tisdag 22 juni 2021

Open letter to the Nordic Prime Ministers. SSS

Dear Nordic Prime Ministers
The Nordic community in Thailand is in severe danger from the Covid-19 pandemic, and the Scandinavian Society Siam is appealing to you – as you appealed to us during the 2004 tsunami disaster – for immediate help to our fellow citizens.

This time it is not the need for shelter, food, and or search for missing Nordic citizens, but the need for vaccines to prevent Covid-19 from causing more fatalities and more havoc among the Nordic citizens in Thailand.

The official vaccination program in Thailand does not include foreigners, neither elderly nor those with underlying diseases unless they are in possession of a work-permit, and the many retired Nordic persons are therefore left in frustrating danger till, at best, October or, at worse, infinitely.

Our plea is Nordic cooperation to try to pave the way for the availability of vaccines for the Nordic citizens, while the Scandinavian Society Siam provides resources for planning and implementation in cooperation with the Nordic Chambers of Commerce, and the Nordic Church communities in Thailand, while private hospitals in Thailand could administer vaccinations at a reasonable low price.

Yours sincerely
Scandinavian Society Siam Association

PS! Recently the French embassy has revealed plans for vaccinating French citizens in Thailand: 

This email is being sent to

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven 
Prime Minister of Finland Sanna Marin
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen
Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg
Icelandic Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir

The Nordic embassies and the Icelandic consulate

Nordic press agencies

Members, friends, and partners of the Scandinavian Society Siam.

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