onsdag 31 juli 2024

Thai immigration mysteries unveiled as recent visa overhaul explained at PCEC - Pattaya Mail

Thai immigration mysteries unveiled as recent visa overhaul explained at PCEC

Duncan Foster enlightens his PCEC audience on the mysteries of Thai Immigration services. He explained that each Immigration Office has varied interpretations of the rules which results in each having their own set of requirements.

PATTAYA, Thailand – At the July 24 meeting of the Pattaya City Expats Club (PCEC) Duncan Foster, company director of MOT'S services, spoke about the mysteries of Thai Immigration and recent changes for tourists wanting to obtain a Thai driving license. He was followed by Barry Kenyon who spoke about the recent changes, that went into effect on July 15, 2024, for those entering Thailand Visa Exempt or with a. Visa. Their presentation was highlighted in a recent Pattaya Mail article at https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/pattaya-city-expats-hear-about-myth-and-mystery-at-immigration-466619.

First up was Duncan Foster. He delivered an enlightening presentation on the complexities of Thai immigration and driving license procedures. With over 36 years of experience in customer service and sales, Duncan brought clarity to the often confusing and misunderstood processes of immigration and the land transport office.
Duncan began by addressing the 'myths and mysteries' of immigration, explaining the autonomy of provincial immigration offices and their varied interpretations of the rules. He emphasized that each office operates independently, often leading to unexpected requirements for those seeking Immigration services such as extensions of stay.

Duncan Foster warns his PCEC audience about Thai driving license scams prevalent on Facebook offering to obtain licenses without the need to visit the Land Transport Office.

A significant update from the land transport office was also shared, affecting tourists in obtaining or renewing driving licenses. The new rule requires a minimum of 15 days left on one's permission to stay at the appointment date, not the day of making the appointment.

Duncan warned the audience about a prevalent scam involving fake driving licenses sold through Facebook, urging vigilance and caution. The scams on Facebook promise driving licenses without needing to visit the transport agency, exploiting people by using fake profiles and advertisements.

These scams are operated by illegal call centers known as boiler rooms, which make substantial amounts of money by deceiving people. The scammers use multiple Facebook profiles, including Mot's Services, and advertisements offering services at half the usual cost, claiming they will handle all the paperwork. These scammers repeatedly ask for additional payments under various pretexts, with some victims losing over 12,000 baht before realizing the scam.

Barry Kenyon brings his PCEC audience up to date on the recent Thai Immigration changes for Visa and Visa Exempt entries into Thailand that went into effect on July 15, 2024.

He concluded with a brief history of Mot's Services, which evolved from a motorbike rental company to a full-fledged visa and licensing agency. Foster's personal touch and customer-centric approach have been instrumental in the company's success.

This was followed by a lively question and answer session. This included questions about retirement extensions as well as penalties for overstaying. The process of obtaining international driving permits was also covered, with Duncan confirming that such permits can be obtained for those with a five-year Thai license. Duncan cautioned that using a Yellow House book and a pink ID card for renewing a driving license was not recommended as it would result in the license showing it was restricted to driving only in Chonburi Province, thus he recommended using a residency certificate to avoid such limitation.

This resulted in a discussion on the costs and processes of obtaining a residency certificate, with some participants sharing their experiences and the speaker confirming that fees are typically involved, though they may vary by location.

MC Ren Lexander presents Duncan Foster with the PCEC's Certificate of Appreciation for an informative and interesting talk about Thai Immigration and obtaining Thai Driving Licenses.

Barry Kenyon, a well-known individual knowledgeable on Thai visa regulations and requirements, delivered an insightful presentation on the recent overhaul of visa rules and its impact on expatriates and tourists.

He noted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs handles entry requirements, while the Immigration Bureau manages extensions and regulations once in Thailand, leading to confusion because of the lack of a single authority. Consequently, there can be confusion in the application of Visa rules stemming from the division of responsibilities.

Barry highlighted the significant changes introduced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on July 15, which now allows citizens from 93 countries to enter Thailand without documentation for 60 days. He then discussed the introduction of the new five-year multiple entry Destination Thailand Visa (DTV), designed for remote workers among others, and the associated application process.

He noted that the DTV also caters to medical tourists and those enrolling in cultural activities like Muay Thai training or cookery courses. Further, applicants must apply for the DTV from outside Thailand, and that there are risks involved in falsely claiming to be in another country during the application process.

