📌 Guidelines on the treatment and management of COVID-19 patients
- The Ministry of Public Health has clarified the guidelines on the treatment and management of COVID-19 patients as follows.
• if you are Persons under investigation (PUI) with 'positive' result on the ATK test, please contact the National Health Security Office (NHSO) number 1330 or add LINE @nhso. There will be officials on standby to help give advice and assess the symptom level.
• Patients with no to mild symptoms and no other risk factors such as congenital diseases can opt to undergo Home Isolation or Community Isolation, in which officials will follow, inquire, and look after the symptoms constantly, as well as providing medicine and other necessities until recovered.
• In this case, the policy is implemented based on the fact that most people who have been diagnosed with the Omnicron variant usually have mild to no symptoms and do not need to undergo treatment at the hospital as well as to preserve the capacity of the public health system for critical cases.
• However, if the patient's symptoms worsen during Home Isolation or Community Isolation, the officials will immediately coordinate the transfer of patients to the hospital so they can receive proper medical attention.
• Subsequently, patients with a positive result from the ATK test with symptoms or risk factors such as other underlying medical conditions are to be sent to the hospital for treatment, the criteria for which is as follows:
- Fever exceeding 39 Celsius for more than 24 hours;
- For adults, having rapid breathing of 25 times or more per minute;
- Low blood oxygen level (less than 94 per cent);
- Belonging to high-risk groups with underlying medical conditions; and
- For children, difficulty breathing, drowsiness, lesser intake of food/milk.
• In the case of a negative result from the ATK test, there will be further consideration of whether the patient has symptoms or not. If the symptoms are present, a repeat PCR test is required to check the results once again. • However, if there are no symptoms present, it is necessary to consider the risk from past contacts. If there is a history of close contact in high-risk areas, self-quarantine and ATK self-check for every 3 days or when symptoms are present is required. If the result turns 'positive', contact NHSO.
• For those who are not in high-risk areas, self-quarantine is not mandatory, but it is required to follow the DMHT measures, which includes social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands, and checking body temperature before entering different locations.
Source: CCSA and PRD Thai Government