måndag 19 april 2021

High demand for COVID-19 screening after 20 infections related to Ayutthaya market - PBS World

Health officials in Thailand's central province of Ayutthaya have expanded COVID-19 screening to 800 people at high risk in Muang district, after 20 people, linked to the central farmers' market, were found to be infected, prompting health officials from the Disease Control Department and Ratchathani Hospital to target screening on traders in the market.

Many other people have, however, applied for the free screening, but there are not enough test queue tickets for all of them, said a health official, adding that authorities have been discussing how to deal with this problem.

The central market is located on a 1.6 hectare plot on the in-bound Asian Highway in Hantra sub-district. It contains over 100 shops and is well known for grilled seafood.

The market remained closed today, as most traders are due for screening.

In the eastern coastal province of Chon Buri, 120 new COVID-19 cases were recorded today (Sunday) as health officials appeal for visitors to entertainment outlets, in Bangkok and its suburbs, to report for screening, to prevent the disease from spreading further.

Cumulative infections in Chon Buri, since April 1st, are 1,185, with 1,176 of them are still undergoing treatment.

More than 700 people are to be screened today.

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