Despite the uncertainties and speculations surrounding the enforcement of activity-based visas and future financial proof requirements, Barry provided a much-needed clarification on the recent visa regulation changes and their implications for the expat community in Thailand.

The presentations can be viewed on PCEC's YouTube channel. For Ducan's talk, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGhTuQo5fBA&t=1s and for Barry's talk, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfO4u1RJDXA&t=41s.

Following the presentations, MC Ren Lexander brought everyone up to date on upcoming events and invited George Wilson to conduct the Open Forum portion of the meeting where questions are asked and comments made about Expat living in Thailand, especially Pattaya. To learn more about the PCEC, visit their website at https:/pcec.club\.

tisdag 30 juli 2024

Thailand anticipates record 2.2 million Russian tourists in 2024. Thailand’s tourism sector is set to witness a surge in Russian travellers, with projections indicating a record 2.2 million arrivals next year, buoyed by a new 60-day visa-free scheme. However, a shortage of aircraft in Russian airlines poses a challenge, according to the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). | Thaiger

Thailand anticipates record 2.2 million Russian tourists in 2024

Thailand's tourism sector is set to witness a surge in Russian travellers, with projections indicating a record 2.2 million arrivals next year, buoyed by a new 60-day visa-free scheme. However, a shortage of aircraft in Russian airlines poses a challenge, according to the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT).

In 2025, TAT aims for a 7.5% increase in revenue, targeting 39 million foreign tourists and 205 million domestic trips.

Siripakorn Cheawsamoot, TAT Deputy Governor for Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas, stated that the estimate of 2.2 million Russian tourists for next year is based on the expected growth rate observed in 2024, which should elevate the market to 1.9-2 million visitors.

This year's achievements are predicted to surpass the figures from both 2019 and 2023, each of which saw 1.48 million Russian tourists. In the first half of the year alone, 920,989 Russian tourists visited Thailand, making them the fifth largest group of foreign arrivals, Siripakorn said.

"Based on the first quarter report, their expenditure per trip tallied around 62,000 baht."

For 2024, the Russian market is expected to generate 124 billion baht in revenue for Thailand's tourism industry.

Tourism operators

Aeroflot and S7, two major Russian flag carriers, currently operate over 40 flights per week to Bangkok and Phuket. The Thai tourism authority is in ongoing discussions with airlines and tourism operators to boost both scheduled and chartered flights in the final quarter to meet the peak season demand from Russian tourists.

Despite Thai Airways expressing interest in resuming flights to Russia, there is no concrete plan in place yet, Siripakorn added.

Khanittha Phanworawat, Director of TAT's Moscow office, highlighted that the aircraft shortage among commercial and chartered airlines remains a significant hurdle, exacerbated by the Russia-Ukraine conflict. This situation prevents airlines from leasing new aircraft.

"The majority of 61 long-range aircraft among all operators in Russia have been allocated to domestic routes and other rising destinations such as China, Vietnam, and India."

To address these challenges, TAT plans to promote extended-stay travel packages for Russian tourists, combining cultural and historical tours with wellness activities and beach destinations to increase their length of stay.

Another issue is the ban on accepting Russian credit cards in Thailand, which discourages spending. Consequently, many Russian tourists opt for inclusive tour packages that cover all expenses, including transport, accommodation, and food.

However, more operators in major Thai cities are now offering currency exchange services for rubles, and some Russian visitors are choosing to register new debit cards in other countries that can be used in Thailand.

Thailand's efforts to accommodate and attract more Russian tourists signal a strategic move to boost the tourism industry, despite the logistical and financial challenges posed by current geopolitical tensions, reported Bangkok Post.

måndag 29 juli 2024

Thai Prime Minister Delighted as Tourist Arrivals in Thailand Exceed 20 Million. Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin announced on X that Thailand has welcomed over 20 million foreign tourists during the first seven months of this year, marking a significant 34% increase compared to the previous year.- The Pattaya News

Thai Prime Minister Delighted as Tourist Arrivals in Thailand Exceed 20 Million

National —

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin announced on X that Thailand has welcomed over 20 million foreign tourists during the first seven months of this year, marking a significant 34% increase compared to the previous year.

In his July 26th post, Mr. Srettha emphasized that this achievement is not merely due to luck but the result of combined efforts across various sectors. He also highlighted the government's free visa schemes, increased flight services, expansion into an aviation hub, and the development of tourist attractions as key factors contributing to this growth.

