måndag 30 november 2020

Reader Talkback Results: Should health insurance stay mandatory after borders to Thailand open again? - Pattaya News

Reader Talkback Results: Should health insurance stay mandatory after borders to Thailand open again?

Nigel W-As an expat who has lived here for 7 years, I often hear of people talk openly that they have no health insurance whilst in Thailand. Many of these people are 70+ and have known medical problems. Any illness contracted during their stay creates extra work in the hospitals, with some people unable to pay their bills. This undoubtedly leads to an increased cost for those honest citizens living here.
Additionally, with the traffic problems and abundance of accidents, ineffective enforcement of wearing a helmet, many people are injured in motorbike accidents and treated in hospital.
Many see Thailand as a cheap vacation, and come here with little money, insufficient for all eventualities. I would suggest that health insurance is made mandatory, with cover at least 10,000,000 bahtRobert D-Holiday insurance should go back to what it was there people like myself who aren't rich and cant afford 100.000 dollars I'm British and not rich its ridiculous the amount they want I have a girlfriend in chaiyaphum and I'm I'm covid free be in isolation since I come back from pattaya in March I need to get back so we can register our marriage and make marriage arrangements but I can't no planes and insurance price is ridiculous  

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