måndag 7 december 2020

COVID-19 in Thailand: Situation is under control, don’t believe fake news, says spokesman - Sanook

COVID-19 in Thailand: Situation is under control, don't believe fake news, says spokesman



Picture: Sanook


Thailand's principal Covid-19 spokesman has said that the country's health authorities have everything under control despite 14 cases of the disease - one transmitted to a health care worker in state quarantine.


Dr Taweesin Wisanuyothin of the CCSA emergency steering committee urged his countryfolk to reject fake news.


He said that the authorities had acted well and fast in test and trace procedures to contact those who came into contact with three illegal entrants who came in from Tachilek and Myawaddy. They were among 13 returnees who tested positive.


But he urged Thais not to be complacent.


He repeated the mantra of masks, hand washing, social distancing, avoiding gatherings in enclosed spaces and the need for cleaning and using the Thai Chana tracing app.


He urged people not to sneak into the country and said that if everyone played their part the country could look forward to a good end of year tourism period. 


A story that ten provinces were off limits was nonsense, he said, and should be called out as fake news.


Soure: Sanook 



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