Prime Minister Srettha further commended Thailand's service industry for providing hospitality and warm welcome to the tourists. He noted that the tourism sector is poised for further growth, supported by positive forecasts from Kasikorn Research Center, which predicts that the sector will experience a better-than-expected recovery.

Additionally, over 6.4 million Thai tourists have traveled domestically since the beginning of this year, representing an increase of over 50% from last year, Mr. Srettha concluded.

söndag 28 juli 2024

Thaksin isn’t too old to be prime minister at 75. Ex Thai premier and former exile Thaksin Shinawatra says he won’t stand again to become prime minister as 75 years is too old to lead a country.- Pattaya Mail

Thaksin isn't too old to be prime minister at 75

Thaksin is still a young man to scale the heights of political power.

Ex Thai premier and former exile Thaksin Shinawatra says he won't stand again to become prime minister as 75 years is too old to lead a country. Of course, advancing years are often a factor in high office, especially in countries defined loosely as democracies. Joe Biden has recently withdrawn his hat from the American presidential ring at age 81, although suggestions of mental decline (rather than age as such) were likely the key determinant. Yet advancing years in world leaders have been a constant factor since Old Testament times.

In Thailand, General Prem Tinsulanonda died in 2019 at the age of 98, having retired as Regent of Thailand only three years before. Whilst prime minister in the 1980s, he became the ninth oldest man in the 20th century to hold that position. The head of state currently being the most mature is president and dictator Paul Biya of the Cameroons at 91 years. He has been in power for four decades and supporters want him to run again in the 2025 elections. Biya's health is claimed to be good although a doctor who divulged to an American journalist that the president had a heart condition was found two days later in a roadside ditch.

Other record breakers have included Giovanni Paolo Lascaris who died as ruler of Malta and head of the Knights Hospitaller at age 97 in the 17th century. More recently, Queen Elizabeth II died in office in 2022 at 96, whilst pope Francis is still battling at age 87. It is very rare to have legislation in place to force leaders to stand down at a given age. A US senator two years ago did propose 75 years as the cut-off point to be a presidential candidate, but the matter was never even discussed officially.

Old men over 70 are currently heads of state in two thirds of countries, mostly third world dictaorships. Research published by Business Insider suggests that historically such guys are at considerable risk of a violent death. In the last one hundred years, 40 percent of presidents and prime ministers have met their doom by assassination or in suspicious air crashes with the occasional suicide also thrown in. But if they made it into retirement, almost all died in bed of heart disease, cancer or a stroke.

Perhaps the last word on ageing and power should go to Brunhilde Pomsel, Joseph Goebbels' secretary, who died in 2017 at age 106. Asked what she remembered best about Adolf Hitler, she replied "Not a Thing!" before adding she couldn't give any more details as it was lunchtime.

lördag 27 juli 2024

The 60 days visa exempt and Destination Thailand Visa empower immigration officers. An interview between the Bangkok Post and a deputy director general of the foreign affairs ministry has clarified some visa ambiguities but left others to immigration discretion.- Pattaya Mail

The 60 days visa exempt and Destination Thailand Visa empower immigration officers
The latest visa rules boost short term holidaymakers and "activity" tourists, but the rule book has ambiguities.

An interview between the Bangkok Post and a deputy director general of the foreign affairs ministry has clarified some visa ambiguities but left others to immigration discretion. The actual recording is, according to the newspaper, available only by downloading the digital web player Spotify. Naruchai Ninnad, representing the ministry, emphasized that the new policies were designed to increase foreign tourism, in accordance with the prime minister's desire to benefit the economy.

Khun Naruchai clarified that tourists from 93 countries receiving the visa-exempt 60 days on entry could indeed extend for a further 30 days at local immigration. They could then, if they wished, leave the country and return the following (not the same) day to obtain a new 60 days and repeat the whole procedure. This has implications for the celebrated, single-day border runs which have traditionally operated through agencies in Bangkok and the provinces. If implemented fully, repeat if, these tourists would need to pay for a night's accommodation in a foreign country, thus raising costs.

The deputy director general emphasized the number of repeatable visa exempts will depend on individual immigration officers who have absolute discretion. Accordingly, it appears that tourists could still be challenged with the cry "you come to Thailand too often without a visa". The interview also clarified that if visa-exempt tourists wanted to do ad hoc work – lasting fewer than 15 days – they needed to inform the immigration officer on entry or report to the employment ministry soon afterwards.

