Srettha revealed that he has extended the invitation to the Russian President during his meeting with him on Tuesday, October 17th. The two country leaders met for the first time during the 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Corporation in Beijing, China."The President of Russia himself enjoys visiting Phuket, and he travels there regularly," Srettha revealed to Thai media. "I have extended an invitation for him to visit Thailand next year, and he responded with a gracious 'ขอบคุณครับ (thank you)."Furthermore, the Thai PM highlighted that Thailand has welcomed over a million Russian tourists this year. He further mentioned that his Cabinet has recently granted approval for an extension of the visa-free stay period for Russian visitors, extending it from 30 to 90 days, to boost the Russian travels during the high season.The Prime Minister also attended a dinner hosted by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who chaired the forum.
torsdag 19 oktober 2023
Russian President Vladimir Putin Invited to Thailand by Thai Prime Minister. Srettha revealed that he has extended the invitation to the Russian President during his meeting with him on Tuesday, October 17th. The two country leaders met for the first time during the 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Corporation in Beijing, China. - TPN National News
Russian President Vladimir Putin Invited to Thailand by Thai Prime Minister
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