainfall. There is a high chance of tropical cyclones passing through Thailand during this time, resulting in heavy to very heavy rainfall in many areas and causing sudden flash floods. Rivers would overflow and landslides were also possible in several areas, the department warned in its forecast for the upcoming rainy season.

onsdag 24 april 2024

Bangkok Post - Thai tourism operators are urging the government to seriously consider the nation's carrying capacity. As Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has vowed to make 2025 a landmark year for tourism, Adith Chairattananon, secretary-general of the Federation of Thai Tourism Associations (Fetta), said a white paper that the federation will present to the government will include solutions to prevent overtourism, which was seen in Thailand before the pandemic.

Premier urged to tackle overtourism
Tourists at the Suvarnabhumi airport passenger terminal on April 11 during this year's Songkran festival. Many countries today collect a tax from tourists, either via flight tickets or hotel stays. (Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)
Tourists at the Suvarnabhumi airport passenger terminal on April 11 during this year's Songkran festival. Many countries today collect a tax from tourists, either via flight tickets or hotel stays. (Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb) 

With opposition to overtourism arising in many countries, Thai tourism operators are urging the government to seriously consider the nation's carrying capacity, while some have suggested collecting a 300-baht tourism tax in a bid to solve the problem.

As Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has vowed to make 2025 a landmark year for tourism, Adith Chairattananon, secretary-general of the Federation of Thai Tourism Associations (Fetta), said a white paper that the federation will present to the government will include solutions to prevent overtourism, which was seen in Thailand before the pandemic.

Similar efforts were observed in other countries last week as Amsterdam's local government announced it was banning the construction of new hotels, while residents of Spain's Canary Islands called for limiting tourism arrivals as they have been hit by rising housing costs.

"With a projection of 40 million tourists, major destinations like Phuket, Samui and Pattaya are on the verge of facing overtourism," said Mr Adith.

He said that during the high season, Phuket had already witnessed traffic congestion and water shortages, while its international airport ran out of available slots for airlines.

Mr Adith said one of the key strategies is to attract tourists from major hubs to the country's secondary cities that offer plenty of potential attractions and space to accommodate a significant flow of tourists.

There should be incentives for airlines who are keen to operate direct flights to provincial airports such as U-tapao, and those serving Khon Kaen and Krabi. This would alleviate congestion among gateways such as Phuket Airport or Suvarnabhumi Airport, and would also help create regional business opportunities.

The related authorities should accelerate connectivity between airports to inner cities too. For instance, the lack of public bus access from U-tapao Airport to Pattaya City discourages new airlines from operating flights as the current situation is not convenient for passengers.

Surawat Akaraworamat, vice-president of the Tourism Council of Thailand (TCT), said the government should reconsider collecting the 300-baht tourism fee to help fund tourism development as the plan and all related preparations have now been finalised.

He said the essential funds would benefit infrastructure development in second-tier provinces to attract tourists away from congested locations, and improve attractions that have deteriorated due to overtourism.

Mr Surawat said the 300-baht fee would help tourism authorities receive a larger budget. Every year the Tourism Department, which is responsible for the development of supply, receives a budget of only 700 million baht, which is insufficient to sustain necessary projects.

He said a tax of only 300 baht would not discourage foreign tourists from visiting Thailand as some parties have raised as a concern, since the fee is inexpensive compared to some nations such as Bhutan which collects a tourist tax of over US$100 per night.

Many countries today are collecting taxes from tourists, either through flight tickets or hotel stays. Thailand should start a trial phase of tourism tax collection through a mobile application or kiosks, he said.