Turning to the new Destination Visa Thailand, available only at foreign embassies or via the e-portal of the foreign affairs ministry, Khun Naruchai emphasized that the main target group were digital nomads and remote workers employed by overseas companies. But applications are also welcome from "activity" based tourists, assuming they have suitable documentary evidence such as enrolment for Thai boxing or cookery classes. Or even as hospital patients. Another surprising category is "music festivals" though precisely what evidence and updates would be required for any of the above remains blurry. These matters are presumably for the discretion of the immigration officer on entry throughout the multiple-entry five years validity of the DTV.
Expats with one year extensions of stay based on marriage or retirement or the Elite visa are virtually ignored in the latest set of changes. It will probably be many months before the visa exempt and DTV ambiguities begin to clear up, so expats are probably safer to stick with what they have. Separately, any foreigner (with any visa or no visa at all) now residing in Thailand for 180 days or more in a calendar year is subject to taxation on "assessable" overseas income with many details yet to be unfolded. There is no elephant in the room. There are several.

torsdag 25 juli 2024

Thailand's Visa-Free Policy Draws Record Tourist Numbers from Taiwan, India. ASEAN NOW


Thailand anticipates a record influx of tourists from Taiwan and India this year, thanks to its recent visa-free policy.


The visa exemption, initiated in late 2023, now allows Taiwanese and Indian tourists an extended stay of 60 days in Thailand, lasting until November 11. 


The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has revealed plans for a reciprocal annual visa-exemption programme with Taiwan and India, set to launch shortly. 


TAT Taipei office director Sarima Chindamat expressed optimism, estimating Taiwanese visitor numbers could reach one million this year, surpassing the base-case scenario of 700,000. This would exceed the 2019 visitor count of 781,674.


"During the first half of 2024, the visa policy resulted in 533,000 Taiwanese visitors, a 34% increase compared to the same period in 2019, which saw 396,000 arrivals," Chindamat stated.


An estimated 18 million Taiwanese are expected to travel abroad this year, surpassing the 17 million who did so in 2019. Popular destinations for Taiwanese tourists include Thailand, Japan, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Vietnam.


Chindamat noted lucrative market segments such as LGBTQ tourists, active seniors, families, young people, and golfers, with average spending per Taiwanese visitor around 40,000 Baht (US$1,100) per trip. Flight capacity between Taiwan and Thailand has returned to 2019 levels, offering 1.5 million seats.


TAT aims to draw over two million Indian tourists this year, supported by a subsidy for Indian meeting and incentive groups visiting during the low season from July to September. TAT Mumbai office director Isada Saovaros reported that tour operators receive 200 Indian Rupees (86 Baht or US$2) per guest for groups of 100 to 1,000 guests staying over four days and three nights. 


"In the first half of the year, Thailand welcomed 1.04 million Indian tourists, with average spending of 38,000 Baht (US$1,000) per trip," Saovaros added.


With an expected 29 million trips by Indian tourists by 2025, TAT New Delhi office offers a similar incentive programme for meeting groups exceeding 100 participants. 


Siriges-a-nong Trirattanasongpol, TAT New Delhi office director, estimated flight capacity for Indian travellers this year to recover to 90% of 2019 levels. 


"Besides major destinations like Bangkok and Phuket, we encourage airlines to consider new routes to Krabi and Chiang Mai," she added, targeting Indian tourists from second-tier cities. 


As Thailand enhances its tourist attractions and accessibility, it aims to solidify its position as a premier travel destination in Asia.


Picture courtesy: Positioning


-- 2024-07-25

onsdag 24 juli 2024

Thai Government Appears to Back Off Recriminalization of Cannabis as an Illegal Narcotic - The Pattaya News

Thai Government Appears to Back Off Recriminalization of Cannabis as an Illegal Narcotic

National —

At 11:50 AM on July 23rd, 2024, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul addressed the media following a cabinet meeting about Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin's discussion with Public Health Minister Somsak Thepsuthin regarding the proposal of a reclassification of cannabis as an illegal narcotic.

Thai national media inquired of Anutin about his relationship with Somsak, Anutin said it was better for the Prime Minister to speak on the matter, indicating mutual understanding and mentioning the need for regulatory legislation for cannabis. Anutin appreciated the Prime Minister's consideration and decision to implement a specific law for cannabis control.

