An average of 7,631 Thais, aged under 14, died each year from 2017 to 2020 from illnesses and non-illness related causes, according to the Institute for Population and Social Research of Mahidol University.
In an open letter, issued by staff at the institute, they asked all sectors of Thai society to give top priority to the safety of children and youth in the aftermath of the mass killings in Nong Bua Lam Phu province last Thursday.
Citing public health statistics from 2017-2000, the institute said that 19,304 children aged from new born to four years, 4,545 children aged 5-9 and 6,766 children aged 10-14, have died from illnesses and non-illness related, or an average of 7,631 per year.
Of these fatalities, it said that 2,203 children, from new born to four years, and 5,612 children, aged 5-14, died in accidents and from other non-illness related causes.
The fatality rate among Thai children from causes other than illnesses has made quite a few people question whether Thai society is safe for children, noted the staff at the institute.
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