Thailand offers visa-free travel to Russian visitors for 3 months. The PM explained that Russian visitors would be allowed to enter Thailand and stay for 60 days without the need to apply for a visa. This special measure will come into effect for three months, from May 1 to July 31, according to a report on PPTV HD. | Thaiger

Thailand offers visa-free travel to Russian visitors for 3 months

Thailand Enters Low Tourism Season: Industry Faces Challenges Post-Songkran, Hopes Rest on Chinese Visitors - The Pattaya News

Thailand Enters Low Tourism Season: Industry Faces Challenges Post-Songkran, Hopes Rest on Chinese Visitors


On April 22nd, 2024, Mr. Sisdivachr Cheewarattanaporn, the President of the Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA), publicly revealed that Thailand is officially entering the low season. Thai Tourism operators may struggle with low incoming tourists after the Songkran Holidays.

Right after the Songkran Celebrations, Thailand would officially enter the low season as it does every year. Many tourism-related businesses might have to keep the business alive and meet the tourists' demand with alternative tourism, according to Sisdivachr.

This was the nature of the tourism sector that did not change for the past decade. The low season caused the number of western, eastern, and European tourists to gradually decrease. However, China visitors were estimated to visit Thailand as there was a current visa exemption between Thailand and China, stated Sisdivachr.

Additionally, Taiwanese and Indian visitors generally stayed strong during the low season months.

Despite the World Songkran Festival 2024 events in Thailand, the number of Chinese tourists who visited Thailand during that time was considerably low as flight tickets were expensive, according to Sisdivachr.

Sisdivachr further added that the trend of Chinese tourists visiting Thailand was averaging approximately 20,000 to 22,000 individuals daily which was considered to be a good result. If the number was maintained until the 4th quarter of 2024, it would likely meet the goal set by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) at 8 million Chinese individuals by the end of the year.

The current situation is stable concerning the ongoing Middle East conflict between Israel and Iran. However, if the war zone breaks out into a further war, it would definitely affect the global economy, and the Thai tourism economy accordingly, said Sisdivachr.

The festival generated a total income of 140.335 billion baht, which is higher than the ministry’s previous estimate that during these 21 days, the total income would be around 132 billion baht. The Nation

Sudawan Wangsupakitkosol, minister of tourism and sports, reports that the Economics Tourism and Sports Division has summarised the latest information on Thai and foreign tourists during the Songkran Festival 2024, from April 1-21.

The festival generated a total income of 140.335 billion baht, which is higher than the ministry's previous estimate that during these 21 days, the total income would be around 132 billion baht.

Sudawan said that during the 21 days, 1,926,443 foreign tourists visited Thailand, generating an income of 90.208 billion baht, while Thai tourists made 13,897,988 trips, generating an income of 50.127 billion baht.

tisdag 23 april 2024

Thai tourism sector proposes 300-baht tax to counter over-tourism | Thaiger

Thai tourism sector proposes 300-baht tax to counter over-tourism

Thai tourism operators are advocating for government regulationsto address the rising issue of over-tourism in the country.

They propose the implementation of a 300-baht tourism tax, which they believe could alleviate the problem. Their call for action comes in response to Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin's commitment to make 2025 a pivotal year for Thai tourism.

The Federation of Thai Tourism Associations (FETTA) is set to present a white paper to the government outlining solutions to over-tourism, a significant issue in Thailand pre-pandemic. Secretary-General of FETTA, Adith Chairattananon, pointed out that major tourist destinations like PhuketSamui, and Pattaya are on the brink of over-tourism, with a projected 40 million tourists.

During peak season, these popular destinations suffer from traffic congestion and water shortages, with international airports running out of slots for airlines. Adith suggests a key strategy could be to divert tourists from these hubs to the country's secondary cities. These cities offer numerous potential attractions and have adequate space to accommodate an influx of tourists.

Adith also proposed incentives for airlines to operate direct flights to provincial airports, such as U-Tapao, Khon Kaen, and Krabi. Such a move would ease congestion at major airports, like Phuket Airport or Suvarnabhumi Airport, and stimulate regional business opportunities.