Anutin was referring to multiple reports that the Prime Minister had reportedly called for controlling cannabis via laws passed by a democratic process in the Parliament and Senate versus using ministerial regulations to make cannabis illegal again, which could have seen a return to imprisoning people for a small amount of marijuana. This followed a meeting with multiple senior Thai government leaders, such as Anutin, before the cabinet meeting today.

It also followed weeks of protests and hunger strikes by pro-cannabis protesters. They have also been calling for regulation, not recriminalization, of marijuana. They also released a response to the reported U-turn by the Thai Government which is further below. 

On whether Bhumjaithai Party's stance remained unchanged, Anutin confirmed it, expressing gratitude for the decision to enact legislation. He added that discussions would involve Deputy Prime Minister Phumtham Wechayachai and others to draft the law, noting Bhumjaithai already had a draft bill ready.

Anutin denied any discussions about cannabis policy or any political topics with former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, whom he recently met for a golf game in Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima.

Meanwhile, the "Writing Thailand's Cannabis Future" network released a statement in response to the Prime Minister's directive for cannabis control:

  1. The network emphasized the importance of creating a comprehensive cannabis control law, urging the public to follow the legislative process as cannabis remains regulated but not classified as an illegal narcotic.
  2. They pledged to continue their advocacy until the cannabis bill was approved by Parliament and enforced.
  3. The network thanked the Prime Minister and all responsible parties for their consideration, and Bhumjaithai Party for steadfastly defending cannabis policy, ensuring its control under specific legislation.

The statement highlighted the collaborative effort across academic, political, and public sectors to establish a proper cannabis policy for Thailand.

fredag 19 juli 2024

Expats angry at huge concessions in latest Thai visa announcements. The disenchanted argue that the 60 days visa-exempt can evidently be extended at local immigration for 30 days more followed by a border run to start the whole process again. Some immigration officers at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi airport have allegedly told new arrivals they can now do as many border runs as they like. - Pattaya Mail

Expats angry at huge concessions in latest Thai visa announcements
There are many ambiguities concerning the latest visa options.

Longstay expats with expensive visas say the new 60 days visa-exempt policy and the 180 days Destination Thailand Visa have made the Elite visa and the annual extensions of stay for retirement and marriage worthless. Geoffrey Fisher, a Brit who recently paid 900,000 baht (about 20,000 UK pounds) for the five year Elite visa said he had wasted his money as more or less anyone can now stay in Thailand almost indefinitely for a paltry sum.

The disenchanted argue that the 60 days visa-exempt can evidently be extended at local immigration for 30 days more followed by a border run to start the whole process again. Some immigration officers at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi airport have allegedly told new arrivals they can now do as many border runs as they like. Separately, the five years and multi-entry Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) offers 180 days on entry for 10,000 baht (around 200 UK pounds) plus the chance to extend for a further 180 days. The process can then be repeated by briefly leaving the country.

American expat Dan Silverman, who holds a yearly extension based on retirement, said, "It's just ridiculous. I have to keep 800,000 baht in a Thai bank, obtain medical insurance, face ever-changing regulations and regularly report my Thai address throughout the year, or be fined." He added, "And for what, when you can come and go as you please with the new visas?" Views such as this are currently being voiced widely on social media as expats digest the latest visa announcement.

Of course, the critics may be over-reacting. Information officially published so far does not specify the number of times the visa-exempt discretion may be used. The DTV requires a cash bond or other proof of 500,000 baht. It is principally aimed at digital nomads and freelancers working for foreign companies (not Thai based) and applicants are expected to show to embassies contracts of employment or portfolios of work undertaken.

Yet the foreign affairs ministry also accepts DTV applications from participants in Thai "soft power" activities such as Thai cooking classes, Muay Thai training, medical treatment, music festivals or seminars. Although applicants have to show some relevant documentation on application, there is wide concern about the ambiguities. One expat with a one year marriage extension said, "Would an appointment letter from a hospital for extracting your teeth enable you to get 180 days plus an extension of 180 days? Does a foreigner learning Thai cuisine need five years to learn how to cook?"

Immigration consultants say that the basic problem is that the foreign affairs ministry controls visas from embassies, but the immigration bureau under the interior ministry is responsible for extensions and what happens after arrival. Immigration lawyer Jessataporn Bunnag said, "The DTV throws a great deal of responsibility on embassies to check out initial applicants and on the immigration bureau to monitor extensions and repeats." He expected some clarification once the impact of the changes had been analyzed.

