söndag 31 januari 2021

Most of the Thai people want to be vaccinated against Covid-19 but still worry about the side effects - Bangkok Post

Most Thais want Covid-19 vaccination: Suan Dusit Poll

Most of the Thai people want to be vaccinated against Covid-19 but still worry about the side effects of the vaccines, according to the result of an opinion survey by the Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, or Suan Dusit Poll.

The poll was conducted online on 1,570 people throughout the country during Jan 22-29.

Regarding vaccine-producing companies familiar to them, with each of the respondents allowed to name more than one, most of them, 64.27%, mentioned Pfyzer-BioNTech; 52.55% Oxford-Astrazeneca; 51.66%  Sinovec-Biotech; 35.10% Johnson & Johnson; and, 28.28% Moderna.

Asked what they worried about Covid-19 vaccination in Thailand, with each allowed to give more than one answer, 82.71% cited the side effects of the vaccines; 71.96% efficacy of the vaccines; 54.67% availability of the vaccines for all people; 44.17% the price per jab in case the people had to pay for the vaccination; and, 38.60% the brand names of the vaccines imported by Thailand.

Asked whether they wanted to be vaccinated, a majority, 65.99% said "yes' but would rather wait to see the side effects of the vaccines; 20.70% said they wanted to be vaccinated right away; and, 13.31% did not want it.

Concerning their confidence in the effectiveness against Covid-19 of the vaccines; a majority or 63.88% said they were moderately confident; 19.30% were not confident; and, 16.82% were confident.

Asked whether the people would change their way of taking care of their health after Covid vaccination had begun in Thailand, 60.83% believed they would do the same as before; 35.54% thought they would take a better care of their health; and, 3.63% believed they would become less care about their health.

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