Tourism Council of Thailand (TCT) Vice-President Surawat Akaraworamat supports the idea of a 300-baht tourism fee. He believes it could fund tourism development as the plan and all related preparations have been finalised. Surawat suggests that the tax would not deter foreign tourists, as the fee is minimal compared to countries like Bhutan, which charges a tourist tax of over US$100 (approximately 3,700 baht) per night.

The additional revenue could be used to develop infrastructure in second-tier provinces, attract tourists away from overcrowded locations, and enhance attractions that have deteriorated due to over-tourism, reported Bangkok Post.

Surawat called for a trial phase of tourism tax collection through a mobile application or kiosks, mirroring the approach taken by many countries that collect taxes from tourists through flight tickets or hotel stays.

Bangkok NewsBusiness NewsThailand NewsTourism News

söndag 21 april 2024

Michelin Guide Thailand 2025 to include Chon Buri. PR Thai Government

Michelin Guide Thailand 2025 to include Chon Buri 

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has recently announced that the upcoming edition of Michelin Guide Thailand 2025 will expand its reach to cover Chon Buri Province. 
Chon Buri, a coastal province located around 80 kilometers from Bangkok, is popular among Thais and foreigners not only for its well-known tourist attractions, but also for its regional specialities and fresh seafood. 
The Michelin Guide Thailand has played an important role in promoting Thai food to the world. The 2025 edition is scheduled to be released at the end of 2024. In this edition, Chon Buri becomes the latest destination, joining Bangkok and surrounding provinces (since 2018); Phuket and Phang-Nga (since 2019); northeastern provinces (since 2023); and Ko Samui and Surat Thani (since 2024).

lördag 20 april 2024

Thailand faces a decline in British tourists and expats: Causes and Consequences. ASEAN NOW / Pattaya Mail


File photo for reference only


BANGKOK – Thailand, a country that has long held a special place in the hearts of British travelers and expats, is witnessing a significant drop in the number of visitors from the United Kingdom. A detailed analysis by the Pattaya Mail, along with insights from industry experts, highlights a complex set of factors driving this shift.  This trend raises concerns for Thailand's tourism-dependent economy, its expat community, and its future appeal to British travelers.


From Staple Destination to Shifting Tides


For decades, British tourists have flocked to Thailand's sun-drenched beaches, vibrant cities, and affordable cost of living. Expats have enjoyed the tropical climate, entrepreneurial opportunities, and the Thai hospitality that made the country a popular choice for establishing a life abroad. However, a combination of economic, bureaucratic, and competitive pressures is eroding Thailand's traditional appeal for British travelers.


The Cost Factor: Rising Expenses and Neighboring Options


The rising cost of international airfare, fueled by global inflation and fluctuating fuel prices, is taking a toll on British travel budgets. Simultaneously, other Southeast Asian destinations like Vietnam, Indonesia, and Cambodia are becoming increasingly popular. These destinations offer similar cultural experiences and exotic allure, often at a lower price point. This increased competition puts pressure on Thailand to offer a uniquely compelling value proposition to attract cost-conscious tourists.


Expat Challenges: Bureaucracy and Diminishing Opportunities


British expats in Thailand report navigating increasingly complex immigration procedures, including stricter visa requirements and work permit regulations. This bureaucratic maze is discouraging potential expats, while those already established may feel a waning sense of security.


"Thailand used to be welcoming to foreign entrepreneurs and skilled workers," remarked a British expat running a business in Bangkok. "Now, it feels like they're putting up roadblocks, which makes you think twice about the long-term viability of staying here."


Furthermore, a perception is growing among British expats that high-quality job opportunities, particularly in sought-after sectors like education and technology, are dwindling. This creates uncertainty for those planning a move and disincentivizes existing expats who may be considering other locations in the region.


The "X-Factor": Thailand's Evolving Image


Beyond tangible costs and regulations, a subtler shift in Thailand's perceived image may be at play. Some British tourists mention concerns about overdevelopment in certain areas, diminishing authenticity, and occasional reports of scams or incidents targeting foreigners. While these issues might not be widespread, they can contribute to an overall impression that influences a traveler's decision-making process.