Meanwhile, the Bangkok Post suggests that questions may be emailed to deeperdiveThailand@gmail.com Next week that newspaper will interview Narunchai Niddad, deputy director of consular affairs at the foreign affairs ministry. One is bound to wonder how many of the beneficiaries of the new visas will understand that, once they are in Thailand for six months or more in a calendar year, they become tax residents of Thailand and subject to the income tax policy of the Thai Revenue Department. Whatever that is.

Revanschresor ebbar ut: Flygbolagen vacklar. Efter pandemin såg vi en kraftig ökning av så kallade revanschresor – där människor spenderade stort på semestrar efter lång tid av restriktioner. Men nu, med ökade levnadskostnader, är resenärer mindre benägna att betala höga priser för flygbiljetter. Detta tvingar flygbolagen att erbjuda rabatter för att fylla sina säten. - Dagens PS

Revanschresor ebbar ut: Flygbolagen vacklar
Flygbolagen går inte med vinst

Sommarens semesterperiod är i full gång. Om flygbolagen jublar över det? Knappast. 

United Airlines har nyligen meddelat att de förväntar sig en svagare lönsamhet, vilket följer samma trend som Alaska Airlines och Delta Air Lines. Orsaken? Ett priskrig som pressar ner biljettpriserna.

Pessimismen sprider sig till Europa

Den dystra stämningen i USA börjar nu kännas av även i Europa. 

Deutsche Lufthansa har sänkt sin vinstprognos för året och varnar för att det blir svårt att nå lönsamhet för deras tyska enhet. 

Qatar Airways påpekar att överkapacitet på marknaden pressar ner priserna ytterligare.

I Sverige har SAS i sin tur rapporterat ett ökat flygande under årets andra kvartal, men likt de amerikanska kollegorna har man gått med förlust

Återgått till normala resvanor

Efter pandemin såg vi en kraftig ökning av så kallade revanschresor – där människor spenderade stort på semestrar efter lång tid av restriktioner. 

Men nu, med ökade levnadskostnader, är resenärer mindre benägna att betala höga priser för flygbiljetter. 

Detta tvingar flygbolagen att erbjuda rabatter för att fylla sina säten.

Överkapacitet och störningar skapar problem

Ett av de största problemen flygbolagen står inför är överkapacitet, när de återupptar tjänster som pausades under pandemin, skriver Bloomberg. Trots att människor just nu flyger en hel del, är det svårt att fylla alla platser till lönsamma priser.

Lufthansa expanderar för snabbt, enligt analytiker Johannes Braun, vilket kan leda till långsiktiga problem för företaget. 

Samtidigt skapar problem med flygtrafikkontroll och lönekonflikter på bolag som Aer Lingus ytterligare störningar och avskräcker resenärer.

Aktiemarknadens reaktion: En dämpad sommar

Aktiemarknaden har reagerat på den dämpade stämningen. 

Lufthansa har tappat omkring 27 procent av sitt värde i år, medan Air France-KLM har sjunkit 38 procent, delvis på grund av att folk undviker Paris under sommarens OS. 

En ljuspunkt är IAG SA, ägare av British Airways, Iberia och Aer Lingus, vars aktier har ökat med 12 procent tack vare förväntningar om en stark transatlantisk efterfrågan.

Framtidens test: Farnborough Air Show

Flygindustrins hälsa kommer att sättas på prov nästa vecka när flygbranschens ledare samlas på Farnborough Air Show nära London. 

Vanligtvis är detta en plats för stora affärer, men årets mässa väntas bli lugnare då både Boeing och Airbus kämpar med produktionsproblem.

Kommande rapporter

Nästa vecka kommer flygbolagen Ryanair och EasyJet rapportera sina resultat, vilket kommer ge viktiga insikter i efterfrågan på resor i budgetsegmentet. 

Ryanair har redan genomfört flera omgångar av rabatter för att stimulera efterfrågan, och vd Michael O'Leary har sagt för att sommarens biljettpriser blir lägre än tidigare beräknat.

Trots de utmaningar flygindustrin står inför, är det vissa analytiker som menar att det värsta kan vara över. 

Medan biljettpriserna i andra kvartalet var svagare, finns det förhoppningar om att sommarens topppriser kommer att vara högre.

onsdag 17 juli 2024

Bangkok Post - Airport wait to be cut. The Immigration Bureau (IB) is set to take measures to ensure immigration control at airports takes no more than 45 seconds per person. The move is part of efforts to support the government's expanded visa-free scheme for foreign visitors, which took effect on Monday.

