onsdag 9 december 2020

Thai Cabinet approves and officially announces Special Tourist Visa is now allowed for ALL countries, not just low risk Covid-19 counties - Pattaya News

Thai Cabinet approves and officially announces Special Tourist Visa is now allowed for ALL countries, not just low risk Covid-19 counties


A top government spokesperson confirmed in a statement following the weekly Thai Cabinet meeting today, December 8th, 2020, that the Special Tourist Visa program is now open for all countries, not just low risk countries for tourists to come to Thailand.

However, the Pattaya News notes, fourteen day quarantine at ones own expense, Covid-19 testing, mandatory health insurance that is worth minimum 100,000 USD for Covid-19, a fit to fly certificate and other safety measures are still required and one must get a certificate of entry at their local embassy or consulate first.

The Pattaya News also notes that this will end some confusion between the sixty day tourist visa, which can be extended for thirty days (and being discussed for more) and the special tourist visa program. The Tourist Visa had been available for many high risk countries but not every country had been approved for it or had completed the process. The Tourist Visa, however, had not been announced with much fanfare, especially in Thai Media, with some on social media speculating it was due to lack of capacity at Alternative State Quarantine at the time.

To start the process one should contact their local embassy or consulate. As the announcement just came through this afternoon it is expected to take some time to process through many countries and embassies.

Here is our initial article on the special tourist visa, keeping in mind some details have changed since the program came out two and a half months ago. It is also worth noting that although the program won't appeal to a one or two week tourist it will give the opportunity for anyone with the time and finances to return to Thailand if they wish.

Thailand's 'Special Tourist Visa' details including fees and additional charges explained

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