torsdag 15 juli 2021

Bed situation for Bangkok virus patients reaches critical level. “Bangkok hospitals have a total capacity of about 1,000 beds for red-group patients. There are now only 10 per cent of these beds vacant,” said Dr Korakrit Limsommut, director of the ministry’s Health Administration Division. The Nation

Bed situation for Bangkok virus patients reaches critical level

The bed situation for Covid-19 patients in Bangkok is at a critical level, especially for those in the red group, for which there are only 10 per cent of beds available, the Public Health Ministry revealed.

Bed situation for Bangkok virus patients reaches critical level

"Bangkok hospitals have a total capacity of about 1,000 beds for red-group patients. There are now only 10 per cent of these beds vacant," said Dr Korakrit Limsommut, director of the ministry's Health Administration Division.

"For patients in the yellow group, there are [only] 415 vacant beds, plus some 449 beds available in hospital isolation rooms. As for patients in the green group, there are 500 vacant beds at field hospitals, plus about 4,200 at certified hospitels," the doctor said.

Patients in the red group are those with severe symptoms that require respirators, while patients in the yellow group display moderate symptoms but have underlying health problems that require close monitoring. Those in the green group have tested positive but are still asymptomatic.

Korakrit also said the ministry has 1,613 Remdesivir and 4,017,781 Favipiravir tablets in stock for treating Covid-19 patients.

"We are planning to procure 21 million more Favipiravir tablets to cope with the rising infections," he said.

"The first big lot of 16 million tablets should be delivered within this month; two million will arrive in August and another two million in September. Negotiations are being conducted with the manufacturer for the remaining one million tablets," he added.

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