söndag 13 december 2020

Expats hailed! Foreigners living in Thailand called "heroes" for leading the way in Thai tourism recovery - Thai Visa

Expats hailed! Foreigners living in Thailand called "heroes" for leading the way in Thai tourism recovery



Image: Reuters


Channel 3 recognised the role of foreigners living in Thailand for helping lead the way in the recovery of Thai tourism.


Along with Thai domestic tourists they recognised expats as "heroes" in their print headline on a story about a year since Covid struck.


They also quoted TAT governor Yutthasak Suphasorn as recognising the role played by both groups of people in what he called the "restart" of tourism after the lowest income in years was experienced in 2020.


The media reported that tourism worldwide - 10% of the world economy - had been devastated since the world first learned of the coronavirus, that they said started on December 8th 2019.


A 52 trillion baht worldwide industry had been devastated, they said. 


But in an upbeat assessment of the future they said that Thailand in particular and Asia in general would recover faster than elsewhere in the world. 


They said that Thailand was still a "magnet" for tourism and that Thai investment in building new attractions would bring a new group of tourists.


They said that Thailand is recognized as one of the places in the world where the Covid-19 situation has been best handled.


Source: Channel 3



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