måndag 9 november 2020

Prayut being put at risk to potentially step down as Thailand's Prime Minister due to Constitutional Court set to deliver verdict on his alleged abuse of power involving housing - The Pattaya News

Prayut being put at risk to potentially step down as Thailand's Prime Minister due to Constitutional Court set to deliver verdict on his alleged abuse of power involving housing

Bangkok –

The Constitutional Court will deliver a verdict against Prayut Chan-O'Cha and his eligibility as the Prime Minister of Thailand next month, following his occupancy of an official Army residence after his retirement from the military six years ago.

The case was principally brought to the Court institution earlier this year by the Speaker of the Thai House of Representatives, Chuan Leekpai, at the request of opposition Pheu Thai leader Sompong Amornwiwat.

According to the accusation, General Prayuth is breaking the supreme law and abuses his power by reportedly staying at the residence inside the First Infantry Battalion of Royal Guards in Bangkok despite the fact that he has already retired from the military army since 2014.

PHOTO: The Constitutional Court of Thailand

He is accused of receiving special money or any type of benefit from a government agency, state agency, or state enterprise apart from that given by the government agency, state agency, or state enterprise to other persons in the ordinary course of business, in which violated Section 160 of the Constitution, stating that a minister must not behave in ways that constitute a serious violation of or failure to comply with ethical standards.

Prior to the Prime Minister, General Prayuth had served as commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Army from October 2010 to September 2014 before seizing power in a military coup as a leader of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) in May 2014.

PHOTO: Posttoday

The Prime Minister had previously responded to the accusation in February this year, stating that his stay at the military housing was for "security reasons".

"I worked to serve this country for my whole life. Regardless of the regulations and law, I am still working. The thing to be concerned about was that I am also the Prime Minister who must be staying at a proper place to maintain security. Anyway, I had already prepared to stay at my own home soon," Prayuth stated.

The Constitutional Court is scheduled to rule on December 2 whether he was found guilty of violating the certain supreme law. He might be removed from the positions of Thailand's Prime Minister and Defence Minister if he was proven guilty.

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