tisdag 25 januari 2022

In the last World Health Organisation report into road deaths in Southeast Asia and Asia, it probably won’t come as a surprise to learn that Thailand came top. The Thaiger

Death of Bangkok doctor on zebra crossing highlights danger of Thai roads – again

In the last World Health Organisation report into road deaths in Southeast Asia and Asia, it probably won't come as a surprise to learn that Thailand came top. According to the 2018 report, the kingdom had an average of 32.7 deaths per 100,000 people. This compares to 26.4 in Vietnam and 23.6 in Malaysia, followed by Myanmar (19.9), Cambodia (17.8), Laos (16.6), Timor-Leste (12.7), the Philippines (12.3), Indonesia (12.2) and Singapore (2.8).

In a list of the top 10 countries with the highest number of road deaths globally, Thailand came in at number 9. The remainder were mostly African countries, according to a Nation Thailand report. A 2019 report by the Thai Health Promotion Foundation's road safety centre identified pedestrians as the most vulnerable category on Thai roads. This came to the fore last week when a woman was killed in Bangkok after being struck by a policeman on a big bike as she used a zebra crossing.

According to Nation Thailand, statistics from the Department of Highways for the period 2013 – 2017 show that on average, 55 out of 100 accidents involved pedestrians being hit by drivers coming from the opposite direction. The report also found that 40 out of 100 accidents were caused by dangerous overtaking.

Meanwhile, the Digital Government Development Agency says Thailand reported around 20,000 road deaths in the period from 2014 to 2017. Of those, 740 were pedestrians.

"Most of those killed were teenagers aged 15 to 19, followed by people aged 50 to 69. Most of the accidents were caused by motorcycles, followed by cars and trucks."

SOURCE: Nation Thailand

Domestic tourism stimulus scheme gets 9-billion-baht budget approval for phase 4 | Thaiger

Domestic tourism stimulus scheme gets 9-billion-baht budget approval for phase 4

The government's domestic tourism stimulus scheme enters phase 4 from February, with Cabinet approving a 9-billion-baht budget. "We Travel Together' (Rao Tiew Duay Kan) will run until July, according to a government spokesperson. According to a Thai PBS World report, participants can benefit from a 40% discount on hotel rates, up to a maximum of 3,000 baht a night and a total of 10 room nights. There are 2 million room nights available under the scheme.

In the latest phase of the scheme, the number of reduced air fare entitlements has been reduced to 600,000, as the government says not all entitlements were used last time. Officials say the purpose of the scheme is to encourage Thais to holiday at home, spending their cash to help tour operators and hotels that have struggled financially as a result of the pandemic.

Following controversy over both tourism operators and customers abusing the scheme, the Tourism Authority of Thailand is clamping down, instructed by Cabinet to increase measures to prevent fraud.

Meanwhile, the government's tour package stimulus scheme has cut the number of entitlements from 1 million to 200,000 due to lukewarm response. In response to a TAT proposal, the Tour Tiew Thai programme has had its funding cut from 5 billion baht to 1 billion.

SOURCE: Thai PBS World

Danmark tror på tillfällig flockimmunitet. Det säger Tyra Grove Krause på SSI i en skriftlig kommentar till TV 2. Förklaringen är att det i dagsläget finns en utbredd coronasmitta i samhället, men också en omfattande vaccintäckning. Det kommer i sin tur leda till att smittotalen sjunker eftersom det blir svårare för coronaviruset att hitta personer att infektera, säger Grove Krause. Hon understryker dock att befolkningsimmuniteten inte är bestående, eftersom varken vaccin eller infektion ger livslång immunitet. SVT Nyheter

Danmark tror på tillfällig flockimmunitet

Den danska smittskyddsmyndigheten Statens Serum Institut (SSI) tror att landet uppnår så kallad befolkningsimmunitet mot coronaviruset inom de närmaste veckorna. Det säger Tyra Grove Krause på SSI i en skriftlig kommentar till TV 2.

Förklaringen är att det i dagsläget finns en utbredd coronasmitta i samhället, men också en omfattande vaccintäckning. Det kommer i sin tur leda till att smittotalen sjunker eftersom det blir svårare för coronaviruset att hitta personer att infektera, säger Grove Krause.

Hon understryker dock att befolkningsimmuniteten inte är bestående, eftersom varken vaccin eller infektion ger livslång immunitet.

- Det betyder att viruset inte försvinner utan kan skapa nya vågor, när det finns tillräckligt många som kan bli smittade, och när villkoren för smittspridning är bättre, till exempel under vinterhalvåret.

