söndag 1 november 2020

Foreigners who test positive for C19 in Thailand won’t be able to use the public health system

Foreigners who test positive for C19 in Thailand won't be able to use the public health system

Foreigners who test positive for C19 in Thailand won’t be able to use the public health system | The Thaiger

The battle to reopen Thailand's borders is shaping up as a 3-way PR fight between economic hawks who are eager to re-open to reboot the country's tourism industry, a government and medical officials resting on their laurels after containing the virus, and a risk-averse population who, survey after survey, indicate they are keen to keep the borders closed.

In another effort to assuage Thai fears, a doctor at the infectious disease department has stated that any foreigner found to be infected with Covid-19, while in alternative state quarantine, would be taken to a partner hospital in the private sector, not a Thai public hospital.

Dr Opas Karnkawinpong has made it clear that foreigners would have to pay for their treatment and medication themselves.

"They won't be a burden on the Thai health system."

Dr Opas laid out the strict measures that foreigners would have to submit to before travelling to Thailand. Apart from the effort and cost of finding a flight at this time, gaining permission from their country's Thai Embassy, they would have to get fit-to-fly and entry certificates, Covid-free documentation, health insurance and upfront payments for their 14 day Alternative State Quarantine.

"If infected they would go to a special isolation unit at the hospital partnered with the quarantine hotel. Non serious cases would be there for 10 days, those with serious conditions like lung infections may have to stay for a month."

• Those with no symptoms but who tested positive would have to stay in hospital for ten days after their positive test.

• Others would have to be hospitalized for ten days after developing symptoms then a further 24 hour period after symptoms fully abate.

• In more severe cases the length of hospitalization would be at the discretion of doctors. People may only be let out after xrays, temperature and breathing rate checks satisfied medical teams.

A list of several measures were also mentioned for people after they go home from hospital. These include recommendations to wear masks, socially distance, wash hands and surfaces, use separate eating utensils to others. If they get sick again they must take private transport to a hospital. Family members are being advised to monitor their own health closely.

SOURCE: Siam Rath | Thai Visa

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