onsdag 9 december 2020

Up to SEVEN million foreign tourists will visit Thailand next year, says leading Thai bank - Bangkok Biz News

Up to SEVEN million foreign tourists will visit Thailand next year, says leading Thai bank
Thai business media has reported that the Kasikorn Research Center predicts that between 4.5 and 7 million foreign tourists will visit Thailand next year, 2021.
In addition they will spend a whopping 340 to 480 billion baht in the country.
What they called a LOW estimate was because of uncertainties surrounding the pandemic and vaccines. 
They called for greater clarity abroad about Thailand so that foreigners get the right information.
Kasikorn also stressed the need for more government stimulus measures and tax breaks for the ailing tourism sector. 
Many Thai watchers will see the bank's estimate as optimistic, notes Thaivisa. To put the predictions in perspective less than 1000 tourists have visited the country on the much criticized STV visa scheme since October.
And a 14 day quarantine with all the hoops and expenses that entails remains in place with no change on the horizon despite repeated calls from many business groups in the sector. 

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