Airport wait to be cut
Travellers at immigration booths in Suvarnabhumi airport, Samut Prakan. (File photo: Somchai Poomlard)
Travellers at immigration booths in Suvarnabhumi airport, Samut Prakan. (File photo: Somchai Poomlard) 

The Immigration Bureau (IB) is set to take measures to ensure immigration control at airports takes no more than 45 seconds per person.

The move is part of efforts to support the government's expanded visa-free scheme for foreign visitors, which took effect on Monday.

Pol Maj Gen Phanthana Nutchanart, the IB deputy chief, said on Tuesday that the bureau is ready to follow the government's policy.

The number of immigration officials will also be increased to ease long queues in front of immigration check-in booths at airports during peak passenger hours.

"We will try to ensure that each arriving passenger will take no more than 45 seconds to pass through immigration," Pol Maj Gen Phanthana said. 

He added that airports are also implementing biometric technology to guard against transnational criminals.

Section 38 of the Immigration Act also allows immigration authorities to keep track of foreigners who are staying in the country, Pol Maj Gen Phanthana said.

The section stipulates that house owners, heads of household, landlords or managers of hotels who accommodate foreign visitors must report their presence to immigration authorities within 24 hours of their arrival, he said.

The government's expanded visa-free scheme for foreign visitors will now bring the number of countries and territories whose citizens can enter the kingdom without a visa from 57 to 93. 

The details of the expanded visa-free scheme were published in the Royal Gazette on Monday.

Those arriving under the visa-free scheme can now stay in the country for 60 days.

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin previously said the immigration police and security authorities would have the necessary arrangements in place.

"I believe the scheme will bring benefits in the long run," the prime minister said.

The Ministry of Interior initiated the move to expand the visa-free scheme.

The updates to the scheme include expanding the list of countries exempt from visa requirements, increasing the number of countries whose nationals are eligible for visas on arrival, introducing a new Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) for remote work and tourism, and extending the stay of foreign students for employment opportunities after graduation.

The DTV allows foreigners to stay in Thailand for up to 180 days at a time for tourism and remote work. The multiple-entry visa is valid for five years. Eligible foreigners are remote workers, also known as digital nomads or freelancers, and those who participate in activities such as Muay Thai courses, Thai cooking classes, sports training, medical treatment, seminars, and music festivals. 

Spouses and dependent children of DTV holders are also included.

Pol Maj Gen Phanthana Nutchanart, Immigration Bureau deputy chief, says the bureau is ready to follow the government's expanded visa-free scheme for foreign visitors. (Photo supplied)

Thailand Officially Grants 60-Day Visa Exemption to Passport Holders from 90 Countries and Territories. On July 15th, 2024, the Royal Gazette announced new regulations from the Ministry of Interior, granting visa exemptions for passport holders from 90 countries and territories for short-term visits up to 60 days.- The Pattaya News

Thailand Officially Grants 60-Day Visa Exemption to Passport Holders from 90 Countries and Territories

National —

On July 15th, 2024, the Royal  Gazette announced new regulations from the Ministry of Interior, granting visa exemptions for passport holders from 90 countries and territories for short-term visits up to 60 days. 

This move aims to boost tourism and business travel as part of Thailand's economic recovery post-COVID-19.

Effective immediately, travelers from the following countries can enjoy visa-free entry for tourism, business, or short-term work: Albania, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bhutan, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, China (including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan), Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Kosovo, Kuwait, Laos, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.

This special measure underscores Thailand's effort to attract more international visitors and revitalize the economy by enhancing ease of travel. The initiative seeks to encourage foreign investments and tourism, recognizing their vital roles in economic stimulation.

Travelers wishing to extend their stay beyond 60 days can apply for a 30-day extension at the Immigration Office. Additionally, those seeking to change their visa type for other purposes can follow the standard procedures set by the Immigration Bureau.

This announcement, however, does not yet apply to other recent updates including visa on arrival for 31 countries, Destination Thailand Visa (DTV), and Post-Graduate Stay Extension, noted TPN.

Read more about the Secretary to the Thai Minister of the Interior announcing the issuance of four updated ministerial regulations to modernize visa measures effective on July 15th.

Thai government tweaks guidelines on latest visas. The Interior Ministry has issued fresh guidelines for the much-discussed Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) and the boost for visa-exempt tourists from 30 to 60 days.- Pattaya Mail

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