söndag 17 oktober 2021

The Re-opening of Thailand to Foreign Tourists. Richard Barrow


The Re-opening of Thailand to Foreign Tourists
As you probably know already, the prime minister addressed the nation last Monday about the re-opening of the country to fully vaccinated tourists on 1st November. (You can read the official translation on my website.) He basically said he wanted to "entice some of the year-end and new year holiday season travellers during the next few months to support the many millions of people who earn a living from our tourism, travel and entertainment sectors". The headlines in Thailand and across the world the next day declared that the country was re-opening for sure. But what all of them missed were two particularly important words "consider re-opening".  
As usual, there is only two weeks to go and there is a lot of uncertainty and confusion. We do not even know the list of countries from where vaccinated people can come from without having to do quarantine. Then to add to the confusion, they started talking about 15 provinces where tourists can go. So, do you have the freedom of the country or not? Do you have to stay within these 15 provinces for the first seven days? If that is so, they will then surely make you pre-book SHA hotels in advance just to make sure you do not leave these provinces. So many questions and so many contradictory statements coming from various government departments. Hopefully, we will get clearer guidelines later this week. My advice to you is, do not book anything yet.

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