måndag 19 april 2021

Reader Talkback Results: How long do you think the current round of Covid-19 infections and cases will last in Thailand? Sunday, 18 April 2021, 12:29 - Pattaya News

The following is our exclusive weekly feature in which we ask our readers a news topical question and then give you a week to answer it on our various channels, compiling a diverse range of answers and opinions to present.

Last week, we asked you the following:

Here is what you, our readers, had to say as our editors selected some of the most diverse responses to highlight different points of view.  Do you still want to chime in? Here is how:

  Let us know in comments, on our social media, or mail us at Pattayanewseditor@gmail.com.

Kevin B-We can live with covid and all the variant's around and just accept the fact people shall die and get on with life!

Gary R-(In response to Kevin B) You're probably young and low risk. You don't speak for high-risk people, who you obviously care little about.

John D-Looking at how many Thais are ignoring wearing masks, social distancing, and having parties, I think this pandemic will last 6 months (at least).

Roberto-My guess is 4 weeks and bars will not reopen.

Fredirukus-Nobody really knows. It depends a lot on how people behave

Jason W-Imho – We haven't seen the worst of it just yet, a week or two after the current holidays finish up we will see an explosion in numbers when life settles back down in their lives. I think it was an error allowing cross-country travel with an outbreak as we had. This will be the hardest lockdown to come.

Phill Ryan-Think be2 months as a big decision and cost shutting everything, So do it properly ……

Frank-Until every one is broken

Henri L-It will last for a long time(many months); the B117 strain(3rd wave)is much more infectious than the previous strains during 1st & 2nd waves. If the situation gets worse be prepared for partial/selective lockdown by zones. Entertainment venues (super spreader spots)closure: minimum 2 months

Ty T-This time last year, Thailand had a 7 day average of 50 new infections, and everything was locked down and restricted. Today, the 7-day average is over 500 with close to 1000 new infections in the most recent count. Yet, only entertainment venues are closed. And for some reason or another, you don't hear about migrant workers anymore. What's really going on?

Nassar A-The only solution to limit the spread of the pandemic is by increasing the daily vaccination rate. Any measures or solutions other than that will not curb the pandemic, and unfortunately, this needs two years.

Steven L-1/2 months everyone got to live with the Covid it will never go away is there for many many years can't keep lockdown forever not good for people business or their health problem

Jackie J-The situation is a lot worse than a year ago, the restrictions are a lot less. The governments' approach has changed. It looks like they realize they're gonna have to live with it to some extend. The current round of infections may not end at all. Pattaya's bars are the least of the governments' worries, but Thailand does need tourists. I don't think there will be a total lockdown again. So much from my crystal ball.

Martin P-More tests more covid, how longs a piece of string?

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