Consequences for Thailand


The decline in British tourism and the shrinking expat community could have far-reaching consequences for Thailand. British visitors have been a consistent source of revenue, particularly for businesses catering to Western tastes and preferences. A decrease in spending power from this demographic could strain local economies dependent on tourism.

Additionally, the expat community plays a vital role in Thailand's workforce. British expats often possess skills and expertise that contribute to sectors like education, hospitality, and entrepreneurship. Their diminishing numbers could create gaps in the labor market and stifle innovation driven by foreign business ventures.


Potential Strategies: Rekindling the Connection


The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is acutely aware of these trends and the need to adapt. Targeted marketing campaigns highlighting Thailand's unique offerings, such as its rich cultural heritage, diverse natural landscapes, and world-renowned cuisine, could help re-ignite British interest.  Additionally, the government may need to reassess policies affecting expats. Streamlining visa and work permit processes, and fostering a welcoming environment for foreign businesses, could reverse the perception of increasing barriers.




Whether this decline represents a temporary dip or a long-term change in British travel preferences remains to be seen. Thailand has an opportunity to address the underlying causes and revitalize its connection with British tourists and expats. Success will depend on navigating economic realities, easing bureaucratic hurdles, and preserving the qualities that made Thailand a beloved destination in the first place.


-- ASEAN NOW 2024-04-20

torsdag 18 april 2024

Thailand Announces Total of 287 Deaths in the ‘Songkran Seven Days of Road Safety Campaign’ - TPN National News

 Thailand Announces Total of 287 Deaths in the 'Songkran Seven Days of Road Safety Campaign'

Thailand –

A total of 2,044 road accidents, with 2,060 injuries and 287 deaths, were reported on Thursday (April 18th) by the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) in the 'Seven Days of Road Safety Campaign' during Songkran (April 11th – April 17th) 2024.

The province with the total highest fatalities was Chiang Rai with 17 deaths.

The total highest number of accidents was also Chiang Rai with 82 and the highest number of injuries was Phrae with 80 injuries.

There were 28 deaths, 224 road accidents, and 224 injuries in total reported on the seventh day (April 17th) of the campaign.

Most were caused by excessive speeding (45 percent). About 81 percent of the accidents involved motorcycles. Most road accidents occurred on highways (42 percent) between 5:01 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.

Bangkok Post - ‘Big Joke’ suspended from police force. The acting national police chief has suspended deputy chief Surachate Hakparn and four subordinates accused of involvement with an online gambling network, according to a source familiar with the case. The source said Pol Gen Kitrat Panphet signed the order, which took immediate effect on Thursday.

'Big Joke' suspended from police force
Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn reported to police on April 2 to answer charges of money laundering. He was subsequently released on bail.
Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn reported to police on April 2 to answer charges of money laundering. He was subsequently released on bail. 

The acting national police chief has suspended deputy chief Surachate Hakparn and four subordinates accused of involvement with an online gambling network, according to a source familiar with the case.

The source said Pol Gen Kitrat Panphet signed the order, which took immediate effect on Thursday.

Apart from Pol Gen Surachate, aka Big Joke, the order applied to Pol Col Kittichai Sangkhathaworn, deputy police commander of Songkhla province; Pol Lt Col Krit Pariyaket, deputy chief of the Phra Samut Chedi police station in Samut Prakan; and two traffic patrol policemen: Pol Sgt Natthawut Wadwaew and Pol Sgt Natthanan Chuchak.

All five are suspected of being involved in money-laundering in relation to the BNK Master gambling network.

The source said that Pol Gen Kitrat based the decision on a disciplinary investigation, noting that the courts had approved warrants for the arrest of the five suspects.

Pol Gen Kitrat discussed the decision with Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin at Government House after a cabinet meeting on Thursday morning, the source said.

