fredag 19 november 2021

Thai authorities attracted by compulsory vaccination possibilities. Slowly but surely, Thailand appears to be moving towards mandatory Covid vaccination requirements. Last May, the Buri Ram governor required high-risk groups to vaccinate or risk jail or fines. The Justice Ministry, quoting emergency decree laws, stated that all prison staff are required to vaccinate or lose their jobs. Pattaya Mail

Thai authorities attracted by compulsory vaccination possibilities

It's becoming harder to avoid the embrace of vaccines.

Slowly but surely, Thailand appears to be moving towards mandatory Covid vaccination requirements.  Last May, the Buri Ram governor required high-risk groups to vaccinate or risk jail or fines.  The Justice Ministry, quoting emergency decree laws, stated that all prison staff are required to vaccinate or lose their jobs.

This week the national health authorities proclaimed that entry by anyone into a public building would soon require vaccination proof.  The prediction, initially seen as fake news on Thai social media, was later confirmed by Bangkok's anti-fake new center.  At least one immigration police bureau has conducted a survey into how many of its retiree expats have already been jabbed.  The notion of non-vaxxers being refused extensions of stay or renewal of annual visas is clearly not off the future agenda.

In world history terms, compulsory vaccination is nothing new.  As early as 1853, a UK law required all infants to be vaccinated against smallpox.  By April 2022, all frontline health workers in England will need to be jabbed or quit their jobs.  Some European countries, such as Slovakia and Italy, already have stringent rules in place.  New York authorities insisted on mandatory vaccination during the swine flu outbreak of 2009.

The future of world travel revolves around Covid-related issues.

In Thailand, opposition to compulsory vaccination is very diverse.  Some argue it is an infringement of human rights, others claim the vaccines are dangerous to health whilst conspiracy theorists believe the whole thing is a trick by insurance and medical professionals to make a fortune out of false pandemic claims.  Social media are literally agog with claims and assumptions.

On a more mundane level, Thailand is clearly not yet prepared for extreme measures.  There are people who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons, whilst the specific situation of children and of pregnant mothers needs to be addressed.  Then there are individuals who are awaiting the arrival of their preferred vaccine brand, whilst around half the population is  not yet doubly-jabbed because of shortages of one sort and another.

Any compulsory vaccination program would need to address the actual evidence to be presented.  Here in Pattaya, even the temperature testing at malls is often unenforced whilst the use of apps to register attendance has virtually died out.  In the country at large, there is already an illegal black market of fake vaccination certificates via the internet.  The principal Thai data base of properly-performed vaccinations, the app Thai Prom (Doctor is Ready), is not yet comprehensively linked to all government departments.

Thailand does have a colorful history of grandiose national plans which have then fallen flat at the first hurdle.  They cover now-forgotten publicity stunts such as fines for dropping cigarette ends in public or ordering food carts to move on after parking 30 minutes in one location.  Covid is on an altogether different level of importance.  Look before you leap.

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