tisdag 18 maj 2021

Tourism recovery: 13.8 million tourists will come to Thailand next year if 500K Thais are vaxxed daily. Thai Visa


REUTERS FILE PHOTO for reference only


Thailand's business media has reported an analysis of the Thai economy by ttb Analytics. 


They are an economic analysis group who have predicted what the Thai economy will look like if certain vaccine targets are met. 


They assesses that if 150,000 people are vaccinated every day in what remains of this year then 100,000 foreign tourists will visit. 


This figure would rise to 5.5 million for next year.


But if 300K jabs are delivered each day the figure would be 400,000 tourists in 2021 and 10 million next year.



PIcture: ttb analytics


If half a million jabs could be done per day then 700,000 tourists would come this year and a whopping 13.8 million in 2022.


In a report in Bangkok Business News they also analysed the effect on Thai Gross Domestic Product assessing at the lowest end of the vaccination scale the economy would grow by 1.4% in 2021 and 2.8% next year.


But at the highest end they said GDP growth would be 2.2% this year and 4.4% in 2022. 


Thailand's vax rollout has been criticized for being slow so far.


The Thai government has been drip feeding various vaccines in the last few months but are putting their collective faith in large scale production of AstraZenerca by the locally based Siam BioScience company that is set to get going in earnest in June. 


Walk-in vaccination centers are set to supplement hospitals and registration protocols are being upgraded to include foreigners residing in Thailand. 


So far vaccinations have been measured in the tens of thousands daily but that is set to increase dramatically from next month if Thai government plans are realized, notes Thaivisa. 



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