onsdag 4 augusti 2021

Thailand’s cabinet on Tuesday approved an additional 30 billion baht ($909 million) of other people’s money to spend on undefined ‘relief measures.’. Bangkok Jack

Thailand's cabinet on Tuesday approved an additional 30 billion baht ($909 million) of other people's money to spend on undefined 'relief measures.'

The cash is set to be allocated to those hit by tougher restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19 infections, a government spokesman said.

Only last week another USD SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION was set aside to subsidise student tuition fees, which are still being demanded despite schools and universities being closed.

In truth, nobody really knows where all the money is going, although a growing number of people realise that it will need paying back by way of increased taxes.

On Sunday, Thailand extended the curbs for another month and expanded lockdown areas in 29 provinces as it deals with its biggest outbreak to date.

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