With the holiday season coming up, the Department of Health has advised all restaurants to strictly adhere to the following prevention measures:
• Clean tables immediately after customers leave and display a sign showing they have been cleaned.
• Disinfect all contact points and toilets every one to two hours.
• Keep utensils clean and provide a separate spoon for shared dishes.
• Provide customers with gloves at buffets or self-service counters.
• Place a bottle of alcohol gel at every table or keep one within easy reach. In food courts, every stall should have a bottle of alcohol gel for customers to use.
• Maintain a one to two-metre distance between tables. If there is no space, then each table should be separated with a partition. In airconditioned restaurants, each table should be two metres away and diners should not be allowed to sit directly across from each other. Restaurants cannot be crowded.
• Allow diners to stay for no more than two hours.
• All restaurants should be well-ventilated and must open all doors and windows at least half an hour before turning on the air-conditioners. If possible, restaurants should ventilate the area every hour and keep ventilation fans on at all times.