The National Vaccine Institute is inviting the public who have already gotten their second COVID-19 dose at least three months ago to get a booster dose to protect themselves from the disease.
According to the studies of COVID-19 vaccination across the world, every type of COVID-19 vaccine can reduce the rate of severe illness, hospitalization, and death from the disease.
None of the COVID-19 vaccines is 100% effective at protecting people from getting infected with the virus because, after we get a vaccination, the immunity in our body will naturally decrease, though slowly. It is necessary for the public to get a booster dose, especially during the spread of the mutant variants of the virus.
The institute is advising that, besides getting a vaccination, the public should also follow the normal prevention measures by wearing masks, washing hands, and keeping a proper distance from others to help control the spread of the virus and reduce the chance of the virus mutation.
Source: สถาบันวัคซีนแห่งชาติ (The National Vaccine Institute)