tisdag 3 november 2020

The Jack Report: Dengue Fever is far more dangerous than COVID

 The Jack Report: Dengue Fever is far more dangerous than COVID

The Thai language news-feed Sanook has reported that Dengue Fever continues to infect many more people in Thailand than the COVID flu virus.

As does AIDS, Chicken Pox, Influenza and Herpes, to name just a few.

Non-viral, but potentially lethal, infections such as Malaria also claim far more, millions more, victims across the globe, including SE Asia, than COVID.

And yet never in the history of the world have so-called leaders of people and their 'experts' reacted so recklessly and irresponsibly as we have seen this year during their COVID PANIC.

For example, in Thailand, figures from the infectious disease department reveal that between January 1st and September 28th there have been 59,842 cases of Dengue Fever leading to 38 deaths.

The three worst hit provinces are Mae Hong Son in the north and Nakhon Ratchasima and Chaiyaphum in the north east.

This is not uncommon. In fact it has been a fairly normal year in this respect.

The age group affected the most is between 10 and 34 years old.

In terms of fatalities those affected have been either obese or slow in seeking treatment. Medical misdiagnosis was also cited.

The authorities reacted to the spread of the disease by recommending the removal of standing water, tidying up your house and wearing clothes that prevent Dengue carrying mosquitoes from biting you.

Sheer genius. But where is the crashing of a once vibrant economy. Why no mass closures and sweeping unemployment?

Why isn't Pattaya surrounded by childish check-points this time, manned by mask wearing juveniles with clipboards who are shouting and blowing whistles?

Dengue is far worse than COVID you know.

And the infection rate is likely to accelerate now that the rains have come.

Comparing these figures with the 3590 COVID infections and 59 deaths across the country during the same period we can ask ourselves how necessary were the lock-downs, shut-downs, shake-downs and curfews imposed by a clueless, authoritarian government.

Which were then ramped up and tailored to suit the egos of clueless, authoritarian local mayors and governors

Especially when the lives lost in terms of desperate suicides, starvation, alcoholism and violence pales the number of COVID casualties into almost insignificance.

We may also start asking ourselves how long it will be before Thailand's gracious leaders begin to impose their Orwellian restrictions to everybody's lifestyles during Dengue outbreaks, or Chicken Pox in schools or any other normal infection experienced by every society throughout history.

And then we might start asking ourselves what is really going on here. – Albert Jack

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