The five have the right to petition against the order.

On March 20, the prime minister transferred Pol Gen Surachate and national police chief Torsak Sukvimol to inactive posts and named Pol Gen Kitrat as the acting chief.

The two sidelined senior officers had been engaged in a long-running feud, with public accusations flying back and forth about involvement with illegal gambling networks.

Pol Gen Surachate on April 2 turned himself in to police to answer charges of money laundering, just hours after investigators obtained a warrant for his arrest. He was subsequently released on bail.

A committee set up by the prime minister to investigate the affair said recently that it had found there were grounds to the allegation that Pol Gen Surachate was involved in money laundering.

On Thursday Pol Gen Kitrat also formed a new investigative committee to look into the roles of the five suspects he suspended.

The committee consists of 14 police officers who range in rank from lieutenant colonel up to general.

It is headed by Pol Gen Sarawut Karnpanich, a deputy national chief, and also includes Pol Lt Gen Nopawat Arayangkun, a deputy police inspector-general; and Pol Maj Gen Montree Theskhan, head of the Crime Suppression Division.

The new panel will follow up on the work of an earlier investigation by a committee that included detectives from the Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau.

The previous investigation found that the administrator of the BNK Master gambling website transferred money to a bank account held by Pol Lt Col Krit, though not in his name.

Money was then transferred from that account to the accounts of the two suspected sergeants. They in turn were reportedly ordered to deliver envelopes of cash to Pol Gen Surachate's residence. The transactions took place between Feb 8 and Nov 3, 2022, the investigators found.

Pol Gen Kitrat Panphet has been serving as acting national police chief since last month when Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin transferred Pol Gen Torsak Sukvimol, who held the chief's office, and Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn to inactive posts in the PM's Office pending an investigation into allegations against both men.

onsdag 17 april 2024

Bangkok Post - Songkran road accidents killed 243 people. Ruangsak Suwaree, director-general of the Probation Department, said that from April 11-16 there were 5,786 traffic violation cases, 96.6% of which involved drink-driving. Bangkok had the most drink-driving cases (493), followed by Samut Prakan (313) and Chiang Mai (302).

Songkran road accidents killed 243 people
Vehicles pack the Bangkok-bound lanes of the Mitraparp highway in Nakhon Ratchasima province on Tuesday. (Photo: Prasit Tangprasert)
Vehicles pack the Bangkok-bound lanes of the Mitraparp highway in Nakhon Ratchasima province on Tuesday. (Photo: Prasit Tangprasert) 

Road accidents killed 243 people and injured 1,837 others during the six days of the Songkran festival holiday.

Education Minister Permpoon Chidchob said on Wednesday there were 1,811 traffic accidents from April 11- 16, when many workers returned to their home provinces for Songkran celebrations. Motorcycles were involved in 84.9% of all traffic accidents.

The northernmost province of Chiang Rai had the highest number of accidents (71) and the highest death toll (15).

Another northern province, Phrae, reported the most people injured (68). Nine of the 77 provinces were free of traffic fatalities during the Songkran Thai New Year festival, Pol Gen Permpoon said.

On the final day of the road safety campaign, April 16, there were 242 traffic accidents, leaving 32 people dead and 237 injured. Speeding was the most common cause, accounting for 37.6% of the accidents, followed by drink-driving (23.9%) and cutting in front of other vehicles (21%). 

Pol Gen Permpoon said most Songkran travellers had already returned to work.

Ruangsak Suwaree, director-general of the Probation Department, said that from April 11-16 there were 5,786 traffic violation cases, 96.6% of which involved drink-driving. Bangkok had the most drink-driving cases (493), followed by Samut Prakan (313) and Chiang Mai (302).

Bangkok Post - Flood warning for lower Chao Phraya River basin provinces including Greater Bangkok

 Flood warning for lower Chao Phraya River basin provinces including Greater Bangkok An embankment was reinforced near the Niwet Woradit pi...