SSI räknar också med att det kan komma nya varianter som danskarna har sämre skydd mot.

En variant av omikron, kallad BA.2, sprids snabbt och står redan för mer än hälften av alla fall. Det är oklart i vilken grad de som tidigare smittats av BA.1-varianten är skyddade mot att smittas av BA.2.

Den förväntade flockimmuniteten ser ut att sammanfalla med den nedgång i smittspridningen som troligen ändå skulle ha inträffat under vår och sommar.

Jan Pravsgaard Christensen, professor i immunologi vid Köpenhamns universitet, säger att den ändå kan få betydelse för utvecklingen under resten av året.

- Även om viruset går i dvala på grund av vädret så kommer det att gå ännu mer i dvala för att det har svårt att överleva i en mycket immun befolkning. Det betyder också att höst- och vintermånaderna kommer att starta på en lägre nivå, säger han till TV2.

New Chonburi Covid19 cases drop to 314, 2 new deaths - The Pattaya News

New Chonburi Covid19 cases drop to 314, 2 new deaths


  • 314 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Chonburi today

  • 522 people recovered and were released from medical care

  • Two new deaths

The Chonburi Department of Public Health announced 314 new and confirmed cases of Covid-19 today with two new deaths, January 25th, 2022.

This makes a total of 14,948 cases of Covid-19 in the current round of infections, with 4,580 people still under medical care/supervision, and with a total of 17 recorded deaths in Chonburi since the start of this recent round of infections at the beginning of this year, January 2022.

Additionally, 522 people were also released and recovered yesterday in Chonburi. 10,351 people in total have now been released from medical care and recovered in Chonburi since this current wave of Covid-19 began at the beginning of this year, January 2022.

Two people were listed as being in serious condition in Chonburi currently, either on a ventilator or pneumonia.They both were double vaccinated. According to the Chonburi Department of Public Health, the vast majority of recent cases are mild or asymptomatic.

Two new deaths were the average age of 68 with personal health problems and pre-existing conditions. Both of them were double vaccinated.

In total, 1,939,909 people in Pattaya and Chonburi have received their first dose of a Covid -19 vaccine which is 83.29 percent of the total Chonburi population. Of those, 300,951 have received their first dose and are what the Thai government calls 608 groups (elders, have chronic health problems, and pregnant) which is 81.35 percent of those in these risk groups in Chonburi.

The district-level new cases were as follows today:

Mueang Chonburi 47, Si Racha 79, Banglamung (Pattaya) 91, Panat Nikhom 4, Sattahip 44, Ban Bueng 5, Phan Thong 14, ฺBor Thong 1, Nong Yai 1, and 28 people transferred from other provinces for medical care.

The details on the cases are as follows:

  1. Work and stayed in Rayong, transferred from other provinces for medical care, 19 cases
  2. Cluster, Kimball Electronic company in Si Racha, 4 cases
  3. Risky occupations meeting many people, 15 cases
  4. 5 medical personnel
  5. Back from other provinces 4 cases from Bangkok, Kanchanaburi, Phuket, and Samut Prakan
  6. Close contacts from previously confirmed cases in families – 97 cases, in workplaces –56 cases, close personal contacts – 21 cases, and joined a party – 2 cases
  7. Close contacts of a confirmed patient (under investigation), 13 cases
  8. 78 cases , close contacts of a confirmed patient (under investigation)

🔴 #COVID19 update on Tuesday: ⬇️ 6,718 new cases ⬇️ 12 deaths. Richard Barrow

Experten: Så ska du tänka kring snabbtester. SVT Nyheter

"Ett negativt antigentest ska man inte lita på" – Hör överläkaren Jan Albert om hur du ska tänka när du tar ett antigentest Foto: SVT/TT

Experten: Så ska du tänka kring snabbtester


Snabbtester säljs som aldrig förr runt om i landet. Men går det att lita på provsvaren? Nja, bedömer Jan Albert, professor i smittskydd vid Karolinska Institutet. 

Den som testar positivt för covid-19 kan vara rätt säker på att den har corona, oavsett om den använt ett antigentest eller pcr-test, anser Jan Albert, professor i smittskydd vid Karolinska Institutet.

Vid ett negativt provsvar är dock inte snabbtesterna särkilt tillförlitliga.

– En stor andel testar negativt trots att de är infekterade, säger professorn.

Har man symtom så bör man därför följa Folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer för smittade, även om testet visar negativt, bedömer han.

Men när är det bäst att testa sig för ett så tillförlitligt svar som möjligt? Det svarar Albert på i videon här ovan.